The British state kills British babies against the will of their mothers, in order to use them as fuel

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It wouldn’t be so if the mother was mudslim

What the fuck
Also abortion is child sacrifice to Moloch

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>We have to protect the privacy rights of the baby
>Which we're going to abort

it was just banter

Problem OPEC?

This shit is literally fake news. Stop posting it. The Court of Protection is involved because she is quite literally retarded and not capable of making decisions for herself.

>because of my age
So it's an underage pregnancy. Abort the fuck out of it, I don't give a shit. She's either a shitskin or she has a shitskin in the oven.

You say that, but forget that those aborted "shitskin" babies still fuel Moloch.

Post proofs you British cuck.

She's underage, the state is forcing her to get an abortion because she's not a legal adult.

Big if true.

So? Seems her parents are willing to help her. As long as she’s not a burden on the state, the state has no right to tell her to do that (morally at least).

Still disgusting

Good shit. An abortion a day keeps the population at bay.

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>She's either a shitskin or she has a shitskin in the oven.
If she were a shitskin or it were mixed race they wouldn't be forcing an abortion.

You should go back in time and abort your great grandparents

The fact the state has the option to tell you ‘don’t be hazy, bin that baby’ makes my stomach turn. What happens when they start making decisions based on income, housing situation or even race quotas? I don’t like this one bit.

The state should remove all retard babies. This is pretty much standard practice in my country. I don't want to help support some quasi mongoloid, nor do the rest of the tax payers.

Nip the retard in the bud.

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This, it is probably white girl with white baby.

Reddit is the new fakenews center. Bunch of sjw's larp as victims or Jow Forums trolls make up even crazier stories than what you've just posted.

giving birth to a human potato is awful for all involved, I fully agree with you. However it doesn’t seem the case here. The state has told a citizen to yeetus that foetus and prevented anyone from talking about it. If that doesn’t turn your blood to ice you need to read it again.

Where going to kill your baby and make it illegal for you to talk about it, Did 1984 even get this bad ?

Glad not all of you brits are fags. I’d be horrified at what the future is going to bring if I was you.

If I was the doctor, I'd just leave the stupid bitch to die.

>reddit mods
>reddit mods
>dick cheese
>reddit mods
>reddit mods
>wrongthink police

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shut the fuck up white knight cucks, single mothers are scum and will be dealt with accordingly

Can’t tell if bitter virgin or troll. Also, where does it say the father of the child won’t be involved?

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Rubbish, girls of 14 & 15 have babies regularly and no-one takes the babies away if there is family support, spent time in midwifery. Yes I'm a female, not a weird male. No, I'm not in London & I'm pretty old, so no tits.

>Can’t tell if bitter virgin or troll.
Neither, single mothers are scum who drain resources from everyone else and mostly raise dysfunctional children. These are facts.
>Also, where does it say the father of the child won’t be involved?
Learn to read between the lines, she was very careful to only mention that her parents supported her which means one of these;

1) she doesn't know who the father is
2) the father is an adult and should be prosecuted for having sex and impregnating a minor
3) the father is also a child and is unfit to do anything

she is a future single mother, the child should be aborted

Actually kill your self. The child has done nothing wrong, should be brought to term and addopted or cared for by the parents of the mother. Abortion should be a last resort used only in a time of dire conciquences to mother or infant should nature take it’s course. Eat an ass, you make the rest of us look bad.

shut up cucky, adoption is degenerate nonsense for people who can't reproduce themselves

They're forcing the abortion of a white child so that it can be burned in incinerators to provide power.

I'll repeat that


In any normal country, this would cause riots. Instead, we get bongs defending this.
The state of bongland at this point..

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Actually a nigger. Hope you break your neck getting out of bed.

Wow dude, that makes it much better. Fucking amerimutt.

She apparently has some unspecified health issues as well, which is the main reason for them forcing the abortion.

Still pretty fucked when the state forces a woman to get an abortion.

This is either tied to a Rotherham scandal or some sort of pizzagate thing. There's no reason to keep this all hushed up.

Or maybe she has a retardo kid and the state is telling her to abort rather than carry a fucking potato to term.

Which is why there's a press blackout? The only retard tied to this story is you.

>Believing entire story based on a fucking leddit story
Clever man.

Nope, I believe the story due to Alphie Evans and Ashya King.

You mean both that were heavily reported? Man you're a retard, also both cases the doctors were in the right. Your iq really does limit you to toilet cleaning.

It takes a real cretin to not realise that they want to avoid another public scandal like previously. But go ahead and support the genocide of white people, your country is fucked beyond repair.

At this point I am inclined to believe almost any dystopian nightmare story from bong land.

yeah i agree with this guy. it is either a coverup for other nefarious shit or this has become protocol and she is not the first... either way something is haywire.

you dont solve fucked up situations by equally fucked up acts. these little girls are pumped with demeaning and dehumanizing propaganda and are selling their souls in the process. murdering the unborn baby to reduce cost and prevent fucked up situations baeed on irresponsible acts only breeds more irresponsibility and degeneracy, not to mention it is fucking wrong to murder babies.

the state wielding this kind of power is fucked up too. there is so much wrong with this whole affair. apparently to retards like you being against state enforced euthanasia is white knighting.

