Is there ANY issue you agree with leftists on?

Or right-winger if you for some reason happen to be a leftist on this board.

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Global warming is real

>Is there ANY issue you agree with leftists on?

Legalize marijuana

I was Pro Israel until i started lurking. Once I learned about the JQ and its extent I agree with the Pro palestinian people, but i really don't care the Palestinian and the Israeli people can get nuked off the planet idfc. I'd chose the palestinian for now

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Global warming
Corporate influence in politics is cancer

Environmental issues in all their forms. It's hard being a right-wing environmentalist. Surely if one is "conservative" they'd want to 'conserve' the environment...

Animal rights

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This too desu

leftist, I agree with the right on guns and with libertarians on weed and anti-war stuff

That blacks are disadvantaged and need help. That help however isn't throwing gibs at them however, it's rebuilding infrastructure, illegalizing abortion, purging the degeneracy they push so hard to blacks, and restoring the nuclear family.

Environmental issues are also important, we could be running easily 50% of our energy purely through solar energy, our tech has gotten retardedly effecient. The power monoplies however buyout any solar tech company and throw up arbitrary gates to anyone who even dares to think about using solar pannels.

Abortion (although I don't thing the US government should pay for it), weed and some environmental issues.

I agree with leftists on many points:

Social security
Minimum wage
State intervention in the economy.

I dont agree with them from an identitarian point of view.

>Israeli foces kill 4 Palestinians in Gaza, 1 in West Bank
Nothing wrong with that, Palestinians make 6 children per family and a good shitskin is a dead one.

>Global warming is real
actual faggot
>Legalize marijuana
actual degenerate faggot
>Animal rights
gas the PETA fags

>That blacks are disadvantaged and need help
yea I agree with the left on a lot of their deep-seated racist intervention viewpoints but not their solutions. most blacks lack agency and need to be treated like children but giving them gibs is retarded and counter productive

BDS movement.

Like don't abuse dogs or like cows have feelings too?

Pls get gassed

My lefty views:
>Climate change is legit and will really be a pain in the ass for humanity to adapt to
>Not bothered by sexual deviants as long as everything is between consenting adults
>Social safety nets help set a minimum quality of life for citizens and work to prevent crimes out of desperation
>Abortion should always be an available and affordable option

My righty views:
>Socialism destroys every society it takes over
>We shouldn't base gibs on # of kids someone shits out

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Why would you want to kill inconvenient children?

>retard square
you get gassed too

>le edgy ancap

I bet you dont even realize how much of the shit you whine about on this board is the result of liberal capitalism

I agree with leftists that global warming is real. I disagree that we can do anything about it unless we want to kill ourselves.

I'm not ancap at all. But you can eat a big fat dick if you think it should be our job to provide health care to nigs and taco nigs

>I disagree that we can do anything about it unless we want to kill ourselves.
Mars mother fucker.

The conflict is fake. (((They))) continue the theatrical hostilities in ways that manage to keep supporters pretty evenly divided between Israel and Palestine. Because you can’t divide and conquer if you don’t manage to get a fairly even divide

Free trade. They are actually closer to Trump on that than most traditional republicans.

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Corporate domination of our govt. and vital institutions is a very real threat. I can't stand the right wing free marketeers who ignore this obvious problem.
>Goberment is bad
Actually our govts. are run by international corporate entities. Our govts are now just tools for these capitalists to use to personally enrich themselves.
>But that's because goberment is bad.

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I agree that while there are differences between races they are greatly overshadowed by our similarities and willingness to party down mi brudda

Jews don't belong in Israel.

Animals don't have rights. What do you mean?. Are you just virtue signaling about animal cruelty being a bad thing?

>greatly overshadowed by our similarities and willingness to party down mi brudda
Well there isn't that much difference between potato niggers and regular niggers

Identity politic is cancer

To be sure to be sure, I also don't believe racism exists or is a problem

>Worker Rights
>Anti Police/Prison State
>Anti Military Industrial
>Anti Rothschild Central Banking
Quite a bit. The far right and far left have note in Common than people realize, it's the bullshit racial/gender pandering bullshit that draws the line sadly

Honestly state funded healthcare. I dont mind paying the medicare surcharge but only as long as we're a white nation with gun rights.

