Since you won't hear about it on the Jew News

250,000 Jobs added in October
3.7% Unemployment

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we'll hear about it, it'll just magically be obama's economy still or something that can only be extracted from the mind of someone of such low iq they probably voted for that nog in the first place.

Jobs that don't have a decent minimum wage aren't jobs, they're slavery with a stipend


it's actually closer to 0% unemployment and the stock market is the best in history

are these real full time jobs or fake jobs in Walmart?

any job is a good job

so they're fake retail jobs which pay $5 an hour, when is Trump is going to bring back the industry that fled to China, you know the one's where workers were paid a decent wage and they also made something?

>china paid a decent wa...
nice flag, you post like a fucking canadian.

You work, you get paid a fair wage dependent on the free market. There aren't "fake jobs" or "unfair wages" unless its some government mandated shit. The only unfair wages that exist in america are the forced minimum wages that employees dont deserve but get paid anyway because mommy gobument decided they should be given free money.

Any wage that the market offers is, by definition, fair.

i can not believe how successful obama's economic policy has been since orange man took office. orange man has been trying to undermine the brilliant policies put in place by the best president to ever live.

>No Wall.

>No repeal of DACA.

>More Jews on cabinet than ever before.

>Recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

>Sends the army to the border... to build tents for the invading brown hordes while they apply for asylum status.

>Nearly all job "growth" has been caused by an increase in wage slave/mcJobs while half of engineering positions go to curry niggers and chinks on h1b visas.

Yeah no, fuck this jewish puppet/false hope. Voting doesn't fix jack shit and never will, it just sucks up your political energy and outrage into fruitless endeavors.

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manufacturing is never coming back

my fake walmart job pays $12 an hour 40 hours a week for basic bitch labor, there isn't another business around here that will pay you more than 10 without a degree or nut burning labor under the sun

Kys kike.

Axios and the Guardian reported it sweaty stay retarded

that's actually a lot when compared to back in the day

Fuck off shill. If shillary had won we would have a new migrant horde every week and she welcome them with open arms, we would be at war with russia, isis and north korea, the economy would still be total shit at "the new normal", net neutrality would have given the silicon valley even more power to censor conservatives and shillary would protect them why they did it. Things would be MUCH worse without president Trump.

And we would have had a bat shit crazy liberal supreme court. Eat shit.

I'd like to see anything in writing to support that claim.
Anything, even a crudely worded letter by a 5 year old

It won't if you don't buy American retard. Pony up and pay a little for for superior Made in the USA products. Instead of wasting money on cheap Chinese crap buy American. If everyone did this manufacturing would come roaring back. Some things may not be available yet, like motherboards and smartphones, but when you insist on buying American for everything you can the market will take notice.

Stop wasting money on chinkshit.

>If shillary had won

that's no excuse, the lesser of two evils doesn't make him any less evil

That is not so good. Lower than 5% is actually a dry applicant market. In this situation the Companies lose because they have to hire low tier applicants as the choice will be poor. And wages will increase as Companies try to hold onto the ones they have. So nothing a healthy dose of immigration cannot fix.

It's all from obunga you idiot


What you also won't hear on the Jew news (which Trump used to complain about) is that number doesn't factor in people not actively looking for work. A better metric is employment to population ratio.

Attached: stats.png (642x455, 17K)

Don't let the facts scare you.

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>t. Leaf vacationing in Australia
You need to go back, leaf

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>Trump is le evil orange man
Kill yourself, Haitian monkey

3.7% unemployment is unsustainable
the collapse is coming American friends

I wasn't even being literal about evil.

He's still a jew puppet tho.

>deflection when faced with any criticism over kike president trump
The absolute state of this board.

No joke, how many "parados" you guys have?
I have a friend (med school graduate, no further certifications or specialized) living in NY (makes 50k a year, research assistant, which I honestly think is ok for him) that wants to go to Madrid or Barcelona, but I'm pretty sure is not easy over there.

But but but they do not all pay 100k a year so they don't count.