HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! These NPCs will kill themselves next Tuesday

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! These NPCs will kill themselves next Tuesday.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-11-02 17-04-37.png (944x680, 201K)

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Suicide is what we do. Homicide is what they do.
They won't want to kill themselves. They'll want to kill us.

Arm yourself.

The TYT meltdown will be epic. The funny part is they'll have self-awareness of how they appeared last time, trying to look cool and collected... instead it'll be even funnier.

If they die, they die.

The only blue wave that will happen is a seachange of pink faces to blue when they hang themselves from the ceiling

Hopefully we will have civil war 2 by the end of the year.

someone post hilldawg breakdown memes, I want a sensible related chuckle

Well, he might be right, considering how many dead people are going to vote in this election and how many districts are going to have 105% voter turnout, voting 100% Democrat like in 2012.

You dumb faggots do realize lightning doesn't strike the same place twice, right? Democrats taking the house and possibly the senate.

We'll invent a new blue wojak to go with the pink one

>Trump black approval is all the way up 30 percent
>50 percent overall
Oh man its gonna be sweet tasting your salt on tuesday.

The blue wojak... for when liberals hang themselves out of dispair. Sounds like a fancy new meme yo.

fuckin cope

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>Suicide is what we do. Homicide is what they do.
what about the trannies? dont forget about the trannies

Hahaha you have no idea what you're up against. You think Trump just got lucky? This is a movement that has been building for a very long time and is only getting bigger.

How many of you are going to the polls?
The white dems are ALL going to the polls because they're upset about the Orange Man.

Most people are goyim, they get comfortable in the past 2 years and completely forget what's at stake.

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Fuck off bootlicker. We are going to win everything

I am, wife is politically apathetic but coming with me. +2 straight Republican in Virginia.

It's her turn is it?

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Alt-right on suicide watch

The smug attitude and gloating just smells like complacency and underestimating your enemy to me.

>dont worry guys we got this, no need to vote

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Not an argument
Yeah, he did get lucky due to low dem turnout. Mitt Romney got more votes than Trump in Wisconsin
Not an argument

Yo 100% true

I picture wojak meme fighting back tears as they roll down his face

>not an argument
I wasn't arguing you dumb nigger. I was mocking you. Which you clearly need more of.

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Wrong, faggot. This has been building for 20+ years. Middle America is sick of the godless elites running our country into the ground and giving away our wealth to globalist ambition.

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I'm gonna be back here to gloat when Dems pick up 40 seats you overconfident little racist shits.

they only way the dems win is if they cheat (more than they usually do). they're hemorrhaging voters, myself included. I voted for Obama twice, didn't vote in 2016, and now I'm full on 1488. the Democratic party is a absolute disgrace and they can't be allowed to regain power.

Come back all you want shaniqua, it won't change anything but should the dems lose like some nogs at a spelling bee, will you live stream your suicide and can we vote how you snuff it?

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My family and I voted straight R. All 4 of us.

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>The only blue wave that will happen is a seachange of pink faces to blue when they hang themselves from the ceiling
>We'll invent a new blue wojak to go with the pink one
>The blue wojak... for when liberals hang themselves out of dispair. Sounds like a fancy new meme yo.
here's a first attempt anons, in preparation

Attached: blue wojak.png (1070x601, 474K)

Oh, it's going to get worse for you pricks. We'll have the votes to impeach in the house, and after we pick up about five or six senate seats in this election, we'll only have to convince a couple of republicans to impeach after Mueller's report comes out after the election.
Arizona is going to a Democrat
Florida is staying blue
Missouri is staying blue
Texas is now within the margin of error and with high turnout will finally go blue
Nevada is going blue
Indiana is staying blue
Montana staying blue
Tennessee going blue
North Dakota staying blue

where is this from?

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o i am laffin

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in what universe?

Your existence must suck.
First I saw it was here but also on Metokur.

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Republicans will retain control of both the house and the senate.

This, not like it matters anyway, 99% of the GOP is kiked and on board with white genocide. Even if they won a supermajority, this country is still doomed.

