What is Jow Forums's honest opinion on Anders Behring Breivik?

What is Jow Forums's honest opinion on Anders Behring Breivik?

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Killing children is wrong.

psycopath, should be put to death


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He shot children. Fucking Nigger.

not if they are socialists



psycopath who accurately illustrates the true meaning of "white nationalism"

Memes aside, he was a special kind of fucked up.

Communists aren’t children faggot they are communists

He had no choice. They should have heeded his warning

Yet they teach children as young as 5 to sexually mutilate themselves and you tag along like it’s not an immediate problem. They stole his future so he stole theirs deal with it little bitch

Killing a bunch of children of your own race doesn't seem too clever even if you are a murderous racist.

Subhuman of the lowest order, but not quite distanced in terms of subhumanhood from the average 'moderate' racists on Jow Forums who want to nuke people, strip people of their citizenship because of their race, etc.

White children at that.

Hadn't even considered a false flag.

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back to r donald

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Fuck off, Mossad.

He single handedly saved his country politically by being evil.

They were traitors.

>he unironically advocates murdering kids

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Fuck off, leftypol

Gas yourself, shlomo.

The hero that every other mass shooter should have been.
When some functional retard shoots up a church with a handful of old people inside it's about the dumbest thing that can be done.
Killing the next generation of enemies before they can use force against us is one of the best things one man can do.

And what about the white subhumans who have granted others citizenship despite their race? Is this not a crime against humanity?

Gas yourself, shlomo.

I wish I had 5 million men like him! Europe would look alot differently..

everyone who remotely supports that fag milo deserves to be shot

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Long before his time.

Imagine glowing this hard.

Yes sir, when a leftist supports the genocide of whites they forfeit their own right to live. This is because leftists refuse to engage in honest discourse and seek to use the force of the state as a means to impose their genocidal policies.
It doesn't matter if they are white. Some whites may self-redpill, and we may be able to save a few, but it is counterproductive to "save their lives" and go through some exhaustive process trying to bring 100% of them into the light. It's in their genes, they are leftist scum, and they have no right to live.

Total piece of shit

Expand on that

>uhh guys you need to play nice
You are not going to survive when world dissolves into chaos.

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You should read what he wrote, you shouldn't do what he did

FBI fuck off

Good dude. Would shake his hand and buy him a meal, and give him shelter if he were on the run.

The hero we need, not the one we deserve.


>implement a law/decision through a Democratic process
>white niggers still chimp out because they didn't appeal to their meme racial sensibilities
I think the real crime is believing white nationalists aren't niggers

a hero

all you need is a dozen good breviks to really turn the tide in a real and substantial way

I salute you commander Breivik.

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>he thinks he needs to murder white children in order to survive

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Same as Dylan Roof. both had valid points but targeted the wrong people. Dylan shooting up a bunch of church going blacks was cowardly if he really wanted to make his point he should have shot up thuglife ghetto gangster niggers. buut they shoot back.

Breivik had a legitimate point. I mean look at Europe now.. had he have gone into Parliament and shot at sitting members then he'd be thought of differently..

>have a democratic republic
>vote the same party into power for over 100 years despite nothing getting better and things only get worse

A crisis actor.

Why didn't he try to get away from the island after killing the children?

>kill only white children

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>mexico has gotten worse in terms of quality of life, wealth, etc. In the past 100 years
Meme niggers.

high k/d

shouldve killed more commie faggots

>he advocates indoctrination camps of the wealthiest families children to form bonds so they can fuck over europe when your 50

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I have never said such thing. All I am saying is that being a moralfag is going to fuck you over.

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this user gets it

>honest opinion on Anders Behring Breivik?

idk. whats above god tier?

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>Same as Dylan Roof. both had valid points but targeted the wrong people.
who? the retired congressman and the other leaders of that black community? what could have hit harder? they ARE the problem

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>elderly people who try to organize and make their communities better ARE the problem, not the actual niggers who spend all day smoking crack, breaking and entering, raping, etc
Figures that a dumb poltard white nigger would consider the plan of some prepubescent psychopath to be well grounded in reality.

You understand most commies, SJWs, etc. are actually white right? For all of their other flaws, niggers and spics don't actually spend a lot of time sipping lattes and reading Marx or Dworkin.

Is that the masonic knight templar pagan right wing gay plastic surgery guy who played wow and fought Islam by shooting kids on an island?
lool, so very based. He really is Jow Forums's hero.


A bit like Hitler.
Very right but very wrong

KING OF Jow Forums

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>and make their communities better
lol because they were in a church? might as well been the local dnc headquarters

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Which is more harmful?
A bunch of elderly church going groids in their twilight years or gangs of roving thug niggers beating and mugging and actively partaking in black on white crime?

It's so simple that even a breiviknigger like you can grasp it, community leaders and church people actually care about their communities, which is why they attempt to fix them and organize them, whereas a nigger who smokes crack and steals all day long does not.

Sounds like white niggers are afraid of actual violent criminal niggers so you just prey on the elderly

What a pathetic way to pad your nonsensical edgelord 'argument'

He has pretty legs!

didnt the elders shape the thug landscape they find themselves in? or are the helpless apes who just exist?

Zionist stooge.

we need more like him

dont you consider the topic to be edgelordish? should i not express certain beliefs of mine?

He's a hero. He did nothing wrong.

