It's over, Eurocucks. When trains run from the US to China, your whole continent will become completely irrelevant. A new age is dawning, and it dawns on the Pacific.
It's over, Eurocucks. When trains run from the US to China, your whole continent will become completely irrelevant...
Your not gonna get a railroad built in Canada. Hahahahaha
Why would spend the money building a train and massive bridge over thousands of miles when it’s literally cheaper and faster to float it across the ocean?
Let's just get Elon to bore a tunnel all the way to Chyna and we'll put some of his pods or wutzits in there and shoot people over there. Maybe we'll find the nazi base in Antacrtica too.
I am 100% opposed to any physical connection with the old world for social, political, cultural and racial reasons. Economics be damned.
Chink thinking he can build any infra in Canada!! Laughs in maple syrup!
>direct influx on chinese migrants into the US
As if the USA needed even more diversity
So the future of america is yellow?
all those countries already trade by sea in greater volume and for a less cost than any railway can provide
just put all stuff in a canoe
I’d rather be a nation of Hapa’s than a nation of spics
If mixing is our fate at least mix with the best
This. Our greatest strength is having oceans between us and Africa.
Do you want eco-facist terrorism? Because that's how you get it...
Canada will get railed
>yellowstone kicks in
nothing personal kid
>Already bigger GDP
>Eastern Europe growing at 10% a year
>Russian economy picking up again
>Muttistan browning at 50% and below, dropping every year
>Suburbs where republicans ran from niggers now get section 8 housing and whites FORCED to breed with niggers
>Descent to brazil tier in 10 years
>Chinese growth stagnating
The sun only shines on EUROPE
>thinking china will build us another railroad
Canada is ran by the Chinese of course they'll build a line that benefits China.
Lol you guys are totally delusional
Even if we were as overrun by feral niggers and spics as you think the us would still be the dominant economic power on earth for many many decades as we have been for 150 years
The whole Russia and Canada part will be a ride on through cause there's nothing to see there
>China can invade us
This better never get built.
>China’s Going to invade on a single predictable train line with dozens of stretegicnchoke points and limited to like 100 men per car
Yeah I’m not worried
I would fight this. I don't want to go to russia/china but you can bet 100000000 chinas would be on the next train to usa.
Russia is a demographic time bomb. No one is having kids there.
NORTH PACIFIC TREATY ALLIANCE, a superpower to end all super powers.
Eastern Europe growing at 10% is like Africa growing at 10% it doesn't matter in 50 years it will still be a shithole.
Guys why would you build a vastly expensive and slow train line when ships and planes are cheaper and faster
This is a retarded concept that will never happen
Got to get more migrants into North America user. We can’t make the bridge faulty for these new citizens!
> Defy the laws of physics and nature by building the world's longest bridge.
> Get halted in place by turbo-faggot.
Sounds about right.
what worse: Chinese in America or Mexicans and blacks in China?
It'll be a tunnel moron
so these idiots realized it's better to cooperate than to kill each other?
Fixed it.
My dear dear burger, sweet, innocent naive burger.
You really have no idea how quickly a country can collapse under the weigh of millions of shitskins...
There there now, it's ok, it can't happen to you. Hush little baby
its all about the speed user, think about how much faster a plane is than a boat
you can't go 500mph in a boat, too much risk of tipover or rogue waves, safer via train 100% guaranteed shipping, if the trains go much faster it could be a faster transit
Yep, i'm taking that 1
Do idiot Americans this actually matters to Europe? I've never read anything so stupid, you can already do about anything with China.
Ships and planes will never be cheaper than rail. The line/highway would carry people/cargo/fuel non-stop in any conditions vs a ship or plane which has limited capacity.
>there will be a train line that goes from Europe to US in your lifetime
This. Nothing gets built here, we have ONE ROAD connecting the East and West of our country, and for a short time it was actually zero because one of our bridges collapsed.
a fucking chinese colony
lel 150 years , lets not forget that in the past 150 years, USA started all economic crises lel
Trains can go across canada in 24-40 hours, how fast does your oil tanker get across the ocean?
This project would be worth doing and get exponentially more efficient for every additional track they laid.
Justin, fix you're damn eyebrow. Trump will let you know when to talk.
Yeah gonna be a long train m8
>tfw you are so incapable of being assertive that you have to glue angry looking eyebrows to your face in order to look serious
Source or fuck off.
nice try boomer
Not really, boats are way, way, way fucking cheaper for cargo transportation than a transcontinental railroad would be