Do you want a 2018 California girl

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i´m not into mind-aids sorry bro

No theyre scary and they may piss me off to the point where I'd be forced to bury a baseball bat on their forehead

They’re only useful for having your cock shoved down their throat and being shot in the face afterwards.

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Would bang all and marry the one with the penis.


ew now
I want a 2018 girl (boy)

the ginger seems white.
Others are 56%

>long jaw
she's a slut

I don't like whores or sluts. I may fuck one, but I'd never commit to anything with one. No hymen = No diamond.


2018 girls all have dicks

I'm dead certain 3 of the 4 are men.
I'm guessing the 4th is as well.

muh dick if true

Certainly not.


When will men grow balls and connect to create a vast network that purges society of the fem-pestilence ?!

80+% of all females need to be purged inmho, to erradivate 99.99% of all evil off society.

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She looks like a trapped animal.
Poor thing.

Nah thats the beauty of the california girl.

These are prime grade A specimins.

like pottery

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Are those men? Look at those jaws and cheek bones.

At least two of them are Jewish or le 56% and I am certain there is upwards of one penis in that photograph.

Sorry burger, you know California was once a nice place to live.

Attached: California.jpg (1890x1173, 1.35M)

>Dyed hair
>Deserving any pity

You know in your heart that she's a degenerate. Our standards are the lowest morals we are willing to accept.

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For pet food, yeah sure why not?

If they look like this no. Iam not into STDs or cancer, neither physical or mental cancer.

Based and redpilled

I want a 2018 Californian genocide

Only, if I were a nigger or kike,then yes. Case being I'm not so, therefore, no!


california land becomes water pic related

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california is heresy

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Our nation, is in the process of flushing the fallen angels; keep the faith, the weighted heart wins the war in heaven!

Nope I don't even want a 2019 aussie girl

They're all men

Our people from the future, after we've won the war in heaven!

You're in luck you've got two more months.

Attached: Do You Dare.jpg (574x575, 251K)

Y-yeah il lose my virginity of 27 years in 2 months h-haha

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The (((Chinks))), already done that.

but they're all men LARP as females

Their only value is in pic related, anything less is pointless.

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Is that what the text in the image says?

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4 heads, zero brains, all of them think they're the most intelligent being on the planet, no doubt.
no, these idiots should all die alone and childless

begone thot

The joke was that he referred to women from the future, so I jested that he still has two months until that time.

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no, also not any other western girl,that is not a virgin.
Because it could have been blacked allready.
Don't trust what they say, only the reality matters.
Woman will say anything, that gets them what they want.

The quickest of all that is flying is the thought

God damn I want a woman that looks like Maria Orsitsch. Vril women with hair down to their fucking ankles... god damneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed

they all have penis
OP make a trick

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Okay, now THIS is a based Britpost
Follow his advice, you have to k*ll the thot after you fuck her so that you're her last, thereby getting ya dick in and culling a degenerate. Truly the position of patricians.

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Oh I get the joke
Have a pusy

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Cats always see the truth, laughter all day from our fluffed friends.

>Top pic
It's just not fair bros...

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California women are worthless pieces of shit. You better have a finance sheet listing all your holdings and investments to present to one of these "California girls" if you have plans on trying to be her boyfriend.

Those are fags, not girls
I wish none of you existed

>Dating women that choose to be retarded.
No thanks


They do look the part, yet most lezbo's go both ways,

Nah. I don't like dicks on my chicks.

They all look like kikes to me. Except the left one.

No such thing as a chick with a dick; only a dude with tits.

Yep. Just remember that our nations were like this when they call you "Nazi".

They want us to simultaneously believe that we were always culturally marxist and that our racism was and is responsible for global and intra-national racial inequality.

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Looks like at least 2/4 of that are Jewesses. Rest are mutts.
>The answer is no. DO NOT want a 2018 California girl

yes, i say many time before IS MAN NO WOMANS. But anons ignore the true and make debate abiout what one they want to funcking more.
I am sad for Jow Forums today, this never happen in golden era before reddit-boomer-fag invasion of 2015

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When the enemy who serves death, attempts to steal you right to defend goodness, then only one choice remains; smash the demons!

I grew up in Berkeley. Not everyone there is totally crazy, just a loud minority.

The absolute state of your 'Country'

I can tell you're a pole living in the UK

Something tells me these are not the California girls David Lee Roth and Katy Perry were singing about.


2nd from left is so obviously a kike

Average Californian girl looks like this?

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Most women are normal, the freak is what is pushed to the forefront.

Fucking based and Islam pilled.

The hair coloring is to wipe the woman from her covering, it's a satanic thing. 99.7% of women who use hair coloring are unaware of this!

I was hoping DPRK was going to glass that state

No, they look like girls in the pic, like visibly dirty whores. Not all of them obviously but that is the look among younger girls who’ve been victimized by mass media brainwashing

t. LA

That's the insectile's plans, anyway.