Abortion is fine and should be legal

>Identity politic is cancer
>agree with leftists
I don't think those words mean what you think they mean

This, although I still think of them as food as well.

>implying quadrant matters as much as absolute deviation from center

ITT rebbitors finally get a chance to blog post their retarded bullshit

In the US the Conservative/Republican party was the first one to acknowledge the need for conservation then created the national parks system (Thanks Theodore Roosevelt!)

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proper beliefs incoming
>pro gun
>pro choice
>pro voter id
>pro drugs
>pro gay marriage
>anti immigration
>it’s ok to be white
in no particular order

As a right winger:

>i agree humans are affecting the climate, but not by a detrimental amount
>im pro choice, but only because some people just shouldnt have kids
>im pro gay, just dont be a faggot
>i feel all races and religions should get along, but dont force people to do so.

Last thought... If you hate blacks/mexicans/jews/etc and dont want to live or associate with them you have the right as an American to do so.

No. The left is my abuser. Absolutely everything the left wants from me is something they don't deserve and didn't earn.


I agree with them on:

-Climate change is real (though there's nothing we can do about it)
-Gay marriage should be legal (because government shouldn't be involved mostly.)

I think that's it

I agree that niggers need to be aborted harder

things the mainstream left are right about
>climate change
>decriminalization of drugs
>social programs
>progressive tax
>gay marriage
things the mainstream right are right about
>civic nationalism
>regulation of tech giants
>sovereignty from the eu
>merit-based immigration

looks like im a filthy centrist

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>-Climate change is real

So gib monies. That'll fix it.

You might just be the biggest faggot on this entire board.


Free healtcare.
I listen to the Tom Woods Show, Mises Seminars, etc etc every day, yet they still haven't been able to convince be things would be good with just free market healthcare.
Of course we need to abolish the patents system and the licensing boards and healthcare should not be just in the hands of the State.
If we still think in a framework where the State exists, I think the best solution is having free hospitals for serious shit and private unregulated healthcare providers as parallel institutions for everyone who wants to use them.
This way the private organizations must always keep it up with the free ones and keep the costs down.
This kinda works in some nations, where you have people going to private providers to get fast and low cost dyagnosis, and then if things go to the shitter the public hospitals aren't completely overworked and will fix you for free and fast.

Pot should be legal.
And fags should be able to marry.
That's about it.

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i know, it confuses npcs when you dont fall into one of the predetermined molds

>implying absolute deviation from center matters as much as quadrant

>pro gay marriage
You're getting gassed

definitely a nigger

Wiping Israel off the map.

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>im pro gay, just dont be a faggot
You're a faggot

LGBT rights
despite this im full right wing.
comfy egoism

You're not confusing anyone, my dude. Your worldview is just normie tier.

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Of course. Republicans aren't sheep. I'm all for legal abortions. At least in the first 12 weeks that is. I'm for gay marriage as it doesn't affect me. I want us to use more solar energy. I want the major companies to give money to very smaller ones to have more competition.

That we should do what we can to make carbon emissions lower by making everything more efficient.
I can't get behind climate change, but the end result will be satisfactory.

Also, that blacks and browns should be aborted. Leftists and I agree on that.

Yes. Only violence leads to victory.

Is that all your faggot ass can say?

its true, most westerners are either social liberals or classical liberals because its objectively the best compromise between personal freedom and helping of those less fortunate than you

>m for gay marriage as it doesn't affect me
All these blue pilled fags

authoritarian government is undesirable
they're absolutely wrong on almost everything else though, including what they think authoritarianism is

That's all there is to say. Fags get the gas.

You clearly has some faggy hangups bro.

