Europe has a great train system for their countries why can't we? We used to have the best. Americans seem super okay with just being treated like garbage and being okay with mediocrity, what's wrong with being more?
How can we make trains cool again in the United States?
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God I would love high speed rail up and down the i81 corridor, with branches spanning east and west. Sadly it most certainly bring niggers and city folk to our quit country towns as well though.
HAHA you stupid niggers can't afford cars and have to be stuffed in a tin can with 100s of stinking subhumans
>Wanting trains makes me a nigger
Large public transport systems exist in countries to maintain a heavily vested voting block for a particular government party.
Even if you found that palatable the lack of work ethic (it would be staffed by Hispanic men and fat black women) make such system impossible in the US.
Show me a country with 40 million niggers in it that has functional public transit.
There's millions of Americans who spend thousands of dollars and countless hours in traffic, insurance, gas, parking, primarily so they don't have to be locked in a cramped metal tube full of apes every day.
Go search "train assault" or "bus assault" and tell me what you notice about the assailants
You have too much space, shitskins and jews in the US to get a decent train network. Still I think there's a very big freight train network, warren buffet bought one of the biggest companies up a few years back.
Just take a plane bro
Europe is tiny. America is huge.
Just look at Canada. Fucking huge ass country, no population. Taking the train from west coast to east coast costs like $5000-$6000 or so. Even flying west coast to east coast costs about $1500.
It's super easy to design public transit when you have a huge population shoved into a tiny area. Cheap to build and makes money easily.
I've always wondered why public transportation SUCKS in the USA. Instead, every family owns 2-3 stupid and unreal!
But I've never been on a train before.
Since I got my first car I’ve never been able to readjust to government public transport systems. It’s literally modern slaveships.
I haven’t been ill since I got my car either. 3 years now, used to get an influenza twice a year.
the american train is the only chad looking train, i like uncle sam's style, keep it up burger bros.
>investing in trains when we gonna have the hyperloop
It's super slow
we do, for freight.
all their trains are for urban passenger transport. all of our trains are for long-distance freight commerce. big difference.
Yeah, freight makes money, passenger trains do not.
American trains are aesthetically masculine and stronk
Europoor trains are shiny and feminine like their ideologies
>in actuality
Russia, Japan and China.. Europe. Wh-what?
How about we bring back the old locomotives?
>not knowing America used to have the best train in the world
>not knowing America focused their attention to auto mobile
It does like 70mph in some places
Op, must cities have some sort of Railway transportation that looks modern like the other countries. A giant nationwide rail cart just doeant make sense for the US because it’s too big and there’s too much dead space in between the cities.
We should go a step further and let Elon do his hyperloop
Anyway passenger trains are slow and expensive in the united states because all the rails are owned by the freight companies. This is fine, because freight is really what trains are good for. You can move a ton of freight 500 miles on one gallon of diesel.
Because were the world champion in aviation and that industry lobby's hard to kill commuter railroad
The US still does.... The US and Canada have the most amount of freight trains and the most advanced rail system out of any country in the world.
We have this high speed train. Things probably a piece of shit, but I see it go by my office all the time.
What's this supposed to represent?
I got a super cheap and fast train to Saint Petersburg, looks rather comfortable too. It rides on standard railroads, so I could assume many other regions enjoy the same, since mine is nothing special.
Sure autist
the fast trains are usually more expensive. High speed trains are not for daily commute, but competition to regional air lines.
We like cars.
It's not that we like cars a lot it's that nobody has stopped and thought "hey, maybe we should get some trains." We've just been so used to cars we don't think of other forms of transportation.
US railway system is still pretty good
t. Aqaufresh railwayland
Trains are for faggots with autism. They’re outdated and nobody uses them anymore.
Acela express is actually pretty lit if you need to get from DC to NYC. It's as fast as flying and pretty comfortable. Top speeds aren't Euro spec but it gets over 150 MPH.
The passengers are all a bunch of scumbag lawyers, but its basically designed for business travel.
The automotive industry has been fighting tooth and nail against public transportation since its existence. Its a huge obstacle to trains in the U.S.
>all those generic penis shaped trains
>america, the only unique one keeping it real
Sounds like you're mad that America isn't an NPC country
Only people who don't want to lift their people up are faggots
Never seen a train that looks like that. The ones I see look like Germany's but stubbier and with a different color palette.
He's wrong. It makes you autistic
bigger obstacle is that aside from the northeast, florida, california, and maybe in/around the great lakes, shit is so far away that trains make no sense. It's way cheaper to run buses if you're poor or fly if you need to actually get shit done.
I think Florida is building a high speed train and PACNW has done some motion of building a faster amtrak. And of course the Acela, which is dope.
in and of itself public transport is fine, we use cars to avoid the users of public transport.
Passenger trains don't make money..... Like why would you have a train with 30-40 carts of passengers when you can have one with 100+ sea cans? Plus a single sea can on a train makes more money per cart then passenger trains.
You need government funding to keep passenger trains alive usually.
That's also what kills high-speed passenger. Slow freight always has right of way over passengers.
Trains are for poorfags who can’t afford cars.
Trains are patrician transport.
