You do know this is still Obama's economy, right? Trump probably thinks all this is his doing, when in reality there's always a lag time.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-02 at 7.57.17 AM.png (986x356, 80K)

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Obama sucks and he knows it. It is divine justice he's being made to squirm.

It's Hillary I worry about. Nothing seems to break that bitch.

US economy has really been on a war-path the last couple of years.
Hopefully the trend continues and maybe even spreads to Europe.


I'm sure the deregulation of the largest banks Trump pushed through will be sure to pay off dividends any second now. Clearly everyone learned their lesson the last time so they won't fuck things up again just because we relaxed the rules a little.

For hardcore dems this will be Obama's economy until it goes down, then its blunald blumpfdsfs fault

>8 year lag time


>the deregulation of the largest banks Trump pushed through
When did that happen?

Well we know who to blame when the next recession kicks in.

Thanks for reminding us OP.

Republicans are apparently fantastic at managing the obama economy.
Better vote R on Tuesday to keep up the good work!

It didn't.

>until it goes down, then its blunald blumpfdsfs fault
Until it goes back up, then its Obamas , until it goes back down then its Drumphs, until it goes back up then its Obamas.................................

its getting insufferable having to hear about a guy that literally did nothing but hurt the country during his presidency be made a saint when he's now currently undermining the country further.

Don't be silly. We're voting 'R' for maximum salt production. Someday we'll get the actual business for wrecking those commies for good, but now tears is the best we can do.

>"this is the new normal, you cant wave a magic wand and bring it back"
>"this upswing is all my doing, i was just kidding before"
Fuck him and anyone who believes this shit.

By that logic the increase you linked in 2009 was all Bush's doing. You're silly and need to stop posting.

Probably bushes doing then

>what is fiscal policy
>what is trump cutting taxes + increase spending creating a better economic output that exceeds our potential gdp which leads to inflation faster.

Attached: 1540988265637.jpg (1238x1462, 226K)

>Tfw just got hired at a job
>Tfw contribooting to dat dere low unemployment %

Attached: 1515452976407.jpg (388x388, 39K)

Good step forward.

Only thing Obama did was drop the unemployed off the unemployment statistics like a billionaire hides profits.

>8 years economy, national confidence, identity is in the shitter
>republican gets elected
>suddenly everything starts going well
>2 years into republican’s term
>i-it was the last guy! He did all the good things!
This is how retarded you sound.

We're all gonna make it user.
As soon as I get paid, gonna go sign up for the NRA, apply for my concealed carry, and buy a gun to start practicing

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>lag time
Talking point repeated ad nauseam

We've been in a recovery cycle for 10+ years that has been accelerated in the past few years due to consumer optimism and stimulus.

There have been different well documented reasons for the cycle crashes, but this next one is most likely going to be from private debt.

Ray Dalio (big hedge fund dude) has a free book everyone should read:

Time to adopt defensive positions in your portfolios. Dump US Equities, specifically FANGs (because we don't like their bullshit anyways) and spread it out. Crypto value is stabilizing as the worry shifts towards petrodollars.

Trump needs to finish off the Dems next week so he can turn back to foreign policy and start negotiating the shit out of reordering the whole world into the future.

Civilization is paying too heavy a price for letting the children play in the sandbox.

Time to get to work

>turn back to foreign policy and start negotiating the shit out of reordering the whole world into the future
What reordering? He doesn't know how to compete with China long term.

>lag time
Yep that's it. Technical term

Holy shit if you adjust for inflation people are making an average of $2 more a week than they were last year!!! Putting that in my son's college fund. Trump 2020~

Attached: realwages.png (1822x174, 54K)

Obama's magic economy that started skyrocketing the 2nd day after Trump was elected.

which deregulation
sounds like you're parroting some third degree bullshit you don't even understand

I like how when it dipped it was Trump's economy, and now it's back up it's Obama's again lol

no Barry,
>You didn't build that

>The year is 2077.
>Obama’s economy is still booming.
>Fug Drumfh.

Bush Jr's. economy was awesome then under Obama

Duh! It's GWB's economy, idiot! Don't you know there's always a lag!?

what is he doing apart of netflix?