Communist Jew flips out and throws chocolate milk on "Nazis" (people who aren't communists)

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Jews are scared and all working together.

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wow she's getting destroyed by the crowd

>Chocolate milk
Who doesn't like chocolate milk ?

>11 of my people are dead
And they have the nerve to say communism isn't a jewish movement.

Moore = Ashkenazi name

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Throw this shit to me and I'll show you why holocaust isn't resuired
to get rid of you rat kikes


This certainly is the end times.

And by the way, I'd fuck her.

>that sign kick

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christian street preacher shows up and begins openly preaching on college campus
>people splash their drinks at him
communist student becgins openly preaching on college campus
>in soviet russia, preacher throws drinks at you!

We need to start physically beating people who do shit like this.

the jew cries out in pain as it strikes you

gas the kikes

The kikes know what's coming. They know the list of their many crimes is long. And once the general public is able to see it, Jews will be flooding back to the desert where they belong.

If this were a movie, the football coach would have seen that kick and hurried to draft her as his new kicker.
I'd pay to watch that desu

I can deal with people throwing liquids at me, aside bodily fluids. That's a form of biological weapon that can spread communicable diseases. Anyone that spits on me is getting fist to their face.

communism and capitalism are both just 2 weak ideologies for goyim to follow. she is a kike, she doesnt "follow communism" what she does is she "likes the part of judaism that is the basis for communism"; there is a distinct difference but for a goy that is never informed about this there is no knowing.
Judaism is the political paradigm; communism and capitalism are on either side of that paradigm; there is no choice but a third choice.

Capitalism is a made up word coined by "Marx" to demonize the right to own a business. It literally means private ownership of the means of production.

That was a pretty smooth exit no lie

Never tasted right. Rather drink vanilla milk.


>uses the term my people

she prob went off & beat up a litter bin after that too

I like both MIXED TOGETHER actually

Chocolate milk is bloody milk from cows with ulcerated udders, it's too pink to sell so they mix chocolate in to cover it up. Just be sure to buy regular milk and then mix in your own chocolate syrup or powder.

>a nazi was just elected in brazil
ummmm no sweetie

What a retarded bitch.

criminally underrated

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This person is mentally ill. Doesn’t America have a way to help sick people?

I always make my own, chocolate & vanilla with a bit of covfefe for that extra kick.

mentally ill people are easier to manipulate

>And by the way, I'd fuck her.
Have some standards, dude.

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Look at these american betas not knocking her the fuck out.
This country is so cucked, even had a legal reason to after the coffee.

Bring back lobotomies!

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notice the supreme sense of superiority, the sanctimony, and almost complete lack of humility? i know a few of these ones. they have developed in a bubble, in an extremely important crystallizing and formative age for young women. she has the fervor of a fundamentalist, with its own founding story, mode of salvation, and even a vague eschatology. it is immanent, a materialistic inversion of Christianity.

that young lady is a true believer. a large majority of them though do very little for their neighbor and community. this can come off as a shock to some, but it is true. these zealots really do ~feel~ they are saving the world. it is a bubble they live in which is heavy on abstractions of reality and ideals, but with very little action.

im beginning to firmly believe that there is an overriding preternatural intelligence behind much of this, that has guided the minds of millions down a selected path.

She should clean her room.

thats a foregone conclusion

Oh so my thread wasent cool enough

I found the victims social media but she has not named the suspect and probably wont unless the police release the info

Yeah but she should do it with a feather duster, wearing a Benny Hill style French maid's outfit, bent 90 degrees at the waist, with a surprised yet alluring expression.

And then the bare bottom spanking

It looks like she could have a nice body under there, but her walk was complete butch. Her black gay orbiter had a more feminine walk.

she's cute and needs a good dicking by some Aryan cock. I like how she kicks the placard in frustration because she lost an argument and to her credit, she didn't start screeching like some of the other triggered feminist's we have seen.

Based communist destroying Liberals and fascists.

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that's a good argument user

I think we all know that the real crime here is the senseless wasting of choccy milk.

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and the black garter and stockings. they are key

>It literally means private ownership of the means of production.
Well then it wasn't made up was it?

he loves his buddy. apu is great. my favorite is the batatoes sack

Michael Moore isn't Jewish. Loads of Moore's in England and Ireland and his ancestors are from there. No idea where the false label of Jewish comes from, it seems like it's just to fit the narrative, but it just degrades your point. A lot of these types are Jewish, but he isn't.

Claim dairy allergy
Sue for murder attempt

Someone gif that as an I’m out gif or something. That perfect kick can’t go to waste


We just called making it illegal to own businesses tyranny before that. It's also fucking retarded from an economic point of view.

