He is right you know

He is right you know.

Attached: Tariq.jpg (606x481, 60K)

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based and redpilled nig

Wtf I like Tariq now

For once he is.
Fuck him just the same.

Most black guys I know hate illegals, and most don't vote. So there's that.

>name one single...
More blue votes faggot

Did I jump timelines again?

It is real... wow. Credit to Tariq.


Attached: 1007546151038.webm (640x640, 2.78M)

Dumb ass nog.Voting against immigration doesn't stop it from happening.

He has some dumbass justifications for his black nationalism, but blacks are right to look after their own interests, so it's all good as long as they wake up to (((who))) is benefitting from their votes.