where's the lie?
Where's the lie?
Benjamin Martinez
Easton Baker
Take off your flag
Alexander Morgan
The Don is right. Blacks should stick to what they're good at, running and leave the complicated business like running the world to white, Christian men
Luis Ramirez
Terrible. This is not who we are.
Luis Nguyen
I really hope this is true. Hey, you can't fault the POTUS for telling the truth.
Ryan Allen
Cmon this is clearly fake news everyone knows Trump loves his african american frens
Jacob Murphy
That one country was Libya and leader was Gadaffi, Obama put an end to that.
Angel Hernandez
yes of course. thats why he gets the bullet as well
Brody Lewis
Bullshit but I want it to be true.
Caleb Johnson
At the time wouldnt the answer be USA?