When will White people finally rise up against the kikes?

When will White people finally rise up against the kikes?

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were getting there

probably never, the greatest weakness of the white race is creating civilizations so comfy, so accepting, that no one wants to get off the couch and do anything about it. Action will only take place when no one can go to the store and get their milk and cookies anymore. And unfortunately the whites rage will be misdirected at their neighbors rather than their controllers.

November 7th 2018

spotted the shareblue glow in the dark
you are going to hang soon, get rdy to die

Also our pathological altruism where we have an innate desire to help others even at our own expense
White people hands down care about this planet and the well being of others more than any race

in about 10-15 years.
They are escalating their displacement and mongrelization. Blatantly doing so through the media to the point where white people will hear it enough and snap out of their slumber.
They are rushing because the solution movement is growing and they know they can't put open eyes back to sleep.
Just focus on waking up one individual at a time. 1 will wake 1, and they'll wake another, and so on.

>muh middle east
>posts a "levantines are white!" image

fuck off. you realize that the girl and the solidiers are like 1/1000, probably daughters of mail order brides.

this is very true, whites are too nice, which isnt a bad thing, but look where its gotten us.

24,000 children are raped and murdered in the USA every year.

Why should I care about 11 jews?

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dont you have some little boy with dads google history to attend to?

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I rest my case

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Bring it faggot


This. Hey, white race, solve your kike problem. Even my shithole country is corrupted with degeneracy, promiscuity by kikes who live half way across the world. Look. If this continues, I will personally come knocking at your door.

Who is the greater danger? 51% of the population that the other 49% of the population is enthralled by or 3% of the population that everyone dislikes?
>females get everything handed to them for free
>everywhere you look females are idolized
>because of females the labor force and wages are diluted
I can simply avoid jews if I don't like them.
But women are everywhere and everyone bends over backwards for them.

Who is the real power that enslaves men? The people that take money at the point of a gun or the people that at least loan out money albeit with interest?
>divorce courts
>males pay taxes, females take tax money
I don't have to take out a loan if I don't want to.
But if I don't pay taxes I'll be imprisoned (if the cops don't shoot me and my dog too).

Who is the real enemy within?
>single mothers raise monsters
>feminists are literally having people locked up for saying the wrong thing
I can criticize jews and people will call me names.
But if I criticize females? I'll never get laid and my genes die.

Who really induces degeneracy?
>women get sex without even trying
>women use sex to get anything they want
And men who aren't the cream of the crop get shit on. And guess what? Literally not everyone can be the cream of the crop-- it's a relative term, so by definition the vast majority of men have nothing to be loyal to or to work for or to honor or to love or respect. And without such things (i.e. a loyal wife and kids) men waste themselves. But how will you get such things when women don't care and can just be whores instead?

You people are fools wasting your time on jews.
If you really want to save the West then you should be putting your effort into getting women back into their place.

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Never. Most of us are too obese to rise.

Implying Palestinians are white you fucking aborigine

>wimminz are the real fighters in this world and have wasted their potential to cause change

I have the extreme luck of having the "pathological altruism" thing directed only toward fellow whites which means i can maintain healthy levels of empathy and agreeableness without being a libshit cuck. I can see a non-white being brutally murdered in the street and not feel the slightest bad about it. Also, liberals and normies can't "detect" my fascistic tendancies since they are mostly based on emotion meaning i can drop subtle redpills without being called out. Selective empathy they call it

Why not subjugate both desu~

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Why do all you dumbasses think the Jews run everything? They are about 1% of the population. There are more billionaires, who do actually run everything.

Theoretically, sure.
But in reality you sound like a nut to normies going on about what they consider to be conspiracy theories. Meanwhile, feminists and sjws and antifa are ripe targets that even normies dislike and thus could be used to actually get shit done vis-a-vis restoring the West.

Depends if the higher up masons realize how intense the deception and corruption has been of their systems.

I was raised by libshits, they don't mean wrong. Most of them just are too stupid, or don't care enough. There is too much to lose socially to see the truth. I'd hate to slaughter my fellow whites in another fucked "muh brother war"
This would legit be the best thing for the kikes.
>whites slaughter themselves over autistic bullshit and cleave away more swathes of their already dwindling population
I feel NOTHING for non whites though.
Especially africans, can't fucking stand even looking at them

>looks at flag
Nah, I think that's just a general Filipino thing. My aunt was born and raised there and she was a very good natured, devoted Catholic.

babbling about white genocide

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you mean Nov 6th, 2018.

i didn't know lauren simonsen was IDF, but i'm not surprised.

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>bunch of airhead stacies that you'll never meet and wouldn't have a chance with even if you did

>that pic
See, this is what I'm talking about.
It's women that are the real enemy within.

wow, powerful. goldberg definitely a jew name, right?

>probably never

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How much is 1% of your population? That's more than enough to control everything.

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>The whites' rage will be misdirected at their neighbors and at the jews rather than at the cunts that undermined and destroyed everything throughout history.
Fixed it for you.

>be Aryan, "Master race"
>be controlled by Jews, the lowest tier race.
Maybe you guys aren't as great as you think.