They were communists. Age doesn't matter.

Tell me where I can find a building where hood niggers congregate where I can slip in, shoot it up, and walk out without locals hearing gun shots.

I'm sure he didn't pick that target because hood niggers "shoot back".

A man truly ahead of his time. Later, we'll have wished we were paying more attention, if we were listening closely at that time.

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Absolute fucking legend. One of the only guys to actually have some balls and do something. Yes I consider him a hero.

You can spew whatever idiocy you want, I highly doubt that a dumbass who thinks elderly black community leaders must be murdered would be offended by such a word.

Why do you care if I think you're an edgelord? Why would I want to censor your idiocy, when you're doing a great job at discrediting yourself?

Stay ontopic and tell us more about how elderly black church goers and community leaders are the real problem in the black community, not the actual drugged up hood rats

All these pics of Gadhaffi and Brevik are making e nostalgic for 2011. Truly a more simple time.

Dislike him cause he killed kids just like McVeigh

Mossad patsy

based and redpilled

hero, wish he had managed to blow up his cuck government

the same as these guys in turkey...no respect for life

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Pretty based. People needed a wake up call about the cultural marxists but it fell on deaf ears

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He did the right thing.

>imagine not understanding what glowing is

he was a hero, he was smart, he used distraction and subterfage perfectly, he used the element of suprise, a force multiplier, he targetted their young breeders ... and he lived, and he published his manifesto

he committed a nearly flawless act of terrorism, this is the white mans terrorism,

This. Assuming of course he isn’t benefiting off of white moralfags already

You should shut up, mutt.

Killing white children was the right thing?

If they're in a church they're pretty far removed from the crack smoking gangbanging nigger thugs that just take from society.

Roof was a coward who went for an easy target. not even a political target just some defenseless geriatric coons.

Ultimately hurt right-wing politics by turning people against them. Killing a few teenagers won't stop demographics so its a waste.

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killing child soldiers is sad but necessary.
killing commies is sad but also necessary.

killing playing children that are to young to understand politics is worthy of immense suffering. and i am not saying he is glowing but i wouldn't be surprised if he did.

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well if you dig around in the archives here, you will find thorough research on him, which btw if you find it is extremely good.

the truth is... the guy was fucked even before the age of one, to just sum it up. his mother, wenche, she was crazy. His father and her broke up and his father tried, rightfully so, to get custody in court. which ofc he lost because that's how fucked it is.

after that and I remind you, she was giving him up for adoption ofc... so she brought him to his fosterparents(very unusual never heard of this before), they however slammed the door in her face when she made some long eloberate statement ending up in "if breivik could touch his new father's benis, because he needed to learn about benises......"

yeah... so it goes from there, the guy was so fucked, so fucked by the system so this is the only outcome, a product of a rotten state... it's quite sad... if this had happened later he would probably been in syria with is, i'm not joking he knew a lot about islam more than sg... he known for this

his last court speech has leaked it is translated, you should see it. then you see with a pathetic faggot he is, I can't translate it's very local, but even those faggots burst into laughter when he starts his derranged nonsense.. it takes a while though for about 15-20 minutes he drops red pills, he actually does... I reacted a bit to this, then he forks off and goes into total mongoland

regardless though, he is a very sad story, when you read about his childhood you just actually go
>omg.. that poor kid
he is from this richie rich faggot place too you know, everyone there was rich and well off beside him.

we really hate those guys, they are weak arrogant faggots behave like homos, speak like pussies and are arrogant on top top of it. he never dared to come here, because we lit beat them up here, we can't stand them. no, not internet thoguh guy shit but that's real even my mother would beat them up

liberal's children , so ya

Pretty cool guy.

>Be Anders
>Be a little kid
>Goes on all through your life till you are adult
>Mom there is another guy here again
>have to listen to your whore of a mother pork 10 guys a day
>sit in your room
>try to ignore the sounds while you play video games
then people wonder why you hate feminism and cultural marxist and go shoot up the next line of traitors

>i only killed communists.png

Shur the fuck up faggot , he gave up his life to make your country better . You need some madness in you to be able to do this sort of thing. While you well adjusted individual just stand there talking shit. Wait till your family get killed and raped by muslims

He just looks evil, ugly and unnerving even for “evil nazi” or ISIS terrorist stereotype standards

>Zionist stooge.
look at the hand.. he "educated him self in jail"
oh yeah, I am drinking so i forgot to look at the flag.
Regardless, information is restricted but he is natsoc no meme. if you find that leaked last speech of his, you will see how he uses a lot of time to bitch about how the state treated the quislings after the war.

An no, nobody here said we were nice to them. it was a war and they sided with an invaded enemy, for 5 years. lots of people got killed while they sucked ass, so ofc they were treated really badly.

ffs even my grand mothers brother, went into their shit. he was young and dumb they say, and just wanted to get into uniform to get skirt. regardless when the war was finally over, it took a couple of years but then he tried to come visit her and my grand father. my grand father took the shotgun and went after him and said these words
>If I ever see you again traitor, I will blow your head off
and he meant it, he . too long but he was on the other side.

I saw this traitor only once, that was in my grand mother's funeral, my grand father died 11-12 years before this, even then he didn't dare to come

point: they all had miserable lives and they fucking deserved it, fuck them. it's not about ideologies it's about you siding with the enemy