>BACKGROUND Jair Messias Bolsonaro is a Brazilian congressman and former military officer. He has served as a member of the Chamber of Deputies, representing the state of Rio de Janeiro, since 1991. In an unprecedented presidential run, spending significantly less than his adversaries, under constant fire from the mainstream media, and having survived an assassination attempt, Bolsonaro was elected by the popular vote to the presidency of Brazil. He will take office as the 38th president in January 1st 2019.
Bolsonaro is a pro-gun, pro-life, conservative Catholic. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China, Eurasianism and Bolivarian socialism. He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems.
>CONFIRMED MINISTERS Onyx Lorenzoni - Chief of Staff Paulo Guedes - Economy General Augusto Heleno - Defense LTC Marcos Pontes - Science and Technology Sérgio Moro - Justice
b)Get social influencers, /ourguys/ retweeting this and discussing this >Nando Moura >Olavo de Carvalho >Bolsonaro >Bolsonaro kids >Danilo Gentili >Frota >Ana Caroline Campagnolo >Sargento Fahur >Police instagram pages on facebook and instagram >Right wing pages on facebook and instagram
c)Push it to the leftist bubbles, so they can viralize this in fear too >Midia ninja >Quebrando o tabu >Reddit
d)Create OC to push this idea to the entire nation that is on social media >Sikeira Jr memes >Proerd memes >Alborghetti memes
vimeo.com/112440887 >Gays and Art >LGBT doc talking about conscious sin as liberative
vimeo.com/234362743 >Cuceta >Fag LGBT movie about gay tranny guy tattooing a PUSSY on it's anus, pretending it to be a sex change surgery
youtube.com/watch?v=WjkAGlimFL4 >Queermuseum, criança viada(fag kid), criança travesti(tranny kid) >Fag art event, despicting little kids as trannies and gays
Well that makes sense then. Shouldnt give free adv to cucks.
Jackson Ward
who do we want for the other ministries?
Presidente (President): Cpt. Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) Vice-Presidente (Vice-President): Gen. Hamilton Mourão (PRTB) Ministério da Casa Civil (Ministry of the Chief of Staff): Onyx Lorenzoni (DEM) Ministério da Economia (Ministry of the Economy): Paulo Gudes (-) Ministério da Defesa (Ministry of Defense): Gen. Augusto Heleno (-) Ministério da Saúde (Ministry of Health): Henrique Prata? Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (Ministry of Science and Technology): Lt. Col. Marcos Pontes (PSL) Ministério da Educação, Esportes e Cultura (Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture): Stavros Xanthopoylos? Gen. Aléssio Ribeiro? Ministério das Minas e Energia (Ministry of Mines and Energy): ? Ministério da Justiça e Segurança (Ministry of Justice and Safety): Sérgio Moro (-) Ministério da Integração Nacional (Ministry of National Integration): ? Ministério da Infraestrutura (Ministry of Infrastructure): Gen. Oswaldo Ferreira (-) Gabinete da Segurança Institucional (Cabinet of Institutional Security): ? Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social (Ministry of Social Development): Magno Malta (PR)? Ministério das Relações Exteriores (Ministry of Foreign Affairs): Ernesto Fraga? Ministério do Trabalho (Ministry of Labour): ? Ministério da Agricultura e Meio Ambiente (Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment) < seems like this one will be split in two: ?
Nah, let's just jump boat to the Velho Barreiro and let the Pitu sink
Jaxson Clark
benito is the arab who got elected after their former based president, but seems he's a little more cucked than his predecessor, who was ourguy
ivan duque is uribe's boy so he's probably ok, but people were complaining about cuckery, although after bolso he is probably the most right-wing guy in the list
sebastian pinera is like a more right-wing, chilean macri
martin vizcarra is PPK's VP, a centrist with a leftist past, seems like he has a clean, reformist government but is also cucked
lenin moreno is literally correa's handpicked sucessor from his leftist party who got to office just to betray him, reverse half his policies, kick the venezuelan ambassador out of the country and say he likes the people who didnt vote for him more than the ones who did
Hunter Rodriguez
what text?
Austin Nguyen
Ernesto seems good, but the Prince wouldn't be a bad choice either. I remember someone suggesting Ricardo Velez Rodriguez for education, but I don't know much about him.
If they do split, the Environment ministry should go to some General that works in the Amazon.