Thanks for screenshotting it; I'll be spamming it Tuesday night.
The one where Nelson gets re-elected and Gillum wins the governors race
Not as much as yours is about to

I have normie relatives, they instantly and unquestioningly fell for "racist bad" when the GOP candidate said "don't monkey this up". And unsurprisingly the nigger is playing it for all it's worth.

>ND staying blue

Heidi is retiring this year buddy. Everyone is fucking furious about her move on the kavanaugh thing. I dont know or care about what Kramer is about, but I made it a point to vote for him just to get her out of here

How delusional can they be to think that they’ll win THIS many seats? Holy fuck. That’s not how elections even work

Ah, the hillary universe, gotcha. Sorry princess, you're gonna have to wait until the next timeline change.
They're fools. Never trust a politician, especially never trust a black politician who's already accepted bribes.

>cenks prediction


*snap* yep. This is going in my 2018 midterms prediction folder.

It's funny the Dems think they can win here in Arizona. No fucking way. We have a woman warthog pilot vs an sjw protestor. Hope mcsally carpet bombs the cunt.

Oh boy...this is going to be fun, yes indeed. The lulz will be magnitudes of order worse (better?) than 2016.

Justice democrates will take back America from the corporate elite they DO NOT TAKE MONEY FROM LOBBYISTS where is the right wing group that does the same. It does not exist; yet?

Funny if true.
Apparently, a shit ton of people already went and voter and mailed their mail-in ballot and majority of them were Republicans. And women, for some reason. In any case, the early voting in some states surpassed the 2016 elections already, and these were the presidential elections, so more popular than midterms by far.
It's still paramount to vote for the right side even though the numbers are looking good.

Heidi has defied polls before and she'll do it again
Sinema is ahead. Arizona doesn't want some military bitch who probably killed babies as their senator. They learned their lesson from McCain.

There's where you're wrong slick. Red or blue I'll be fine. I'll still be here and still be upsetting you low IQ niggers. You treat politics like it's an important human endeavor whereas I find it the most entertaining human theater. People like myself are more abundant than you realize and given half a chance would clone Hitler for the lulz. Also every state you listed is going red and your brown pets coming up here will be fired upon by military or militia. A bloodbath to usher in our new era of an improved America.

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Nothing will be better than 2016 until the regime falls and everybody comes to understanding

Not a chance. Those polls always lean left. Look at the projections two years ago. I'd bet all I got that mcsally will win. I wanted on line to vote early. Having a smoke outside after all the people I talked to voted mcsally. Angry Dems are the only ones that answer the constant phone polling we get here.

Arizona is addicted to neocons, you'll just get another one

You will be nowhere to find on Tuesday user.
Nothing that you wrote(almost nothing) will come to fruition.
40 sears won't happen in any scenario. Not for the D and not for the R.
Senate and possibly the House stays in R's hands. Senate may even see the majority of 55-45 Repunlican. House is harder but the Rs won't lose net seats.

>How many of you are going to the polls?
I've already been to the polls ;)
And am black, and voted R. California.

I submitted my mail-in ballot two weeks ago, straight red for Iowa.

i like how Jow Forums can't fathom that all the angry white cat ladies are gonna show up to vote with the obama black horde
dems will take the house of representatives without any doubt. also this is the same Jow Forums that proclaimed that romney would win by 350 electoral votes

No need for dead people if you get illegals voting multiple times.

How will the house race actually turn out?
My district is a rust/farm belt spot with a minor college football atar running republican and he's predicted to curb stomp the democrat.


>And am black
No you're not, you false flagging idiot.
Not this time. Demographic shift is too much for the GOP to overcome
I'll be here trolling all night as those Dem numbers keep adding up. Tuesday is going to be glorious on here. All of you faggots that trolled us two years ago will be long gone.


There's no way Trumps black approval is at 30%. Too many of them believe whatever bullshit lies are fed to them by their liberal overlords.

