National Socialism

How does it work and why it's so right

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>How does it work
It doesn't
Name one natsoc nation that survived more than a single generation.

Best Korea

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only natsoc countries that ever existed rather shortly consumed by war. Has there ever been a natsoc country that has not either declared war on its neighbors or had its neighbors declare war on them shortly after? It lifted Germany out of their civil war and post WWI depression quickly. I wonder what such a country would like if not involved in war immediately


>socialism is the worst system ever
>unless there are no blacks or jews then its the best system ever

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What a stupid fucking question

Spain was stable under Franco.
He was grooming the heir to the Spanish throne as his successor, which frankly, seems an honorable enough thing to me.
But the little shit gave it all away after Franco died.

Spain and Portugal

Spain was the only country to ever live at least 30 years of natsoc yet at the end they were 30 years behind in technology because of that.

I don't talk to salty shills, commies, or retards. Then again, I repeat myself. Only a fool mocks someone for trying to learn. Pic related, me @ you

Definitely interesting and I'm going to look into it

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it works so well because its based around what humans naturally want
this unironically
when your country is your extended family then socialism is fine

This is actually true though. Socialism is a good system once you remove the leeches.

>then how you are going to have children without females


>Socialism is a good system once you remove the socialists

>implying Spain was natsoc
Spain wasn't even fascist. Franco's system was called "national Catholicism" since it conserved part of the falangist ideology (vertical labor unions) and part of the government and management was made by the church. The country was also strictly Catholic.
And btw, if Spain was behind in technology was both because the civil war and the blockade, which lasted more than a decade.

militarism and expanding your borders are considered a central part of fascism, so it's silly to ask "what would a fascist state look like without all the dysfunctional parts of fascism"

NatSoc wasn't socialist and if you post here you should know that. Thus, I name you all shills.

This post is probably just gonna ricochet off of a fat granite wall of bias, but I'm gonna post it anyway. Natsoc had worse secret police and economic state meddling than any system that ever existed before or since. In THE FULL RANGE OF HISTORY, not just contemporary. Maybe legalism came close, but it's still a miss. Nazism was so unimaginably tyrannical that even the Soviets, after the war, had to torce East Germans to calm down with their surveillance, reckless spying even on each other, and insatiable control addiction. When even communism itself sees the intrinsic OCD in your ideology, you know something went very wrong in its making.

What exactly was the political ideology of the Roman Empire during its prosperous years? I believe it had quite a few political similarities with fascism/Natsoc.

This, but unironically.

>What exactly was the political ideology of the Roman Empire during its prosperous years?

Act in Rome's interest or get genocided.
Of course this is linked to fascism, you fucking idiot, the fasces (or faggot, lmao) is the Roman symbol of rule. You might as well call it Rome-ism, but there are still contemporaries who for some reason believe Rome was a good thing, so you can't call it that.

>Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only natsoc countries that ever existed rather shortly consumed by war
This is the same kind of argument the commies make.
"Well socialism would work if it wasn't for western imperialism or x y z outside problem"
Your system has to be able to *survive* those external conflicts nigger.

You have to work out if the thing that keeps destroying your system is a coincidence or a flaw.
I'll admit that, unlike communism, there haven't been enough natsoc nations to say for definite if destruction in war is a coincidence or an actual vulnerability with the system.


Rome was pretty damn successful, considering that they had a hell of a legacy and lasted centuries.

Didn't Spain and Portugal only manage to survive as long as they did because they diluted the hell out of their version of fascism?

It vanished.
>b-but it lasted centuries
So? If it's the right way, why didn't it last millennia?

Bad decisions, corruption, barbarian horde, I’m not saying Fascism is a perfect ideology, it had flaws, but no empire lasts an eternity, republics in Greece, city states failed, Everything fails, but Rome left a hell of a legacy and did well for the centuries it stood in.

Why do people keep mixing fascism with natsoc? The only natsoc nation ever was Germany, and the economics of natsoc are entirely different, it also puts a big emphasis on the people, more so than the fascism which is focused on the state.

rome wasn't fascist, though, it was an empire

Yeah, it was in my opinion, an autocracy with fascist elements.

Unlike rivera, Franco really only wanted to give power back to the monarchy, and keep the nation clean of communist infiltration, Rivera wanted to create an entirely new revolutionary system not unlike natsoc, but unfortunately he died in the civil war, and his ideas died with him, and his men.

Portugal with Salazar

you need more than just an autocracy that worships the state in order to fascist. Otherwise USSR and North Korea would be fascist. And even if that were true it means fascism does not need to come from right wing beliefs anyway

Actually you got the capitalism and national socialism labels switched in your gay little graphic.

Worded that a bit incorrectly, I agree with you, definitely wasn’t 100% fascist or natsoc

Capitalism is better for us

>pure kraut autism
>why: because muh mustard race fetish

>Otherwise USSR and North Korea would be fascist.

They pretty much are. Look at Russia today and tell me that's not fascism. Holy shit, Noirth Korea has the worst prison camps, the least humane treatment of traitors in the whole world. Of course it's fascist. Fascism is fucking bad people, it works out for very few and sucks for many.

When commies dream of a communist nation, they imagine themselves as one of the rulers

When natsocs dream of a natsoc nation, they imagine themselves as one of the workers

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Daily reminder to you cuckolds that guns were banned for civilians during the third reich.
Stop being a cuck that needs the support of the state. Libertarianism is the only way for the righteous people.
>But muh race?
In a plain libertarian society niggers will be excluded why? Niggers tend to be less intelligent than whites, there will be no place to them in a libertarian society, forcing them to go back to the place where they belong. Niggers actually move to white countries because the GOV'T offers benefit, take an example remove all the benefits and see how many years the third worlders will last in europe.
>Muh guns
In a plain libertarian society it's not a government concern if you own a gun or not.
In a plain libertarian society will have more opportunities, the gov't will not protect corporations. The small companies/business will have less taxes to pay and they will be allowed to offer better prices and services.
And reminder, being national socialist is the same that say niggers are superior.


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HAHAHA Of course, a Brit would be against National Socialism

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Get ready

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Your thinking of communism kiddo, and in this case your fascist examples are a democratic nation, and an actual communist one.

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naziism is commie trash
heinlenianism is the way

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Im hoping for it

Check those fucking jaws on the right.

I like how none of them have money

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North Korea
and it's only getting better everyday

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rico is /ourguy/

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Fascism is an economic philosophy. It's not a political one. You can have a democratic fascist country. You can have a fascist republic. Etc. Some combinations make more sense than others, of course, but political and economic philosophies aren't necessarily the same.

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I'd like to know more.

And bang Dizzy. I'd like to bang Dizzy.

money based on production, not debt.

She’s a Jew though.

North Korea is changing like never before
people wear NB or its counterfeit now

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> I believe it had quite a few political similarities with fascism/Natsoc.

Romans and Nazi had a lot of similarities, especially in asthetics but other than this they weren't comparable.

Roman conquest was firm but accommodating and tolerated other ethnics as long as they followed rome. Nazi Germany's racial ideology was very different than rome's cultural one

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Really makes me think

>I-it wasn't Marxian socialism, so that makes it okay.

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t. lolberg
Your kind will hang with the rest of them