I hate this guys

i hate this guys

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1995 Boomer-Z reporting in. Black Ops 2 WAS the last good Call of Duty, Xbox 360 was and is the greatest console ever made.

1997 here, please change the shirt to Halo 3.

I’m a late 90’s zoomer and we pretty much all agree that black ops 1 was the last call of duty nigger. With World at War being #1

Fuck you too pooland


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This too



T. 1995

1994 master race

Unfortunately a lot of them were heavily brainwashed They lived in the land of propaganda

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>everyone born after 2000 is retarded
unironically this

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You’re trying to hard and that’s not all late nineties stuff you absolute toolbox

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The vape sets it all off.

1996 zoomer here, don't let the (((pew))) research center tell you that 1996 and older are millennials
1995 and later are zoomers no matter what they say

who else /1997/ here?


1990 here, in my experience most late 90s kids never heard of CS 1.6. that's a bit before their time. Even when the community was really active in 2001-2004 I always felt like I was one of the younger players. Most people in CAL/CPL at the time were born around 1985-1988. I remember my clan usually was scrimming against 16-18 year olds when I was 11/12.

>ITT faggots providing their year of birth so glow in the darks can figure out which faggot in which families basement is behind said families shared IP.

Good job zoomers.

Gen-Z will save your ass


1989 here
Halo 2 > Halo 3

Call of duty two was the last good call of duty game. And the PlayStation 2 is the greatest consoled ever made.

Too real
Never had x360 nor vape tho

go away marketing

This is me.
PS, objectively speaking the mid 2000s were probably the height of civilization. We didn't have any of the problems we have today. We had the Iraq war and that was bad, but that was nothing compared to the political and social strife we experience now. Plus you could joke around, make racist jokes on college campuses, do nazi salutes as a jokes and so forth and nobody ever made a stink out of it. People mostly got along and they mostly looked like one another (white).It was nice.

A+ op

vaping and 360 is trash btw.
in the future nicotine lozenges for nootropic abilities will be regular

Bo2 was the best

98 here

You're thinking retarded boomers. Most millennials understand the benefits of gmos

Oh no I'm so scared of CIAniggers please don't track me mr spook man.
Grow a sack you queer, hiding in the dark like a fucking bitch is for nerds.

2000 Zoomer reporting in

t. Zoomer


/1997/ is comfy can act like a zoomer but can act like a millennial

My condolences faggot

>late 90's zoomer
>early 90's childhood references

/1990/ reporting in

Simpsons Hit and Run, Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?


This, 1992 here and that meme is for me

Halo combat evolved >halo2

If you played cs 1.6 and you were born after 1995 you are a poorfag
t. Poorfag

You're a fucking idiot. These problems have existed way before you we're shit out your mother's cunt. History repeats it's just in different forms and the only reason why your faggot ass is aware of anything is because the internet has Amplified every little problem.

thats the point of this meme

>do nazi salutes as a jokes and so forth and nobody ever made a stink out of it.

Not true bro.
I goosestepped across the front of my classroom senior year in high school (2006).. threw the best fucking salute ever, said Seig Heil...
Class fucking loved it..
the teacher though... almost had a heart attack because she was jewish.
Had a long chat with her out of class but just pretended I was messing around.

thats just a millenial

I was born in 98 and I completely agree. Those new graphics for 2 are better than 3

96, BO2 was in fact the last good CoD.

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I don't get it, is he supposed to be born in the late 90's or what?

/v/ hated mw2, but in its time I loved it. Didn't mind the noob tubing, there was ways around it, and it had the best maps in the history of the franchise. All other CoD games have been shit since BO1 too.

Jealousy will get you nowhere

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>Not being a 30 year old boomer
Yall are smalltime

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i laughed out loud to this

Yep, I don't even want to think about how many hours I spent perfecting every detail on custom forge maps then playing them with friends, gravity hammer jenga was fun af

this is a attempt to do a poll about the demographics at Jow Forums
op will watch the responses to conclude who is a zoomber and who isnt.
nice try sandnigga

>tfw 23 and still unironically like linkin park

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MW2 was the last good call of duty game

Pretty accurate except all the nigger rap.
Replace it with Aqua Teen and you're golden.

If you never played CS 1.6 with pron sprays growing up, you're a fag

That shit trained boys to ignore thots and pursue victory or die fapping

Better only be the first album and half of the 2nd. All emo horseshit after that.

yep. 3 was great but 2 is basically the height of online multiplayer, laid the framework for Xbox Live and PSN with the matchmaking, messaging system, and clan support. shit was cash

Black Ops 1 was the last good Call of Duty and I will fight anyone who thinks otherwise

Also '97 here, CoD4 or Halo 3 are both more respectable choices.

I actually liked mw2 more is it because im a 94?

thats what hes saying user, of cource theirs kikes around alive and well but most normies thought it was funny shit, now youll get hung for such actions

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I just find it weird that these days you are considered cool for being the best call of duty gamer. I was born in the late 80s and just uttering any notion of playing unreal tournament, quake, command and conquer, starcraft would instantly label you as a social pariah.

For the record the best COD was the first one cause they gave a fuck about history. At least German soldiers had German guns and Americans had American guns. The fact now you can be equipped with anything just ruins the authenticity of the war.

Half correct, swap out 'op' for NSA/CIA and swap out conclude to 'data mine'

/97/ fag. Comfy year for sure.

im 24 and i still like them. but they can be edgy at times.

at the end of the day its just music on your playlist that no one really cares about.

Found the glow in the dark.

>Blops 2
You have really shit taste if you aren't memeing. Blops 2 is widely regarded as one of their worst

I wish that music (white) was still the norm and not the music (nigger) we get this decade