What the FUCK is Macron's problem?

I thought he was supposed to be some savior, and turns out nobody likes him. 26% approval? WTF?


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lowest of any french pm in history btw

Literally Hollande 2.0

Well probably a little less than half Whites hate him, and lots of non-Whites view him as a bigoted, hateful, imperial White man.

Remember when he tried to shake Trump's hand way too hard for no reason? And why he married his grandma?

u retards know that the French hate everyone right

doubt it

I thought Hollande had 8% approval by the end.

He's a damn globalist, that this article pour example


Wrong, he is just a bad manager, bad at gestion. French people would never vote for a far right ,candidate not in a million years FR is quite far left lol.

This poll says otherwise, people are sick of this era of stagnation.

Yeah so the French are never happy those approval rates are normal in FR, France is the least European country to go far right, no matter how much they hate centre-leftists they would keep on voting for them.

Please let the right in France gain some strength. We need you.

As if I'm going to take European political advice from a dirty Mexican

If France go far right, it would be a total disappointment , the country proud of Liberal values , probably the brain of western liberalism , not going to fall for the shitty authoritarian fascist low iq far right.

Imagine if Trump took a picture with 2 rednecks and all three of them gave the middle finger.

That still wouldn't be as bad as this.

The most despicable part is Macron knows what he's doing.

Attached: 8ptdei9_emmanuel-macron-middle-finger_625x300_01_October_18.jpg (650x400, 34K)

So you are worse than any SJWs you are playing this identity politics even on ideas.

They only elected him to stop Le Pen. Nobody actually likes him.

Seems like he hasn't done shit. For all his big talk he is literally a huge nothing just filling a desk

this is true progress

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they would need someone new, other then a le pen, to make that happen.

No, they're going to be a country of niggers and Arabs lol.
Such a leftist heaven France will be


Trump has a better approval rating!

checked, there are more and more stories of the youth waking up. Rejecting asphalt culture and shitting on corporations. For example in the region of la somme, some lycee students outright rejected some book because the writer isn't french. many many incidents like this.

>implying indentity politics is bad


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I dont want France to share in our fate user. You will be beyond 56% at your current pace

Not everything is about trump and mutt land
>>>/ptg/ stay in your containement thread

There are the monarchists which aren't too bad, and there is Henry de Lesquen.

>invokes muh identity politics

God, so whats the solution? do you think you can stop immigration ? LOL you want to stop all these airliners from making a profit , Good Luck. Also closing borders is suicide, you all ignore technology and trade.

I am sympathetic to a white ethnostate so you fuckers can live in peace but I see 2 problems How would you deal with authoritarianism and race purity.
How are you going to trade with the rest of the world , I assume many would try to close any diplomatic relations/

Yeah I know I shouldn't be throwing rocks in my glass house

free trade does not equal free movement of peoples
People come and go using airlines, it's by not letting them register as citizens thats how its gonna happen.

>How are you going to trade with the rest of the world
supply and demand, companies want to make money and the whites in the ethnostate have money, easy shit

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We can
>stop massive immigration
>end demoralizing propaganda and (((intellectual theories))) that are contributing to low white birth rates
>End the siphoning of the middle classes wealth by international trade exploitation.
Christ people act like if the west prioritizes its native population it will be the end of international trade.
This is so fucking retarded.
We dont need an autistic white ethnostate or to become isolationist racial purists to secure our futures and stop our complete demographic replacement.

Hasn't he done tax and regulatory reform?

>do you think you can stop immigration ? LOL you want to stop all these airliners from making a profit , Good Luck. Also closing borders is suicide, you all ignore technology and trade.
This is what leftists actually believe. Fascinating.

>hurr hurr theres no way to keep the economy alive if the whole world cant move to white countries and the only alternative is isolationist genocide

He's a gay negro dildo

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same as all the french

Full beta

this. when I was growing up, the French were always so protective of their culture. what the fuck happened? I've never even been to Paris but seeing whats happening to it break my heart.

imagine my shock

>Doesnt leave EU
>Brings migrants and debts
>Supports (((them)))
>Isnt Le Pen
Wew boy, who saw that coming?

You think Le Pen will win the next election?

Based Lega

France likes the socialist part of natsoc more. Le Pen may ride again.

I was there in 2008 and there were niggers galore. I cant even imagine now

I doubt it :/

France is lost, faggot. Quebec has a better chance of carrying on the Frank people than France

which forces the question of who is really running France


too many migrants voting for gibs now. France lost its last chance.

He has other things on his mind

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we tried to warn them

I heard someone say that france is now requiring teens to live in hostiles/forms for two weeks a year with "different" kinds of people. Is there any truth to this?

The sooner the whole country burns down, the better.

he's globalist goy slave, probably on the hook for pedophilia and embezzlement and has not real power otherwise him and anyone with a brain would get rid of the niggers and Muslims ruining civilization.

hes a cuck bitch, and French people are starting to get jelly at all the alpha nations that elected far right populists. the age of "men" like trudeau and macron are over


She did quite well outside of Paris and there was probably lots of fraud. Things will get worse and frogs will realize she was right.

>brain of western liberalism

If you mean progressivism when you said liberalism, then what ever, but if you meant like real liberalism then no fucking way that would be the UK and the US.

You mean just like today we all realize Hitler was right?
What good does that do?
Who the fuck cares, m8?

stupid phoneposter

The People of France are rejecting Zionism. Keep at it boys!

Attached: macron.jpg (1123x627, 115K)

all of our media, education, judicial system and politicians are controlled by or are jews.
get rid of that and wow look at how quickly white countries get their shit together

OH lookie buyers remorse ,how predictable.

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he's gay, he doesn't share his old granny

i'd fuck her right in the pooper

we just got CAQ

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this. the window is shifting and people are waking up to the harsh realities of the 3rd world
funny how flooding formerly nice white polite countries with subhuman trash turns the people into nazis
almost like this right wing movement is fostered by the same jews in charge of immigration....hmm

that's how our political system work, every 5 years we can choose who is going to fuck us in the ass for the years to come, cry about it and then choose another one to do it

Albertanon here
But I support Quebecois nationalism

just sad to see
the thought of all of these fucking leftist cunts thinking, in the last moment of their lives, as the nigger hordes are raping them and about to slice their throats, "goddamnit those right wing nazis were right all along" makes me happy. fuck em

Approval, presumably the rest of the population was either unsure or disapproved. Macron has 71% of the French dislike him.

>Quebecois nationalism

dead meme

We gotta get BERNIER

shoulda voted le pen

This photo is like a month old and I still don't understand the context

this. he's a literal fag

>Oh god our lives would end without elite muzzy suicide bomb technology and wakandan kangz giving us vibranium spaceships. The airlines would all go bankrupt without all the dirt poor shitskins invading your country.

- some spic.

Leafs are an embarrassment to North America. Worse than mexico. We need a wall.

2004 was pretty normal only saw moroccans

With your retarded double turn system, the establishment always win.
You need anti-establishment candidates to get more than 50% and to ally on second turn, which is probably never going to happen.

Versailles is still pretty nice

Mieux que QS...

I'll pay for it

ngl that is the first picture that's made abortion real for me