The Trump Curse strikes again

The Trump Curse strikes again

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Aweck bawin

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How is it a curse?
Baldwin actually will punch your face while trump back peddles like a bitch pussy.

what curse? he btfo some faggot

Trump wouldn't get into worldstarhiphop scraps over trivial shit like park space.

? he is bitching about trivial shit every second tweet user

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Doesn't he get arrested on a regular basis? He is a horrible alcoholic and does some insane shit.

Don't you have some apology letters you need to write to your Muslim rapists, kraut?


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>living le meme
friendly reminder that you have cities with 50+ body counts while a single killing makes headlines for days over here

*on a single weekend

He lives in NYC, they'd kill for a good parking spot.

Tens of millions of dollars and doesn't hire a driver.

based af

Good thing I don't live in Chiraq

>has a driver for 50 years
>has to care about a parking spot.

When you realize that all the pedowood bitching about trump is that they are Jelly that no matter how famous or rich they get, that smiling face and awesome hair will be there to laugh at them.

>lives in some trailer with half of his teeth missing user
so jelly

>fell for the cuck city meme with Muslim bull shops.

Stay mad niglover

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The Trump Curse is real (as opposed to liberal hexing, which is larping) because Trump Derangement Syndrome predicts for self-destructive tendecies, that is, people who think Trump is Hitler consistently mess up their lives.

spbp, fucking floored me

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Malapropism should be punishable by death.
It would really cleanse the internet of scum.

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What’s are the early signs?

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he's just getting warmed up....

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Being the world leader of the Film Actors Guild for a start.

Did Alex had a talk show with Deniro talking about how bad orange man was?

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Trump is a hell of a peddler

>Borders are just a social construct!
>The USA belongs to everyone!
>That's my spot!

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If the fight was with anyone but a white male we will never know.

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This is very funny, since Baldwin is going to jail, and Trump is going to revoke birthright citizenship.

Funny how good little leftists don't understand what masculine behavior is actually like--you can't stop committing crimes because you were all raised by women.

/ptg/fags are pretty much the crybullies now. Say anything about Trump and you're literally Stalin even tho there's tons of evidence of Trump being one of (((them))), beyond doubt.

He's gotten into trouble for his anger issues numerous times in the past and will again.

I hate how every comedian copies his bad impression instead of coming up with their own

Why is he so angry? He fucked Kim Basinger in her prime, have a smile you faggot.

powered by latitude

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I love it.

I think a lot of the "Trump Curse" genuinely comes from these people becoming so deranged and irrational following his victory. He just makes these people so fucking pissed off all the time, that the stress of his presidency helps lead them into an early demise, or otherwise to become angry and insane people that lash out in this sort of way.

he wants to fuck his daughter

We have Arrreck Bardrin

>implying he isn't protected by God Himself

I literally live in a trailer Germanon.
>My commute anywhere I need to be is 5 minutes.
>I could walk to the hospital in that much time.
>I have rose bushes and a comfy yard.
>It's all so cheap and affordable.
You will never know how comfy it is to have a 3 bedroom for probably lower price then your car payment. Who do you think put the idea in your head that you need to spend a lot of € to keep up with the Jonestein's? Who are you trying to impress?

wat dat u sayin muhfukah bot muh moms gru me up we din hav nuttin but she do bist she can wypepo talkin shit mahfaku

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What an absolute faggot. Does this mean he will miss his stint on SNL this weekend? awwwwww

Don't drop the soap, Alec.

> parking spot

I would have loved to be in the room when Un watched this movie.

er, 'to have been'

LOL what a fucking idiot

It's funny because Baldwin is the same guy who is on recording yelling at his own daughter

LOL stay mad loser

Never fails. Red tsumani will happen.

You do realize Republicans make more money than Democrats

Lmao you are so mad

Red pill: They were deranged before Trump was ever elected

It's inherent: Democrats are mentally ill.

niggers aren't people

Dictators eat up western media. He probably chuckled.

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Oh no!

you got all your teeth? I have most of mine. just curious.

Arrested for public sex?

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Wow can you imagine being this much of a faggot? Fuck your celebrity crushes ahah

you realize you're importing the reason for those statistics at a very brisk pace, right?

OH shit I think he did. Haha how many people actually watched THAT? Two irrelevant old cunts. I hope Baldwin drinks himself to death.

"B but DRUUUUuuuUUUUuuuUUMPF guys. He's over there!"

>Trump does impression of Baldwin getting arrested at rally tonight

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>All my enemies fall

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He is ok guys, just listen.

this is like the third time, he should be going to prison

I am going to go antagonize this fucker just to get a seven figure payday

he can afford a p;arking garage

baldwin is a dick blowing theatric , trump is the most powerful man in the world .thats the difference between the two