Meme into reality pls

I was hoping a big dude with chocolate milk on them was going to shout “ahhh did you just throw acid on me?!?” and running clothesline her into a reality check

"Before" that it was feudalism. Also, private property is tyranny. Capitalism is tyranny of the bourgeois, socialism is tyranny of the proletariat, communism is tyranny of no-one.

Or claim to be a vegan and punch her.

Just report them to the police for assault and sue them in court personally for your costs.

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Got to say that was a pretty impressive kick, what was that sign made out of? feathers?

And the Benny Hill music when the Rumpy Pumpy starts and she cries "oh mister it hurts so good"

>Tyranny is when the government DOESN'T confiscate everyones property

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you guys and the fallacy of some sort of eschatological progression towards utopia. creeps me the fuck out

probably the board was corrugated plastic and two plastic poles did not sound like metal when it landed

Don't waste your time, Jow Forums thinks that every name that ends in -berg or -stein is jewish too.

and the sped up camera and goofy slide whistle sound effects.

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when is it legal to hit people?

Wow, spot on would never have thought of that.

>Tyranny is when the workers aren't forced to have every aspect of their lives controlled by a small group of insanely powerful individuals that restrict everyone's access to things they need produce other things

Marxism isn't utopian. Its explicitly anti-utopian, as Engles outlined in "Socialism: Utopian and Scientific".

shut the fuck up faggot

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Jow Forums basics

>Who we are against.
>What we do. What we want.
White supremacist,Nazi,Alt-right among others are just labels given to those who speaks for white people and to those whites who want to preserve their culture,heritage & identity. So situation is like -Die or be the "bad guy"

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Id doink Daria.

The corrugated plastic is what let it keep riggid and sort of act like a airfoil and get that 5 feet of glide on the way down

>spend hours watching these youtube video!

As a nerdasexual i'd do Dario and Meg Griffin and this girl


Most of them are dipshit

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

Why are people letting them get away with saying it was a nationalist that shot up the synagogue? It was a progressive anti israel guy.

I expect better.

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This is someone watching their religious world collapse around them

How much political theory have you studied?

Nice assault caught on video
Press charges with the local police

You inbred Nazi bastards spend most of your time grazing fast food, engaging in beastality, shooting up schools, fucking with underage kids. #FuckWhitePeople

Mad, Kike?


We're far scarier than Jews.

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Critical theory isn't political theory you retarded fucking commie. Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

ps: only ever drink chocolate milk you make yourself. if it comes straight from the dairy it's made from "dark" batches of milk.

spot on post

>instantly walks away
what a fucking coward holy shit i hate people like this
sneak attack and then leave

fucking pussies, shit

What are you on about "critical theory"? I'm not talking about that. Critical theory also can be political theory if its applied to politics dummy.


Me too

>Sargon's a fascist
Holy shit kys already. He's a liberal that the "alt-right" constantly picks on you retarded faggot. Communists are the dumbest god damned people on the planet. Your fucking stupidity is the number one reason you're going to be physically removed.

I didn't say Sargon is a fascist, though I consider him no better than one. Fascism is an extreme form of capitalism that aims to defend itself from collapse through imperialism and corporatism. Sargon aids this, therefore, he is an enemy.

Wtf is with these german shills

>Fascism is capitalism
God damn you're a fucking retard. Lurk moar you dumb mother fucker.

You're an idealist detached from reality. It is capitalism you dumb fuck. There's nothing that characterizes it as different.

"Fascism is not only a military-technical category. Fascism is the bourgeoisie’s fighting organisation that relies on the active support of Social-Democracy. Social-Democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism. There is no ground for assuming that the fighting organisation of the bourgeoisie can achieve decisive successes in battles, or in governing the country, without the active support of Social-Democracy. There is just as little ground for thinking that Social-Democracy can achieve decisive successes in battles, or in governing the country, without the active support of the fighting organisation of the bourgeoisie. These organisations do not negate, but supplement each other. They are not antipodes, they are twins. Fascism is an informal political bloc of these two chief organisations; a bloc, which arose in the circumstances of the post-war crisis of imperialism, and which is intended for combating the proletarian revolution. The bourgeoisie cannot retain power without such a bloc. It would therefore be a mistake to think that “pacifism” signifies the liquidation of fascism. In the present situation, “pacifism” is the strengthening of fascism with its moderate, Social-Democratic wing pushed into the forefront." - J. Stalin.

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That's the best part.

You're so weak that hyper socialism/communism sees you as more of a threat than even sargon.

You fucking pussy

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yeah with each full shaft thrust balls deep