Jesus, the amount of anti-Christian and pro-LARPagan threads going on these days is just massive. The rise of Paganism and Anti-Christian behaviour of the Youth and among redpilled individuals is really concerning, and many people turn their back to Christianity. All of the arguments and insults directed at It, though, are all based on lack of information and logical fallacies, and in this thread, I will debunk all of them on by one:
1: "It is a semitic religion! Jews are God's chosen people, and Christ was a Jew!"
2: “Turn the other cheek”
3: “Christianity is a weak religion that teaches unconditional love and is cucked.”
4: "Christcucks are the ones importing immigrants and supporting leftist bullshit, the Pope himself is promoting them!"
5: “Paganism will save Europe!”
6: "Hitler wasn't a Christian!"
7: “A lot of based NatSocs were Pagans like Himmler.”
Christianity is Based
Other urls found in this thread:
1/7 "Jesus was NOT a Jew or resident of Judea, He was a Galilean or resident of Galilee (Matthew 26:69; John 7:41), and a Judahite or descendent of the Tribe of Judah. The Judeans of prominence were not of the Tribe of Judah, but of Edomites. Esau spat in God's face by betraying his birthright for a bowl of RED pottage and then race mixing into the demonic race of Cain. This new mongrel stock of Canaanites and Edomites became the Jews. By 120 BC they were living near the outskirts of Israel so John Hyrcanus tried to forcibly convert them and get them to assimilate. By 47 BC, Antipater became the Procurator of Judea and began an Edomite dynasty. He encouraged his fellow Edomites to move from the arid borderlands and consolidate their power. By the time of Christ, Israel was overrun with these imposters who had monopolized virtually all positions of power and authority whilst hijacking the Israelite's identity. This is why Christ said to the jews, "Ye are of your father the devil," and "Ye are NOT of my sheep," and again, "I came ONLY to the LOST house of Israel." In the last book of the bible, one of the FIRST things God says is that there are IMPOSTERS that blaspheme his people and are really "the synagogue of Satan." The biggest lie in human history, is how the Jews STOLE the identity of the Israelites. In 1976, Walter White, Jr. conducted an interview with a Jew named Harold Rosenthal, who was an assistant to renowned Senator Javits of New York. In the interview, Rosenthal boasts (on tape) that the Jewish people have fabricated certain "falsehoods which work to conceal their nature and protect their status and power." Rosenthal debunks the commonly accepted lie that, "the Jews are Israelites, and thus God's chosen people". Rosenthal said in part: "Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer - so I wasn't lying -and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive."
1.1/7 Tldr: God's chosen people were Israelites. But at some point, another people managed to take control of Israel and as a result, claim the identity of Israelites, and one kike even admitted it, as well as the fact they believe in Lucifer, therefore, confirming the attacks of Jesus on them, claiming their father was Satan and a father of lies (John 8:43-44). Those people are who we know today as the Jews, and all of this proves why Christ denied them being of his Sheep. (John 10:26)
Pic related explains it pretty well.
2/7 "Turn the other cheek, goy"
These words are often misinterpreted because of the unknown social norms during that time, and the misconceptions around them are all cleared up in pic-related. Now, let me clear this up for you. In antiquity, you'd only hit someone with your right hand (the clean one, as stated in the pic). And Jesus was talking about the *right* cheek. And to get your right cheek hit, someone has to hit you with the back of his hand which during those times was an absolute insult. Thus, by turning the other cheek, your opponent would have to either slap you with the front of his hand, acknowledging you as an equal or to stop hitting. This is a metaphor. Christ didn't tell us "Don't fight back." He told us to fight back *smartly* , using public shame and avoiding useless violence.
3/7 “Christianity taught unconditional love and was cucked!"
Wrong again. Pic related.
4/7 "Christcucks are the ones importing immigrants and supporting leftist bullshit, the Pope himself is promoting them!"
It isn't "Christcucks" doing it, it is the Church. And the Church, just like every organisation that has big influence over the masses (like the medias) is controlled by the Jews and is cucked. Yes, we do not deny that. Crtiticising the Church doesn't make you any less Christian. Hitler himself criticised it a lot, and liked Luther's ideas. (the protestant reformer who wrote a 65000 word book titled "The Jews and their lies" ) A lot of Pagans attack Christianity as a weak religion because of that, but they fail to realise that the Church just wants to appeal to everyone, and afterwards got cucked by the Jews like every tool of manipulation over the masses. It is like calling the Germans for example "cucked" because of the leftist bullshit and the huge flow of immigrants into their country. It isn't the Germans or The Christians that are guilty, it is the Jews.
5/7 “Paganism will save Europe!”
Sure buddy.
6/7 "Hitler wasn't a Christian!"
It's like this argument just never ends... All of the info and evidence of Hitler being Pagan/Anti-Christian are based off Bormann and "Hitler's Table Talks" which are all thoroughly debunked here:
More info about Hitler's Christianity:
“A lot of based NatSocs were Pagans like Himmler.”
Yes, Himmler was Pagan. Do you know what he also was? A Satanist, (praised by literal Satanists
I shake my head at the anti-christian people and think that a jew rubs his hands with glee as he sees all those jew puppet cucks attack christianity.