

which stage are you on, user?

Attached: Stages.jpg (470x960, 96K)

Other urls found in this thread: the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization - Woods, Thomas E., Jr__4949.pdf

I have always been a Christian. Such is the life of a rural Texan

get on my level kid

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mine experience is the reversed order
abrahamic bullshit religions are truly spirit traps

>Christianity is the prime driver of western excellence and accomplishments

Is it fuck.

You have to be 18 to use this board.

Attached: (((YOU))).png (211x239, 4K)

Of course it is.

The absolute vast majority of historians agree with that, both Christians and atheists. The Baltics and literally everywhere else in pre-christian europe was behind everyone. The only ones who had a basic advancement in science was the romans and greeks, which was what the catholic church spread over to the baltics and other parts of europe as well. The Catholic Church was the absolute foundation of western civilization by greatly developing greek science and philosophy. Everything from the crucial role of the monks and their inventions/innovations, from building the first universities which gave students degrees, professions and allowed cross-nation science, to western law, to charitable work, from international law to economics, to the Rule of Saint Benedict, Augustine and Francis, Manuscript and Scriptorium, and to protecting it by making it way easier to create alliances (See f.ex The Holy League, League of Augsburg, the Catholic League and many more). And thats just the tip of the iceberg.


>How the Christianity built our civilization (pdf book) the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization - Woods, Thomas E., Jr__4949.pdf

>Science in Christianity

>Historian Thomas Woods

>Dr. Duke Pesta

Attached: Christianity.png (800x723, 516K)

Stalin did nothing wrong.

Attached: stalin.png (600x1282, 767K)

This desu, I don't see how anyone could read the Bible and believe that even a tenth of it comes an omniscient, omnipotent Deity. It's all over the place

fucking leafs.

Every time

Attached: Day of the Leafblower.jpg (600x400, 96K)

>I have accepted that Islam will take over the west and that Christianity, looking at it from an evolutionary biology standpoint, is inferior to Christianity and is not of the only cultures to be easily swayed by the Jew. Islam on the other hand, has stood the test of time.
This is the final stage if you weren't aware

*inferior to islam

If we want to increase our birth rates, wouldn’t it be wiser to encourage white polygyny? Also whats more alpha than having 3 wives that munch eachothers tuppy holes while you fill em up with thy heavenly seed? Lmao are you gay

Pic related. If you haven't accepted this simple truth, you are a smol brain. Saudi Arabia is peak civilization. They have death penalty, their women know their place, and they are a happy people. Meanwhile "conservatives" in the US talk about how "backwards" (modest and conservative) Muslims are.

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>Christianity declines in the west
what will replace it?
>traditional Christianity

This is the final stage if you were not aware

Attached: Trad Christianity2.jpg (984x1468, 511K)

The leaf is correct and you fell for another Jewish trick

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The bottom three panels are absolute dogshit
>religion is fundamental to tribal identity
Fucking what?

>religion is fundamental to tribal identity, and we must uphold the church in order to defend western civilization

Im theosophypilled

false, cringe and utterly bluepilled

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The only factor that I hate about the right and this fucking board is that you brainlets actually think religion is real.

Levi plz go. Youre like the only christian Norwegian on this board, and one of the 10 christian norwegians in all of Norway.

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Attached: norwegian kike shill.png (281x453, 100K)

youre getting there, broder

I havent even made a post here for over 3 weeks. Glad to see more norwgianons waking up though. There seems to be quite a few of us here. We must bring back Christianity to Norway. Our Sylvi would want that

Attached: SylviListhaug.png (593x1576, 1.21M)