Where's the lie?

where's the lie?

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Take off your flag

The Don is right. Blacks should stick to what they're good at, running and leave the complicated business like running the world to white, Christian men

Terrible. This is not who we are.

I really hope this is true. Hey, you can't fault the POTUS for telling the truth.

Cmon this is clearly fake news everyone knows Trump loves his african american frens

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That one country was Libya and leader was Gadaffi, Obama put an end to that.

yes of course. thats why he gets the bullet as well

Bullshit but I want it to be true.

At the time wouldnt the answer be USA?

So is this lies or it he breaking attorney client privilege? Oh course gas either way.


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Don’t talk about my president like that you British piece of shit.

hes probably being paid to shitpost and he is set for life

i'd even believe that trump paid him to shitpost

do something fatty. come on come over you fat sack of shit and do something. exactly motherfucker, USS Donald will sink with you, diabetic cunt.

go on, name one then

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Michael Cohen also told me that Jake Tapper said muslims lick the assholes of goats and hillary clinton is a dyke rapist. I cant be 100% sure if this is true, but im printing it anyway!

We have the best blacks. Not like those crooked dem blacks!

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Seriously. Dude was swarthy as fuck but by no means a nigger

I bet you 1,000 million internets it's bullshit.
You know why? Because it's what we say here.
He read it here, I've said same thing myself.

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Funny, Michael Choen told ME that YOU are a lying sack of shit and basically drunof is stumped


>Michael Cohen

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If this is true, trump will win a 3rd term

the part where trump said any of that

The only successful African country was mostly white, until niggers took it over

What country is this you speak of? France? Germany? Sweden?
Give them a year, they will collapse without whitey

Cohen is lying

I don’t have to, I’ll let the Jews, Pakis, and Poles take care of you while I eat McDonalds and sip on my energy drink.

What's the rundown on Cohen? Why do people believe him? Is he a lefty?

>cable NEWS network

There’s the lie

>Name one country run by a black person that's not a shithole. Name one city.

I mean, he has a point.

You'll die before me you McFattle

This is clever

There is none.

As a leaf your retorts always come off as try-hard and desperate

This, we don't even think these things. Those who have already thought the thought have already committed bigotry.

Based and redpilled

Cohen was Trump's lawyer for the past 12 years. In other words, he was Trump's best friend. It's likely that Cohen knows Trump better than anyone else in the world - even better than Trump himself.

Assuming you don’t get a face full of acid and run over by a stolen truck before he dies of a heart attack.

I like trump, but can we please stop pretending he is a Christian? He admitted on camera he never asked Christ for forgiveness which is literally the ONLY requirement.

>trump is at 40% approval with blacks
Oh no no no hahahahhahahaha
Also pretty distasteful to broadcast this even if trump really said it

i wonder what his response was

Deist masterrace

He's not wrong.

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Well? Name one.

>best friend
Fags are fucking sad.

Give it time.

Hearsay is inadmissible in court, who why the fuck is a member of the media spreading it? Journalists are so stupid.

I doubt it.

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I'm gonna need audio before I take the word of a guy named Cohen.

they really do everything before the elections. imagine lying and lying without shame, non-stop. i would feel guilty to even lie a little bit. they lie big time and don't feel shame. they must either be robots or extreme psychopaths.
just really think about this. don't just say they are crazy, try to really imagine how ill these people are, it's not just some small problem, it's a really really tough problem.

someone ask jake tapper to answer the last two questions

And then laugh when it all stops and disappears on November 7th, and watch as normies suspend all brain function and move on to the next news cycle.

Why is it every time some new Cohen expose comes out it makes Trump look better?

>Today on "Bullshit news that come out just before midterms"

>That cracka say what?
>Ima show his white ass
>Votes Trump
How many dimensions of play is this?

>Bong trying to be threatening
Lol okay Mohammed, put your butter knife away.

This. Holy shit I am just laughing.

What can I say, at least I am still white.

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You and what guns, bong? You guys can't even own a butter knife.

Hahaha they are sooo nervous

>t. future land of vicious brazilian trannies