We started to go down as a nation when we allowed to, first the Anglo buy of our railroad that was totally not justified. And secondly the massive destruction in the 70s of almost 50% of the Stations and roads.
It doesn't matter whether it's on rails or in the sky, cheap mass transit sucks because you're surrounded by poor people. I hate domestic flights in the US, it's like taking a bus in the sky. Americans in general are unclean, visibly poor, loud and obnoxious.
For a contrast, take a transatlantic flight. It's like Euros are of a different species.
man older trains are comfy
get away with your high speed shit
it all looks the same
It'll never happen. Our main lines have too many sharp curves to support a real, high speed line. And btw, because we have such low air travel prices, air travel are much less inexpensive than train travel.
I wish that we had awesome train travel, too, but it'll never happen.
you cant. the distance they need to travel prevents anything worth upgrading to. the cost would be to great for a maglev system and hyperloop is just maglev in a dangerous tunnel that adds to the cost
america is stuck with the most outdated version of things. i know what your saying but russia has... let me stop you right there. russia doesnt have anything worth mentioning that stretched from 1 side to the other
well in America the vast majority of us can afford our own vehicles so.......
One last thing: I wouldn't get on a Chinese train for love or money.
i'm single and own 3 cars, I love it. Cars are the epitome of freedom, at any time I can fire one up and go anywhere I freaking want.
Florida has been promising a high speed line since 1994. It'll never happen. The closest that we'll ever have to kick-ass trains are the Disney monorails.
It seems highly unlikely that speed trains would be a vehicle for only the "privileged" given the social climate of the United States unfortunately. You have to realize we have programs here that specifically relocate poor black families into affluent neighborhoods (read: white) so these black families have access to said affluence.
oil industry
until the government takes them away
kek, ur fucked
But as trains go, they would probably have same passangers as short distance flights do. Fast trains also don't stop in most places, yust main stations.
Fuck yes, trains thread
rail is used for freight in America
planes are used for people
That's why we're the only superpower, other countries should take notes
people undervalue rail infrastructure. all the great powers of the 19th century understood the necessity of rail not only for industrial development but also for distribution.
it was a mistake to yoke yourself to british capital btw, german credit was not only cheaper, german industrialists demanded a lower rate of return than brits or french did.
look at brazil, a country which never sufficiently invested in rail infrastructure, and see all the problems it has caused when you have to move everything across such a vast and backward country by road.
Well, the freight companies are the ones that own the rails. So yeah, they get priority.
We became a super power because of trains
Why are high speed trains needed in the US?
We have airlines and Interstate highways that work just fine. If there was a great demand for high speed trains, a private company would build them.
Mutt thinks r*ssia has trains like that XDDDDDD
Trains aren't profitable in the US. The I95 Northeast corridor Amtrak between Boston and DC basically pays to keep the rest of the rails in the country from closing. And that track is seriously falling apart.
Because drag exists moron.
Brightline is real. Problem is that it's only Miami to West Palm right now and all the level grade crossings are retarded.
But they never add to the affluence. They only bring it down.
Adding dirt to water only makes dirty water.
You forgot sweden:
Public transportation is limited to prevent shitty people from being able to live in a community.
Go to a town hall meeting and you will meet some somewhat redpilled boomers.
a car cost $200 dollars a month minimum(gas, insurance depreciation, repairs)
It is a barrier to entry.
They say its higher but only retards and companies, and rich people buy new cars.
The best investment is likely a 5 year old car with 30k miles on it.
Like they are gonna take our guns away too, right?
Don't see that happening. Ever.
Investment. Our train network costs a fuckton. But we have a densily populated country. Not sure if you could do something like this in the US.
I want steam trains back.
but your cars are shite
>I've always wondered why public transportation SUCKS in the USA
Niggers, its the same here in Toronto. Everybody drives to avoid nigs
Bring back the Big Boy steam engines and watch that thing haul
yep you pretty much only take public transit if you live in NY or DC. othwerwise it's the chocolate choo choo
A high speed train to fast track mexicans from mexico and mexican texas to dallas.
Trains only work in homogenous low crime societies. unless car travel is far more expensive.
>Fuck yes, trains thread
>picture of A FUCKING TRAM
yeah nice video, I saw it before and based my comment on the info I remember from watching it. The part where he says the railroad was the catalyst in our rapid industrialization, he isn't talking about its ability to move people.
>Jow Forums goes full /n/
Are we going to address how bad UK trains are.
overpriced for what you get new. but not shite.
sadly light truck prices have went through the roof. I want one but my 08 grand prix is comfy, fast and does the job. shame pontiac was deleted by GM.
Why spend trillions of dollars on trains when we already have a large public airport network that costs less than taking a train and all goes to the same exact places?
>also, America has the best freight train networks in the world, the freight network in most countries is shit
>One last thing: I wouldn't get on a Chinese train for A fistful of dollars.
Yes, yes we know Brits fuck up a lot.
British trains
High speed rail would be quickly infested with shit tier Americans pissing on stuff.
It's ok. We don't have a great train system. Some fucktard in State's Railway decided to buy trains from Italy.
All-Seasons tested my ass. Maybe in the fucking med seasons.