Has Trump began, constructing, or finished building the wall...

Has Trump began, constructing, or finished building the wall? I can't seem to find any credible article to read and he simply refers to it being worked on during his rallies.

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It wont get built and he'll always use it as political capital to say his """enemies""" are """delaying""" it.

he isn't pushing on them, always signing the budget without the wall spending. And guess what is his campaign slogan for 2020? Keep America Great Again - great without his main promise fulfilled.

meme flaggot

The caravan is a false flag to get the wall built

what kind of 1488 dimmensional thinking this is?

Not really. I'm from the UK and wanted some insight from people who live and breathe the politics over there.

I wouldnt exclude anything yet
If he has the supermajority but makes no attempt then yeah the wall was never meant to be from the start

The wall is nearly complete. Parts of it is invisible and was done in top secret. The fact is nobody knows a wall is up until spics start walking into them face first. cameras are also installed for the keks

Is it electrified?

He has repaired parts and added 16 miles more of it but that number has probably gone up by now

thread closed

he hasn't even started the wall, it's a fucking carrot on a stick that he'll use for 2020, Trump is a cunt just like every other lying politician

22 miles of fence is a great start.
LOL u must b tired of Losing

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Nope. He explicitly didn't fund it and banned all existing prototypes (but increased money to Israel of course, including maintenance of their wall). The only thing that's happening is fence work, which was approved under Obama.

lying OP . all you commie scum have is lies.
On October 26, 2006, U.S. President George W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Pub.L. 109–367) into law stating, "This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. ... On September 29, 2006 – the Fence Act passed in the Senate 80–19.

... Great start under Obama. It's his administration that approved the fence work. Trump has done nothing in regards to the border. In fact, he has done worse than nothing. He spent millions on wall prototypes during his first year, then signed a bill that explicitly bans them all from being used and declined to fund any extra work on the wall\fencing beyond what was already approved under the Obama administration.

Are you serious? There isn't going to be any fucking "wall" - a few of Drumft's mobbed-up construction pals will string up a few fences out in the middle of nowhere, charge taxpayers a few hundred billion, and melt away into the night with the money.
Bonespurs will later claim Mexico paid for it, and the trailer trash will believe him, and nobody else will.

Even if he did build the wall, they would just find a way around it. Then he would be blamed for not putting it up soon enough, or putting it up at the wrong angles.

u govt much? laws made by congress.

We just got Congress to "approve" of $1.9B funding for border-fence 'repairs'. What was proposed was $30B to start on the wall, but that was denied of course, even with a full republican majority.

Whitey is being replaced.

Same thing will happen with the "Caravans'... They will be put into the new "concentration camps" the military is setting up (yes they admitted this), then Juden-presse will manufacture outrage and say that they are inhumane treatment for a few months. Then they will be let go into the country because there's no other solution.

Enjoy your replacement Pendejos!

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In other words, Trump was not responsible. So why did you give him credit? Are you, dare I say, a liar?

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What he had a beauty pagent for the wall and already chose the design, work harder for your money shill

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Yeah what a great looking "wall". Lets see if the thing even goes up

the wall was a lie, and even if drump does build one the beans will just cut through it with a torch

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Go to bed, Joe. You sound like a fucking fag

You’re not getting the wall after he signed Omnibus and will just dangle it in front of Jow Forums‘s eyes to keep voting for him

>What he had a beauty pagent for the wall and already chose the design,
And then signed a bill that explicitly banned it, cancelling out a year's worth of work. Pay attention, brainlet.

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Somewhere between 50-75 miles worth so far, based on what was in the omnibus bill



What do you think?

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>Somewhere between 50-75 miles worth so far
Worth of fencing that was already approved long before he took office*


how exactly does one cut through a foot of concrete with a torch?

>all major obstruction of court battles won
>10% under construction
>small portion completed
>13% funded

Final Panel in Upgraded Border Fence Installed archive.is/MzAgi

Army Corps starts pre-construction work on border wall archive.is/EvfL0

Texas Wildlife Refuge Prepared for First Border Wall Segment archive.is/AcC8G

Bill allocates $1.6 billion for border wall archive.is/ja3c3

Border wall prototype anti-climb testing begins archive.is/8MlvB

DHS waives 30 environmental laws to speed border wall archive.is/rEgfY

Border wall prototypes pass tests by special forces archive.is/nJLLs

MexAm judge Trump attacked rules in favor of border wall archive.is/TdK2F

Border wall work begins in Calexico archive.is/cwYbz

Construction on San Diego section of US border wall begins archive.is/Yf3DT

Another portion of the border wall is under construction in San Diego archive.is/elEmS

Border Wall Construction Underway archive.is/69yMO

Border Wall Construction Progresses In New Mexico archive.fo/l14Mu

Contractor makes progress on new border wall in New Mexico archive.is/ysdBw

DHS unveils Trump's first completed border wall project archive.is/y7biy

Wtf, when did this happen?

Latest news.

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you mean this thing? LOL nice try bucko but your wall sucks ass

good thing tax payers are coughing up $10B to build a literal wooden fence. but MUH ILLEGALS, MUH DRUG DEALERS, MUH CARTEL, MUH JOBS

lol y'all are pathetic. i hope we build a southern wall to keep you burgernigger hillbillies out

Attached: WALL lol.jpg (634x1282, 101K)

The wall was in our hearts all along.

>Worth of fencing that was already approved long before he took office
using money that was appropriated long after he was elected*

Arnt their videos of spics shimmying up over the "wall" in like 20 seconds?



he's trying to get funding but the anti-american representatives, ie the democrats, hate the american public and want us all over run like in the EU

>as planned for since long before he became president, which Trump repeatedly criticized on the campaign trail, claiming it wasn't good enough.

>No Wall.

>No repeal of DACA.

>More Jews on cabinet than ever before.

>Recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

>Sends the army to the border... to build tents for the invading brown hordes while they apply for asylum status.

>Nearly all job "growth" has been caused by an increase in wage slave/mcJobs while half of engineering positions go to curry niggers and chinks on h1b visas.

Trump is a zionist stooge. A false hope given to white people to keep them placated and make them feel like they are "winning". All the while the Jewish-owned tech companies are working in over-drive to censor the internet to prevent further redpilling and white organization via digital platforms.

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That was the old wall. If you look closely there was a chain link fence attached to the US side. They were climbing the chain link.

it's not good enough, we agree there

Only method to defeat greater israel is to become educated and develop advanced weapons and electrical grid bypassing/ destruction technologies. Currently working on blowing up israel myself. Dedicate your life dont try to save it. He who loses it for the cause will gain it

this one

hahahahahahahhaha nice fucken wall, $10,000,000,000 well spent!

>"whatsup man!?"
>"ahhh no!"
>"fuck you!"
>"no english :^)"

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>it's not good enough, we agree there

Here, let me further this conversation along for you. Its NO WHERE NEAR good enough. The wall was a sham. It won't happen. Trump is a jewish puppet.

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No. He has built a few miles of fence, as was allowed by the omnibus bill he signed.

Walls never work, it's why people over the centuries kept building them over.. and over..

>I can't seem to find any credible article
because your're a paid memeflag shill
get didn't work?


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>Somewhere between 50-75 miles worth so far, based on what was in the omnibus bill
Wrong. The omnibus explicitly calls it fencing. There is no wall.