The jews killed my great uncle in Katyn. They have never apologized. Where do I go for reparations?
The jews killed my great uncle in Katyn. They have never apologized. Where do I go for reparations?
How about Zgoda, the only real death camp that was run by a jew
>The jews killed my great uncle in Katyn
fake news, it was imperial Russia
zydokomuna is no myth you retard
>the jews
And Israel despite supposedly caring about justice REFUSED to extradite this monster.
Funny part is he lived on a holocaust survivor pension funded by germany hahaha
>zydokomuna is no myth
90% of bolsheviks were Russians, so zydokomuna can be a myth. Bolshevism is russian despotism but without the elegance of tsarism and reference to christianity. You had similar stuff in Cambodia, China. If you reduce everything to jews then you're a paranoiac
Look up bloody luna
> Bolshevism is russian despotism
Imagine being this retarded. Lenin was part jew and spoke yiddish in his home.
yeeeahhhh, only when it favors them