We need to curb our indulgence on this. It is as bad as porn, videogames or hard drugs.It transforms the viewer into a listless sedentary, mindlessly engrossing himself in the fictional lives of two dimensional characters at the expense of his own. It is even more insidious than regular TV programming as it's characters are wholely unrelatable to any real life human beings in both personality or bodily proportion.It turns the victim into a shell, a husk resembling a human ;sucking them into the depths of escapism,their very soul merging with the abyss with reality becoming an unfortunate distraction.
As of recent the long nose of the Jew has started to influence these shows with depictions of nublie Aryan woman seen succumbing to the sexuality of the Negro.
This woman is Asian and the clear implication here is "racemixing destroys genes" given her comment
Camden Powell
What Does my hero academia have to do why race mixing?
Jayden Hill
What message exactly? They send lots of messages some degenerate, some social building, some are just what if scenarios having fun so I would instead want to know what exact morals or ideas is Japan trying to spread? Which ones are to you are morally wrong?
You do know that no one watches anything yes? People hit other people in the head until they stop- moving for fun, and they stab themselves for nourishment
Your nonsensical ramblings are no doubt the result of these Chinese cartoons.
Easton Ortiz
>That's right goyim, be ashamed of being virgins. >You should be fucking each other from the age of 3 months. If you're not fucking everything that moves there's something wrong with you. kys you degenerate.