If whites are superior why is this happening?

Did Darwinism get flipped on it's head and the inferior beings displace the superior ones?

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Dysgenics mate.
It's what happens when you cure diseases and keep stupid people alive artificially.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

What is superiority

Is it the ability to procreate

Is it the ability to build a valuable civilization

Lets carefully think about this like the geniuses at pol that we are

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The Darwinism myth was always a lie

r/k type reproduction strategies.
Zerg rush is cheap, the machine-beast-framework has forseen all.

>mfw Jews think they've won

You should probably cut an run for Israel before the 9/11 docs are declassified. It's highly likely that you'll all be rounded up and shot.

I think this is a cycle. it seems like every advanced civilization inevitably gets overrun by the low IQ hoard.

lmao, if niggers were smart, they would know we're overpopulated already and don't need more humans. why do you think they're running from africa? if whites aren't superior, tell me, why does everyone want to get into white countries?

just answer this and be done with it

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altruism is our greatest flaw

>Is it the ability to procreate
This is the answer you are looking for.

Did the guy who created that theory state there was an inverse relation between penis and brain size?

Ok buddy. Yeah you let us know when you get those docs


Numbers arnt how wars are won and lost, look at history. You know what really matters is how smart people are, but also chance, and technological development

based cousin kraut

This is only part of what makes a civilization or people successful, or superior, population alone doesnt win anything. If you have superior technology and intelligence you can still win against large numbers.

Because whites might have better Hardware like Jow Forums says but their software is self-destructive

Darwinism is survival of the fittest. The fittest to pass their genes to the next generation, not the smartest, not the strongest, not the "best" by standards we often use.
A viable strategy used by many living creatures is to have craploads of children hoping at least some of them will survive. That is what Africans do.
Now whites have a savior complex, in which they believe it is their duty to save all of those little nigglets that supposed to survive, and you an African demographic explosion.

Sure most whites will die, but they deserve to die for being cucks (unfit). Some whites will survive, and these survivors will necesarily be racist as fuck, they will not feed the niggers and the niggers will have a Malthusian catastrophe. There might be a war, but good luck to the niggers having to face the world champions of genocide.

>Now whites have a savior complex, in which they believe it is their duty to save all of those little nigglets that weren't supposed to survive, and you have an African demographic explosion.

Man I butchered that sentence

It is your own fault if you act like retard, but are superior by intellegence, strength and
You because it is easier for you to win, does not mean you deserve this by any means
If whites act like this, I have no sympathy to them, I will not give up myself though

>Not thinking that you pissed off Trump enough to do this
ha ha ha ha

You fucking Jews and your hubris

This so much, I'm thankful for modern medicine but we're gonna need to do something about keeping all those africans and shit members of society alive.

Its like the industrial revolution the quicker and cheaper you make it the lower quality it will be

>If whites act like this, I have no sympathy to them
I agree, if cucks want to erase themselves from existence by making their wives fuck black dudes to have diverse children then so be it, the weak should be erased.

>moral superiority of huwhites keeping over half the world alive and reproducing

Whites are not 'superior' only smarter.

This as well, if whites aren't gonna keep their women in check and let her get railed by Jamal and Muhammed whilst they go around fucking some thai bitches then they deserve to be wiped out. Honestly even a nigger is worth more than a cuck.

>It is your own fault


You are right, cucks that think that feeding niggers is more important than space exploration will go extinct. But not all whites are that foolish.
Evolution will happen, and the harmful trait of feeling empathy towards negroes will be erased.

Because we're literally handing them food

Cuckiness is a disease that hampers reproduction. White population is going to be decimated, but the survivors will be immunized.
Happened before, this is just another black plague, lol.

Rabbits reproduce faster than foxes
Are rabbits superior to foxes?

You feed and cure niggers, you get more niggers.
Like rabbits, remove predators, supply food and medicine you get lots of rabbits. Superiority doesn't come in to the equation.

Over socialization. You can argue that whites are the only race capable of empathy, something that is constantly taken advantage of.

Whites were a mistake nature is trying to correct.

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lel you are full of shit russian rape baby let tell me why do ((((everyone)))) or as we call them at the civilized part of the world niggers want to go to your shithole
>be african
>no food no house no job no education no dignity no etc etc
>plan to move to any country in the world
>tfw no brains or moneis to apply for a visa
meanwhile in europ and canada
>"No need for that tyrone we got all your expenses covered and you are eligiable for our $12500 monthly welfare program please go to the nearest german ambassy to continue your paper"

>cucks that think that feeding niggers is more important than space exploration
Don't remind me

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we can not save all others who don't want to be exist
Guns, cooperation, land, is what we need in the next decades
Soon Europe will return to tribes/houses, individualism will be wiped out


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>female suffrage + mass media
Look at these poor people suffering! We must help them!

Because niggers will fuck anything that moves.

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r selection vs k selection.

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and Einstein belived in socialism. whats your point?

Yep. This needs to be reiterated. People think "Africa has always been like that". NO IT HASN'T. It started in the 90s. What also started in the 90s? TV advertisements saying to donate to funds and campaigns to help poor children in Africa.

You can that hand/puzzle piece jpg here.

you still haven't negated my argument, bin salman you actually just made it stronger. as i said, if white countries wouldn't be superior, no one would go there. See very recent "migration" example to the U.S.

Jews are a tiny minority and they run the world so you're wrong. Blacks can breed all they want but we'll always be at the top throwing scraps at them to keep them from chimping out

Dont listen to the mongs and Nazi cucks shilling Darwin or racial purity. The trend of population growth tends to be a boom, then plateau.

It can be attributed to a multitude of factors, like access to medical care, which in turn reduces infant mortality. This is because Africa is in deep with the industrial powers it provides for. Africa is still known for it's commodity exports, but there are major movements to try and shift into manufacturing. China fucking hates this. It's the same thing that was happening with the current industrial powers throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. The population of Russia spiked from 1801 to 1901, and same with France, the US, and England. Africa is rapidly growing like we did in the past, and with the increased globalization of trade after the Third Industrial Revolution, we see a swelling in Africa's population.

However Africa runs into problems when dealing with the distribution of wealth, the start up costs of industrializing, and are often the victims trade wars.
The population growth WILL plateau when standard of living gets better, and manufacturing becomes more prevalent in African economies. Look at the birth rates of Iran for example. It only took 15 years for the number of children per household to drop.

>There are more cockroaches on earth than Europeans
>Surely the cockroaches are superior.
This reasoning is on oar with nignog's.

Because nigger are stupid