You can't join the lemoyne raiders and get drunk and sing dixie's land together

>you can't join the lemoyne raiders and get drunk and sing dixie's land together

what kind of of punk new yorker shit is this

Attached: Red-Dead-Redemption-2-Gang-Hideouts-Locations-Guide.jpg (620x349, 91K)

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>outlaw who robs and murders folks for literal pennies

>chastise an old man who at once had an occupation bringing back slaves

now i'm one who even believes that black men should be free, and i believe that the latest trend of nigger rap and culture is a plague that demeans and coerces blacks into a life of crime and welfare on the democratic plantation, but this smacks of hypocrisy

Redpill, Marston is the only good one of the bunch, he ends up killing them all.

I'm only on chapter 2 at the moment, but the only characters who sound like they have a shred of intelligence are minorities, like that half black half indian dude is pretty much the only cunt that doesnt sound like he eats gravel and knocks himself out with a kettle for breakfast.

It's a good game idiot. Don't nitpick what you can't do. Remember, rockstar is pretty based but it isn't just all white people working there. And they gotta sell the game, and as a business it's not good to appeal to one group who ostracized everyone else. Get over it dude, go kill some blacks and hookers and calm down.

yeah, i know. i like it a lot. just seems like opportunities wasted, i enjou the shit out of the game, feels like a western movie like tombstone. just wish there was a little more "dangerous territory", you know?

lenny and charles are good characters. lenny is a fucking bro, looking to prove himself, and charles is a ride or die hardass. they're honestly the best characters in camp, besides dutch's voice actor.

it's a shit game go suck a nigger's cock, poof


based and redpilled