No that will just give them more free advertising with our tiozões. let them fall into obscurity as a pasta and move on to another meme.
Ryan Martin
We can take inspiration in this "corrente do zap".
Recado para os homens... A partir de hoje, segunda-feira, 29/10/2018, novas regras: Homem volta a tomar banho como homem. O sabonete (melhor, sabão de coco) vai servir para lavar o cabela, o pé, o sovaco, o saco, ... Nada de shampoo, condicionador e outras frescuras. Cortar cabelo só em barbeiro. O corte tem que ser no padrão, maquina 2 dos lados e curto em cima. Salão somente para as mulheres. Birita agora é no botequim. Preferencialmente em pé, falando de futebol e de mulher. Acabou esse negócio de pubs, luau, sarau, etc... Metyolate vai voltar a arder. Homem também volta a tomar boldo nos dias de ressaca. Homem não comemora mais "niver". Futebol passa a ser obrigatório, gostando ou não. Não passeia mais com poodle, yorkshire, shitzu, etc... Ainda pode ter um vira-lata, desde que o cachorro coma resto de comida e beba água na panela velha ou pote de margarina. A partir de segunda não fumará mais cigarro de filtro branco, pois isso é coisa de manicure. Vai conhecer o namorado da filha com a arma em cima da mesa, e vai permitir que ele responda apenas o que for perguntado. Homem que for pego em salão de depilação vai ser depilado com faca de serra. Coque samurai nem pensar Camisa do Ranço proibido Chuteira não poderá ser de cores florescente Cerveja Brahma com dinheiro Cerveja Itaipava sem dinheiro Proibido cerveja artesanal e outras viadagens Alergia à fumaça do cigarro é o caralho Homem não fica reclamando do frio, pedindo para diminuir o ar condicionado Agora: Preto é preto Branco é branco Gordo é gordo Muito gordo é baleia Muito mais gordo é rolha de poço Magro é magro Muito magro é vareta Homossexuais são bichas. chega de mimimi, acabou a porra da palhaçada. Brasil acima de tudo. Deus acima de todos
Easton Long
>media makes shit up with no proof >gets called out on it >people go: "every fucking time" >people still dont trust the media
btw nice to see PT is no longer larping as if the media is against them
Gavin Nelson
not really, its on the list of ministries they're releasing
its just abin and it needs a separate structure for it because it directly assists the president
Who gives a shit what Pitú's official stance is. It's our drink now, now matter how they feel about it.
Zachary Wright
Olavo is legit, especially on the whole discussion against globalism that he raised far far before it became popular, that is, pointing out decades ago how all these "neoliberal" policies of free trade and open borders are simply converging into a highly interventionist/socialist world government, so they can't truly be said to be economically liberal at all.
great work. have read some of it. pretty based and a good start for philosophy, as any other stoic
Cameron Gutierrez
No. You guys are idiots. This is our Matt Furie like said. Pitú is ours, cry me a fucking river if they don't like it. It's the new symbol of the alt right.
Se quer mesmo levar essa merda adiante tem que diversificar, mermão. Faz um vídeo mostrando o estado das instalações onde esses maconheiros tem ''aula'', aproveita e mete aquele antes e depois da federal.
They don't get forced to do that. People just think we are all a nation of mutts and/or see no reason to marry their own race. Wich is why i oppose miscigenationalism (Wich is NOT the same as civnat btw).
Nicholas Jenkins
I think people are being naive. They are just going to use oranges to pump in money from their caixa 2 reserves and pay it up "legally".
Posting Olavo memes >Pepsi fetus >petroleum is not fossil fuel >if you didn't have traditional education you are faded to be retarded forever >disco music destroys your brain >half of people with university degrees in Brazil can't compreend texts >flat earth >smoking doesn't harm your health, but does the opposite >commies under my bed >jews are superior >everyone who disagrees with me is either dumb, nazi or communist
Its not like people care about what happens to the american people either. "just a bunch of fat hicks", not even your government works for you anymore. Ya'll as irrelevant as us. Only useful to be recruited to fight for the jews.
Logan Perez
this took longer than I expected to make the era of the Velho Barreiro is starting
ye there even are globo.com links, this ain't that new bhai
Jayden Sullivan
Jow Forums is not for you, civic nationalists and kike lovers you should go to reddit or something like that, your discussion is not even considered politically incorrect and won't be censored anywhere