How powerful is this?

How powerful is this?

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Why are they all so fat?

Ima grab you by your campaign finances and receipt and will probably audit you and refer you to the FEC for violations

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Pure comedy

Well, that's actually a pretty smart ad.

Hottest one in the front

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Are liberal women the most obnoxious, attention-seeking people on the planet?

Made me vote for Trump

Because the patriarchy is oppressing their metabolisms

> females
> being disgusting
> childish
> using every excuse to be naked and degrade themselves

jews truly lowered females to the level of beasts.
They will pay for this.

just nuke us all

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Why couldn't they grab the ballot in 2016?

The roastie meme is not a joke, vaginal rejuvination needs to be outlawed

Why should we listen to a bunch of fatty butterfeets? They couldn't even clonestamp some wikifeets into these piggish whores?

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weak as a soggy noodle

Imagine the smell in there haha

This has to be satire otherwise it is cringey as fuck

Dems want the black vote

They want to see hanging chads

imagine the smell, hahaha

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Why do women always revert to getting their tits out as a political statement? Do they think this somehow validates their arguments?

I know right, I'd probably bust just taking a single whiff.

Don't tell me you wouldn't hit that thicc rubenesque goddess in the front.

Why are they naked?

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Only if I was drunk enough
I might do the two in the very back on the left

Should stop grabbing the Ben and Jerry's by the spoon

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Sex still sells

TitsOrGTFO. They know it is their only card, considering how inferior they are, and their arguments are.

Not very.

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>lena dunham
>vaginal rejuvenation

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