I agree with leftists on abortion... just not for the same reason

I'm pretty right wing, but I get that pollution and global warming are issues to consider and regulations preventing those both are good. I also get that not all immigrants are bad, I personally haven't had anything but positive experiences with most east Asians or Sikhs. Hell, even the Arabs here haven't given me reason for concern. I also see how socialized heathcare might help address some abuses made by doctors and corporate hospitals.
That said, fuck the jews.

Protecting the environment from pollution, logging, etc. Animal rights and welfare. Expanding medicaid. Higher taxes for the ultra wealthy (not talking $500,000 a year earners, more like $5B a year).

What gas? Who's going to taste them? You? I'd beat the shit out of a faggot if he tried shit on me, but you look like a closeted faggot talking like that. Gays that stay in their own lane are fine, they don't choose to gargle cock, same as you don't choose to watch tranny porn faggot, you was born that way.

No I'm just not deluded enough to think
>It doesn't affect me so it'd fine XD
because I'm not a child. All it takes is a brief review of fags over the past 30 years or so. It went from
>it'd be cool if you didn't beat us in public
>we're going to indoctrinate your kid and turn them into a tyranny bug chaser and if you resist we'll get the gov to take your kid away.

Corporate cash in politics is the worst. Weed legalization but that’s pretty much bipartisan now. And gay rights. Not wtf gender am I fuck wits legitimate gay rights.

Proven to reduce crime #makewhiteabortionillegal #moredeadcoloredbabies

>its true, most westerners are either social liberals or classical liberals because its objectively the best
Because the elite push that propaganda into the malleable minds of the youth. 250 years of liberalism has lead to a extensional crisis of all Nations practicing liberalism, not a single one will survive the century at our current rate. Liberalism is a suicidal ideology that is collapsing under it's own weight, right in front of our eyes.

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I only agree with people about things that both Jow Forums and my President tell me are okay to agree upon. President Trump and Jow Forums know what is best for me and for the world to believe.

Child exploitation is absolutely heinous

>Gays that stay in their own lane are fine
Those don't exist. Or are such a minority that they don't matter. Like le based black guys. Better to remove all than tolerate the bad for the sake of the good

I agree that capitalism and the general condensation of wealth are a problem.
But instead of socialism I would just throw the money lenders out of the temple again.

>you was born
Gay nigger detected

I agree with some stuff leftists USED to care about:
* drugs should be legalised
* stopping foreign intervention
* dont judge people by the colour of their skin
* multi-national corporations in league with corrupt governments are bad
* freedom of speech

>* dont judge people by the colour of their skin
Modern Germans are such an embarrassment

Who doesn't equate harming dogs with an act of pure evil? Those are the bad guys.

oh youre one of those retards who think social justice is liberalism arent you

Actually I'm a proud white Kentuckian you cum gargling taint goblin. I guess I don't talk nice enough for a limp wristed Yankee faggot.

The worst features of fiscal left wing policies, but flag checks out, 40 years of communism would do that to you. Nice digits tho

Quit dodging my other posts.

environmental issues and animal rights cause a proper rigth winger shoudl preserve the environment he lives in
pro-palestine because of people's right to self-determination and ethnic survival
against the current economic system because corporate interests are killing us and it's capitalism which set on that motion of mass migration that is threatening us now

glow harder

I agree with the stuipid anarcho comies that their authoriterian friends are numbnuts.


If you believe in this right wing left wing paradigm then you are an NPC wake up you morons the TV is lying to you the international Jew has your parties bought and sold learn how the world works before you think of changing it. I can't blame you I was once a naive little know it all too.q

kek I literally disagree with all of this, other then corrupt goverments, but noone is for corrupt goverments.

-protecting the environment
-aborting nonwhites

well memed

>not a single one will survive the century at our current rate. Liberalism is a suicidal ideology
All nations need a single firm and religiously devout hand on the gears of power to protect us from extinction.
We should all respect and follow the orders of such a leader in every way.

>social justice
Social justice is too often applied to degenerate causes and, as such, must be avoided.

Liberalism != Progressivism