yeah, im thinkin shes back
Hilldawg 2020
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What are the chances of her legitimately winning if she ran against Trump again? No meme answers please.
Say it with me: madame president
she won't get nominated.
I fucking hope she does.
All my $hillary memes have been gathering dust. I'd love to have another crack at her.
flat out zero. dems who voted and supported her last time got burned. they probably have resent for that bitch. she wouldnt make it out of the democratic primary.
ITS HER TURN! (again)
I can't wait for the hillary memes again
>hillary clinton
>legitimately winning
well right now think about it this way, who else can run. joe biden's got lots of kiddy-diddlin skeletons that can come out of the closet if anyone had the balls to investigate. fauxcahontas, that drooling kennedy, none of them really have a support base. out of all dems, the only one who still has a support base is hillary. i don't even know who will be the final demorat nominee at this point.
it just looks & feels like they're very desperate....first christine ford, then the magatardbomber, then the synagogue shooting. all stinking of cia-hollywood fake shit.
I fucking LOVE that even CNN is coming off like "Wait, what? Really?" about it.
As good as my chances of inventing a time machine & getting a threesome with Chris Ricci, Neta Lee Hershlag, and Charlotte Gainsbourg in their unroastied primes.
She will try. All of her shekels are tied to having political power.
That "they all look alike" comment didn't force her into hiding?
Crooked Hillary 2020!
*hurrrr turrrrn
Please do.
hallalluya amen
Legitimately zero. Dems won't go with her though, she's toxic and even the Dems aren't dumb enough to let her lose a third time. Their party will be done for the next two decades if they do.
She might. A pretty large swath of the country is entirely caught up in Russian/nazi hysteria and thinks she rightfully won. Plus the Democratic Party is basically owned by her, if all the leaks are accurate.
They could weight it all in her favor again. The only way she wins vs Trump from that point is if something ridiculous happens, which is not unheard of. War, stock market crash, economic bubble pops, etc.
Baring some unforeseen catastrophe her odds would be pretty bad. Probably less than 20%
no, its just a pretext for her to be a puppet figurehead in the upcoming purple coup attempt. spoiler: itll fail
What a boring election that’d be.
I don’t want the same show twice.
here's your First Female POTUS, bro.
hot, wet & ready
literally nothing can stop her from running. she'll still be running a century from now.
What ever happened to this cunt?
The problem is that in a country where 14% of citizens believe in Bigfoot, she polls 11% on “honest and trustworthy”.
She'd be the Democrats best chance to get centrist or borderline right votes but there's no way they'll go with her. They don't like her and she'll get Bernie'd if she tries and gets in the way of their pre-determined candidate.
wait, is this real? i need a name and infos.
She will get crushed, the only thing Trump didn't have going for him was the GOP didn't want him as their candidate in the primaries, and many rhino Republicans didn't trust he was a serious candidate. He has unironically shown them how to win, after Kavanaugh they quite simply trust him.
this user gets it.
hilldawg/clinton-mafia is very powerful. if they get desperate enough they'll move from "purple revolution" to actual assassination attempts. they're already dropping the stock market by a lot. notice how when the stock market has been dipping bigly last month, that nigger obama didn't say a word and didn't take credit. but when the market was blazing higher he said it was all thanks to him and not trump.
if not hillary then michelle obama runs and it'll be a tight race since they'll go full-chutzpah in trying to rig the election this time. last time, they didn't think trump would win so they only did some rigging in select states.
>I don’t want the same show twice.
the sim managers have such disdain for us that they might actually just do a re-run but with more fake & gay FFs that are blamed on "alt-right".
they're gonna try to shut down Jow Forums before 2020, that i truly believe.
They could always put Bernie up to the plate.
hol up hol up HOL UP NEGUS
>smashes up hard drive platters
what yoo was sayin
>bites hunk of beef
ya'll was sayin
>shoots cattle wrangler on stage
you was gonna say
>abducts Haitian orphans
was dat
>insults massive voter base
>embezzles millions
>orchestrates weapons deals
fair enough
Click bait article. She specifically said no.
Third time's a charm
She'll win the nomination, probably won't even be anyone in the primary to run against. None of the other dems want a Trump nickname, particularly the younger ones with a political future. She'll get the party line vote because, after all, she already beat him once (popular vote). Trump and the electoral college will curb stomp her again.
