In preparation of the sand nigger import, Glorious Nipon pioneered Halaltai

Nipanons, please explain the degeneracy in pic related

Attached: halaltai.jpg (659x960, 118K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Japs don't even need jews to jew themselves lol

what in the world.

Post the vidya edit.

Absolutely degenerate

I think our nukes messed with their brains.

Don't just don't.

Is that a manga meant for muslims or furries?
sauce for anyone interested

Attached: 1524378969627.jpg (476x535, 41K)

>Ahh... All of Master's semen is in my belly
WTF man??


Attached: gun jesus disgusting.jpg (570x845, 131K)

I thought it was pretty good, desu. That little lamby lamb is adorable. :)


Gas yourself

lmaoing at the normalfag newfags seething at this entry level shit.

Attached: 1529095449904.png (184x184, 80K)

>That little lamby lamb is adorable. :)

Attached: USI-logo.jpg (430x273, 49K)

Attached: Legionposting.png (504x415, 191K)


Oh yeah I member

You're the one who saved it faggot.

Attached: 1540578638893.gif (172x200, 33K)

Alright, listen up! You guys need to stop bullying Lamby-chan! I will not stand for this abuse against this courageous, beautiful creature who had the bravery to challenge societies norms! You're all a bunch of bigots and you should be ashamed of yourselves! Apologise to Lamby-chan NOW!

Attached: Lamby-chan.jpg (1010x1600, 976K)

>not a kiwi
tut tut


Yeah they need to see that real shit. OP post is just a meme

Attached: 1411101264743.png (828x658, 298K)

Hang on, you're not a Kiwi, what's going on here?

oh boy, throw in some "emergence" from Shindol and we're good.


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