So called white folks, go home
So called white folks, go home
Back to siberia nomadniggers
OK you first
What nation did we invade?
Where are all the injuns to kick us out right this very moment like this political cartoon shows?
Go back to Alaska, eskimo niggers.
Also what was the name of tbe injun country we supposedly stole too?
Come and make me, this land is ours now and you will never have it back
lol make us
Native Americans have zero claim to this land. They were at least the third settlers here.
They won't need to soon enough.
>this "joke"
Suck my dick so called white americans and the other so called nations who enjoy sucking their and drumpfs limp dick.
Pic related is retarded. Stopping birthright citizenship is based on the phrase "under the jurisdiction of the US" of the 14th amendment. Illegals are under the jurisdiction of their home country. So they shouldnt get birthright citizenship. On top of that the intention of the 14th was to ensure freed slaves would be treated as citizens... not to give a loophole for govt to import a bunch of brown people for slave labor and votes. Birthright citizenship is a misinterpretation of the 14th and goes against the intention of its creation. Supreme court will agree.
I like how they do this and keep putting niggers up there. Fastest growing group is :"Hispanics".
How many of them are even left?
Well, there’s a difference. The US took the land from natives by force. They fought, they lost. Libshits seem to always forget the “force” part of everything in their lives.
Listerine niggers were not even Americans until recently.
You firs- Wait. Not so many of you... But unfortunately from many aspects. You run those crooked casinos. Fire-water, feather-heads.
>future growth
We are like chinese or indians are in their nations after conquering and killing the natives
We built this forgoten land in what is today and the reason all of you are coming is for the hard work and sacrifice of more than 400 years so FUCK OF
Meme flag be meme flagging
You are coming for what we built and the fruits that we planted are enterely ours
Guy in the thumbnail is off to find some roastie skank lmao
You've been not only bred into irrelevance (most tribal chiefs are hardly even close to 100% native american) but also the tribes existing today didn't "own" even close to 100% of the land here. I doubt you "owned" even 50%. Furthermore, "ownership" normally goes beyond your beliefs which your forsaked to even get your shitty reservations which you agreed to. So go suck on a cock and continue to die off so we can take that land back and use it for actual useful shit rather than housing some ungrateful savages who cry about everything they can.
Well, uncontrolled immigration ended so well for the natives.
No real injun thinks like this. In the injun mind. The affairs of the land and the affairs of man are two separate things. To the injun, within the affairs of man, it's about 10000 years too late to get purge the shitskins and 500 years too late to gas the kikes. It is, however, better late than never.
The landlord changed, deal with it.
no one has any rightful claim to any land. it simply comes down to who is powerful enough to control it.
So they are implying even other minorities get booted out as well?
>whites come and bring civilization
>whites create law that permits people to be legally citizen just because they're born there
>whites want to retract that law
>that someway would entitle natives to that civilization
literally WE WUZ levels
The indians weren't US citizens until 1928
>Indians immigrated to the US
>Indians had no laws
>Indians sold their land
That's why I don't understand why lefties keep making this joke.
Doubtful the artist is even remotely native or shares any of the tribes' meaningful cultural traditions.
Essentially stripping away a people's history into being just another useful anti-white tool of the left.
New evidence suggests Stone Age hunters from Europe discovered America
send the mutts back to siberia or mongolia...!
The oldest DNA samples from America resemble Native Americans. There's no need to be dishonest about it, it just makes you look unintelligent.
This is the kind of shit that makes it hopeless for """white""" Americans to stay as the majority from a moral stand point. Everyone and their mother's dog can see you're on stolen land.
>US law enforced by army
Who’s gonna enforce your rules, chief running mouth?
White people ALREADY aren't born with tribal citizenship you fucking retard.
And now it's changing AGAIN.
"Might makes right" only worked when America was WASP-only, but they foolishly invited foreigners and now can never use the victim card again, which is the most powerful demographic driving force.
"""White""" Americans have to be blatantly evil and start removing people if they want USA to be white again.
Europeans don't have to be evil to do the same, because Europe always belonged to Europeans.
Fuck really? I think the years 1900-1945 is when a portal to hell opened.
>back then unlimited foreign immigration led to the destruction of majority population in the Americas that's why you should support unlimited foreign immigration now
Too late, America is a no-man's land now. The existing racial groups will have to duke it out to determine who's the dominant group.
The non-whites will keep using the victim card. White American should try to provoke them to an open race war. Letting things go slowly will only result in the non-whites gaining more ground.
>So called white folks, go home
yeah, fuck em