For one time in your fucking neet life search for th FringeReality channel on jewtube and watch all the 911 related shit and then repost this thread till we finally have an actual debate. The video collection even debunks shit like thermite and controlled destruction that was shilled to hide the truth. The video have under 10.000 views - I think that's why they are still there. If there is some based Norway bot out there: Please archive in case the channel suddenly gets a lot of views which I doubt. I just try to get a few souls interested in what I think might be the real deal.
And no I'm not linking it because people will accuse me of shilling even more. and even if some of the satanic shit some talk about might have some connections I doubt it's a good point to start. September clues is part of the videos on there and imho it seems to be quite rational, just as the otther videos - even thought their nerdy, artistic touch can really be frustrating. And I still think that's the place to start before we get to other might-be stuff.
/inb4 gelatin b /inb4 isrealis
please don't assume but just take what is there and start from there.
Ian Kelly
QRD, what's the official cause claimed by the video?
That's the point: It's a bunch of videos not really claiming a reason, primarily stating what is bullshit about that day. There is also some stuff that - please hold on for a second - talks about energy weapons, but I think even while sounding quite rational IT'S NOT THE POINT. the point is that there is a whole fucking lot of stuff there that I think is really - questionable. And I'm a fucking sceptic from deep down in my heart.
Isaac Allen
Oh, so you're still on about the fact this was done intentionally. Can dump some images that are very interesting to go with the video.
That's the September clues documentary (which is really good I think) but the other 9/11 vids there are worth it too and when watching it all (which took me some time because at first I was "ah another of those truther channels) a totally new picture formed. at least for me.