Jow Forums They Do Not Represent Us

They are what you guys would call niggers.
They are an embarassment to myself, as a black man, and to all hardworking black people.
Only criminals and lowlifes support these niggers that are setting race relations even moreso than Obama did.
Black people do not support Don Lemon, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, or Eric Holder.
Do not ever forgive these niggers that are following their jewish masters' orders.
They are supported my marxist jews and brainwashed liberals.

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i hate niggers like my fellow nazi magapedes

Well vote them out then


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we know

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Yeah yeah, we already know all this shit.
I still don't want to live next door to you.


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holy fuck this guy keeps earning my vote over and over

Black people only are less than 15% of the population and out of that only 10% might vote. The people that are voting them in are the the marxists and liberals which just happens to be jews, who vote in mass, and brainwashed whites.
The black vote really has never and will never swing any major election. Every conscious black man that runs against any of the nigger jew puppets are crushed by their money machine.

don't post it here. Jam it into your community's head.

Papa Trump

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sadly blacks like you are a minority. the vast majority of blacks in the USA are staunch democrat voters.

Thats true, Nazis dint kill black people, they killed other white people hahah

sieg heil my nigga can u fuck mein wifen?

Not offended at all. Would rather live in a black neighborhood myself, just not a nigger infested project.

You really need to listen to the great one and what he says about racemixing.

Man you dumb. Hitler didn't even start the war.

There are a lot of us that feel the same way that attend church. The problem is with the niggers that listen to rap music and mimic the crap they see on television.

How much of that problem would you attribute to a lack of fathers in the household?

Where did it all fuck up...

Most of us real national socialist know the jewish parasite tries to enflame racial tensions between whites and blacks. Lots of black christians are generally the brain washed culprits following jewish agendas and marxism.

I got your back man, we'll repair our races and strong as gentiles again. No need to go to war with each other when the real threat and enemy is the jewish race and it always was.

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Hip-hop collab about the joys of brutalizing women when? We can pit the feminists against the niggers my dood.

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100%. My father beat the living daylights out my brothers and I growing up. That made us responsible and we all owe it to him for being responsible men today. If I ever have sons, I will beat them as my father beat me if they get out of line. Discipline is important and only a father can instill that.

I never realized how much jewish people were involved with enslaving my race until I stumbled upon Jow Forums. I didn't believe it until I took the time to read about it myself and I am now better at seeing the difference between jews and whites. I can't tell the difference all the time, but my eyes are open now unlike before.