It takes a bigger cretin to believe the press was shutting it down when in both of those cases they reported it like no tomorrow. Better than your country by a milestone in literally every aspect.
Basing your view on any country going by Jow Forums is retarded, considering this place is a step above the onion when it comes to credibility.

Every time the UK does something ultra fucked up, half the Brits jump to defend it. By 2020 we’ll be seeing state enforced homosexuality and castration of white males defensed by them because “whiteness and masculinity cause most of our problems!”. No shit, I honestly think at least half the brits on here would defend that.

She should just say the father is a black Muslim.

>implying the state isn’t already immasculating boys and indoctrinating children to accept trannies and gays.
Brittan is lost, no hope and no future. Just bomb us.

The law is designed, in spirit, supposedly, to protect the welfare of the mother and child.
How is aborting her baby against her own will going to affect her mentally I wonder?

100% she is white and the child is white. The state of Britain in 2018 would not under any circumstances force a shitskin to get an abortion. They would literally be screaming bloody murder about racial eugenics and and the court being guilty of a hate crime. Upper levels of government would instantly intervene.

yes, good goy

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Man, shit is getting scary...

source? can't spread it without a source


They did it to a black boy a few months ago stands to reason Jow Forums wouldn’t have noticed, we kill babies of all races

Nope. This is so fucked that even Orwell never conceived of it.

That's not how this works Sandra. Let us see them see old milkers


>Brits defending the ability of the state to force abortions on people
mfw I have no face

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Fire up those twatters boys.

No one is defending this.

You guys have no idea how bad the uk family court system is.

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>When you make a statement in a thread that can be disproved by simply scrolling up a two dozen posts or so

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NPC's aren't people.

>muh NHS tho

Seems to be the (((judge))) making the final decision.

The UK is dead and has been for a long time. Even if Brexit happens, it's not going to fix the internal
cultural and legal rot that has set in.

what is the baby daddy's race?

Haha fucking based

Show us those flapjacks me-maw.

>Family passport

Hang on, that doesn't sound right.

I had my own passport even as a kid; anybody know what the current sitch is for childrens passports in the UK?

Imma google it of course, it just doesn't sound right.

Aaaaand after a cursory google, apparently "family passports" do not actually exist.

Children have to have their own documentation when travelling abroad.

I fucking hate this country, it is literally beyond redemption. I hope that some kind country gives us the nuclear holocaust we rightly deserve.

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Pork eating cunt go prep Abdul haha

Right, so by implying that you don't eat pork, that'd make you either a Mohammedan, a Kike, or an Abd

So, are you a Pedo, a Reptilian baby-eater, or one of those wogs that doesn't eat pork because his ancestors got raped by Arabs?

White cracka motherfucker, we're taking your women

>falling for bait like that
hang your head in shame, m8

Haha yeah hang your head in shame while you prep the bull

No, but it means when we decide to murder our entire political class in an orgiastic carnival of pent-up savagery, that they won't be able to call in foreign soldiers who will fire on us without sentiment.

Didn't even answer my perfectly civil, straightforward question.

Do you lads not know what you are?

Are you confused?

>you need to be international press becuase UK media can't report on the case

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blacker than you, dave

>forcing the abortion.
Why the fuck can you force medical procedures on anyone? It's illegal even in my country. You can always refuse ANY medical procedure unless you are mentally unfit to make decision (braindead, retarded etc.). Even if she is underage, her parents (legal guardians) support her decision. What the fuck bongs?

You say she’s underaged. Someone else says she’s a retard. What’s the truth?

disgusting 1984 tier shit, feel like leaving the country to collapse in on itself desu.

>my mum and dad support me
If her dad supported her, he would be buying guns from his paki neighbour so when the day comes that they try to abduct his daughter, he shoots every government personnel until they send in the SAS to snipe him

Occasional shil for

Good goys doing god's work
best news and analysis, put the whole MSM to shame

>Why the fuck can you force medical procedures on anyone?
Anglosphere is Jewish clay.

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ukcolumn is great. sometimes they are off, but they care and when they are right, they nail it. their coverage of carol woods, john wedger, and particularly chief constable mike veale and the investigation he oversaw of edward heath exposed some mindblowingly fucked up shit.

The subject should still be able to talk about it

sorry, this post was meant for you

What? The Court of Protection only gets involved in cases where the recipients lack the mental capacity to make decisions by themselves. So, this mother must be mentally retarded. That child will grow up in a single mother household with a mentally challenged mother - thus, if true, I see nothing wrong with this decision. If you are a Nazi and don't support this decision then you are a hypocrite.

Of course, Moloch ain't gonna feed himself.

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I second this sentiment

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what did they say about john wedger?