We the Brown People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect, racially representative Union, establish Social Justice, insure domestic Tranquility and Transsexuality, provide for the common defence against gun shootings, promote the general Welfare for all jobless, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Communist Constitution for the United States of Brown America.
Once Texas Is Blue, The USA Is Ours
Texas is going to vote democrat in 5-10 years. R.I.P. in piece US
>we the brown people
ah yes
>Faggots in Austin, DFW, Houston, and Canada apparently think Texas will ever turn blue
Nice larp jidf.
I hope every gun-owner in Texas turns up at the border to bring back the severed head of a Honduran to his family.
The Celts believed that if you took a man's head in battle, his soul would be your slave in the Otherworld.
Keep painting yourself blue. Mexicuck. Your invading hoards are gonna get shoah'd at the border soon.
Obama is a fucking nigger and Un-American
Only 33% of babies born in Texas are non-hispanic white. Democrat Texas is only a matter of time, and once that happens, US will die. I'd hate to be dropping blackpills but it's ogre
Mexican American's aren't niggers, there are a lot of conservative beaners.
but you are so ugly omg
True but when those right-wing men produce Latina daughters they grow up to be as bluepilled as they are slutty
only thing you'll have that is blue is your dog like gums.
based on the last election it wont matter as much as you think because northern midwestern states are turning red
Mexicans vote overwhelmingly democrat
I admit, that's a white pill. Republicans are becoming the white people's party, which means that more and more whites vote for them. I don't know if it's enough to make up for Texas turning blue tho (isn't Florida about to flip too?)
Brown people are becoming more and more conservative. What are you babbling about?
Even conservative brownies vote democrat
What's really sad is that even when Dems destroy the places they govern, the idiots there keep voting Dems forever.
Even in the leftiest State in Australia we still have Conservative governments every time the leftards screw up and run out of money.
Wrong buddy. We all vote fucking Democrat.
Texas falling for feels. Goodbye world.
You have one little problem, Rabbi. We know what you are up to.
good chance it's a shit skin honestly. anyone up here who cheers the destruction of a commonwealth nation will be killed with fire.