Make it clear. Even a close house take over is a loss for dems

until the social anxiety kicks in and they rationalize away the vote since dems will win anyway


Fuckin faggot if we wanted to break anonymity then we wouldn't be here. Htfo with your discord shit

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Isn't Cenk Uygur suppose to be against Democrats and pro-progressive movement?

i voted trump last election and im not feeling it this year. Probably wont vote. May even vote democrat. Fuck trump. Where is my god damn wall. America is more brown than ever. The tax thing did jack shit for me, and all his china talk rekt my emerging markets ETFs.

Fuck donald trump.

LOL when dems make it worse

i like going into the polling place on voting day. it's a good experience.

>Tennessee going blue

As someone whose lived in TN all his life, you're an absolute retard to think that.

The last time TN went blue was, wait for it... [spoiler]when Bredesen was our governor.[/spoiler] He did such a shitty job even back then, that he killed all chances for a Democrat to win in the state for 50+ years. He only got elected then because people still thought good, middle of the road Democrats existed. That illusion is long gone now, and TN is a blood red state.

So go ahead and keep parroting that horse shit that CNN and its heavily Democrat weighted "polls" tell you. You're going to find out Tuesday just how wrong your Commie traitor ass is.

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I just don't want to live in a world where Arizona goes blue. I love this state too much.

You've obviously put a lot of mental energy into your fever dream. Congratulations on your world-building skills.

>the Senate

You have a legit chance to take the house but let's not pretend like you have even a snowballs chance in hell of taking the Senate

I thought TYT's meltdown at the elections were amazing, this might be even better.

fuck it. burn it down. its accelerationist at this point. I believe in nothing anymore. The faster the democrats can start up the firing squads the better. End this gay nation.

Maryland will turn red for once in my goddamn life

unless the whole state turns into the gay section of nashville

It just feels right. You are doing your Civic duty and the people are always the nicest. This year I voted in this big ol church (was closest to new house) and it was just terrific.

Flake and McCain are not "conservatives" in any meaningful sense of the word. Your state has always been shit.

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You're delusional and you have no fucking idea who Democrats actually are in real life. Your perception has been warped by yelling faggots at Republican-organized events. They're not going to show up and vote because they fucking never show up because they're degenerate irresponsible fuckwits who spend their days talking about Marvel movies and season frappuccinos at Starbucks. they only win when we also don't show up. To add to the proves-nothing anecdotal evidence, I've got my sister and her husband who have never voted before registered and voting Republican. So my 1 vote for Trump in Florida in 2016 just became 3 in 2018. I also know of literally no one in my life who voted for Trump that has disavowed him or said they weren't voting again. meanwhile, what have the democrats done? tried to get out the vote via concerts lmao degenerate faggot kids don't actually go vote.

Flake can go fuck himself. McCain was from another time. It's time for real conservatism in Arizona.

TayTay has spoken. Tennessee is going blue.
Democratic energy will ensure all close senate races go to Dems. Even Texas.
It's reality and it'll be your reality in four days.

He spends a lot of time honing his political acumen in roblox.

lol, it's going to be 2012 all over again

That would actually be nice to see. I'm waiting on Montana to stop being fairies.

Democrat energy? They can't figure out what fucking bathroom to use.

This ID is a gold mine

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some shitty youtube parody of Suicide Squad

I really hate kikes like you. I wish all you evil fucks die horrible agonizing deaths.

I'm a political newbie. What is more important, the house or the Senate? It seems everyone is saying the house will go blue but the Senate will stay red, or even get redder.

Also I heard if they get the house, the hysteronics about Trump will only get worse.

The house doesn't even matter, they haven't done shit in the last 2 years. No wall, no immigration reform.

All the power is in the senate and republicans will hold it. Cabinet nominations and judicial confirmations will continue to go through.

Neither because dems are winning

Either Jow Forums is going to get butthurt and cry or leftists are going to get butthurt and cry. Either way, I win. Radical centrism prevails again.

>in b4 everybody loses and there's no gains or losses

She's gonna cuck out and vote dem lul