Why can’t niggers and spics afford ID’s so they can vote?

Why can’t niggers and spics afford ID’s so they can vote?

Attached: F2C8F6A1-D42A-41BA-A50D-01CDBDDB6BF7.jpg (1200x677, 225K)

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Because cuckservative traitors have...
>closed places to get IDs in african-american neighborhoods
>made it harder to obtain IDs (difficult procedures, higher costs, etc)
>closed polling places in african-american neighborhoods

...it's almost as if they know for a fact that they could never win on the strength of their arguments or the value of their politicians so they have to rig the voting...

Attached: faggot.gif (180x135, 137K)

kys faggot

its a common trend among liberals to believe black americans to be poor children incapable of doing things for themselves so we have to help them.


they spend too much money on weed

You get your id in the fucking mail, retard.

Only interviewing blacks in NYC skews the results a bit.

They can, they have to get one for their welfare. The ID thing is just bullshit so the Democrats can cheat in elections.

the DMV in California is a mess
it took 2 months for me to renew over mail

>Weight 150
Only if she:s 4'6"