It's her turn
The better question is what are the chances that she actually survives another campaign in 2020.
*beep beep*
It would be funny to see Donald ass rape her at an extra ugly debate. Call Bill a rapist on TV again.
i didn't read the article but i heard she recently said, exact words: "i would like to be president"
what a weird thing to say if she also has no intention of running.
imagine being this new
take off your larpflag and maybe we can hold your hand and give you quick rundowns.
If she ran in 2020 and beat Trump I think he would be obligated to kill himself.
>not just using Shadman
doesn't matter, she would goof the whole thing up since kek doesn't like her
It'll be jeb! situtation. She won't get through the primaries, dems are sick of her and want to start a new chapter. Would be a huge waste of money if she ran. Not to mention the multiple investigations that would start if she actually won. It would be a disaster for the dems.
They need the 3 witches together to start WW3
We killed her dog.
clinton/avenatti rev up your memes
Re-instant alienation of Bernie bros
Would be extremely vulnerable to economy based debates considering how well Trump has cleaned up and thats a top 2-3 issue for any voter
Health questions only intensify
But also might further re-invigorate the dem base because they could go "ohhh look whats been going on its not often we get a second chance to fix mistakes blah"
okay while I was writing this I started looking at the that really her? something is off more than usual
how hard would it be to run a look alike that can be coached up to fix the issues that Hillary encountered last run while the real Hillary waits in the shadows and just takes office if she wins
her health was a major issue and a body double in reasonable condition effectively eliminates that seed of doubt
Stop, Hillary stop!
Sacrificing Haitian children won't do you any good!
>Bernie bros
How many are really democrat anymore? Seriously? You'd have to be completely ignorant of the Justice Democrat situation or a young turks viewer.
>Dems are sick of her
That's not for them to decide. They will be sick of her when she says they can be sick of her. The only people that are sick of her that will make a difference are the center left (independents) and the Bernie-bro commies. Neither can keep her from being nominated
if she runs again There will be scores of burned bros wanting fucking blood. She better stay down like the dog she is.
She knows that she’s gonna go to prison so she’s trying to make it look political.
>incumbent losing during war
Show flag
I hope she does. It was her turn.
unfortunately she probably thinks she can buy herself close to half another decade if she runs again
Did she really wish herself a happy birthday AND call herself a future president? In one post? Jesus.
no need to repeat yourself
Hill yes she did.
She killed her dog. She just said we did it.
she would have to instantly adopt his policies from the get go which wouldnt be that hard
"after watching this country for the past few years blah blah terrible things blah blah bernie was right and i fully buy into his schtick its the only way to heal"
she doesnt need all of them either, just the naive ones
Oprah is going to end up running. All the niggers will go full chimpanzee on her.
no there is too much dirt on Oprah dumbass. The dem's best bet is Biden and he's a pedo trainwreck
what, no, this can't be, hillary said that she was done with running for office.
a career lawyer/politician like herself wouldn't just publicly lie like that, no no, something isn't right here.
>tfw Based Hillary will do anything to win
>tfw Hillary goes full 1488 White Supremacist Alt-Right to win
The hubris of this bitch was and is breathtaking. The election at every stage was seen as a mere formality to her queenship.
reminder that hillary is going to "run" for president, but she will lose to a carefully chosen progressive candidate so that the bernouts feel like theyre voting for someone "against the establishment"
Apparently she is already guaranteed the nomination and is running with former first trans lady as VP. According to the most censored broadcast in the world, and his sources.
>using "FUCK!" as an onomatopoeia in a sex scene
Litterally who???
A lot of dems actually blame Hillary for losing, so if she didn't win in 2016 with full dem support, she won't win now.
She will never win because she will never make it through the democrat primary. Shes way too moderate.
Gotta be real quiet when you give her support she spooks easy like a horse....real quiet...
Hilllll dawgggggg!
She's gonna have to do more than pay the dems bills this time.
As a democrat.
>as a democrat
I refuse to believe that anyone in the right mind would support them. Are you an Israeli bot?
please please please please please please
How did this demon almost become president
>4 years older
>health problems simmering
>widley disliked
lets run her again!
she owns the DNC at every level. how can they say no to her? they'll just sabotage the other contenders like they did with Bernie. he'll probably run again just to help her.
Tulsi Gabbard.
I came here for hilkdawgs and I was disappointed
Mass corruption.