When did you realise that you're in a cult?

When did you realise that you're in a cult?

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The thought has came to me, but Trumpers don't ostracize you/obliterate you for interacting with people outside their movement -- the left does.

If you keep criticizing dear leader you don't get to have any coolaid.

>Trump is always right and making 5D chess moves that sometimes we don't always understand at the time, just trust him
>fuck off ShareBlue/shills, i see through your 3 year long raid of Jow Forums!
>a-at least the liberals are triggered
>/ptg/, r/the_donald
>the media are all liars! FAKE NEWS!
hmm... it's fucking eerie how this unironically fits

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nov 8th 2016

sage in all fields boys

I disagree with pretty much all of POTUS stances on israel, yet I still think that he is the best option for the time. What does your dearly beloved cnn tell you that you disagree with or even question?

CNN only reports the news, they can't help if objective facts hurt people's feelings.

Cult of kek fuck drumpf

somebody edit this to a rabbi and change republican with israeli

Fuck off and die cancer.

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