Trump Curse Strikes Again

Trump curse finally catches up with Alec Baldwin

Who's next?

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Doesn't count unless he's somehow rendered a quadriplegic or found dead with a dildo in his ass

Guy is going to piss off the wrong person someday.

It looks like he was punched back or almost.
Check out that skinny cuck's fist in a bottom left corner.

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bahahahaha what a cuck.

Why can't this happen somewhere where this talentless faggot can be properly shot? Fucking dick needs to be castled...


The entire Democrat party, including the media.

Ahhh Mr Baldwin

Ive noticed your advertisements in NZ for "Gem Finance", a firm that charges very high interest rates on loans to normies. If only the south park portrayal was real.

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This is the gayest fight I've ever seen.

Lol which one of those fat fucks is supposed to be the skinny one

Trump would punch a guy like a man, but his doctor says his feet hurt too much.

Here's the message he left is 12 year old daughter back in 2007 lmao I almost forgot about this. This guy is a fucking unhinged.

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well he just did two rallies so he's allowed to be tired at his age

For sure, he is a boomer.
Why isn't he being president?
Was he too old for Vietnam? His feet hurt too much to fight communism.

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>the bulge in Alec's shorts
I hate being a fag

If he's a dentist why does he have a stethoscope?

Whose parking spots? OUR PARKING SPOTS!!!!!!!!1! Stupid Drumphkins btfo once again! BLUE WAVE!

This is old. He attacks paparazzi all the time.

paparazzi stalking alec baldwin and instigated an altercation, or a unhinged cuckoo looney leftist actor?

both are true but the paparazzi prolly deserved it

Step 1: buy pen style spy cam and attach to shirt to record stuff
Step 2: drive around hollyweird taking celebrities’ parking spots and being a dick albeit legally.
Step 3: take a punch, see a doc, complain of pain, etc
Step 4: Sue - Eat her out
Step 5: Profit?!

>take that Arrec Barrwin you fuckin cocksucker
>who's raffing now?

In twitter, he's basically saying that this is all a fake news. what a cunt

I wish he would punch me in the face. I would fold like a house of cards, and cry like a little bitch until I took as much money from him as I could. It would almost be as good as winning the lotto.

Why not?
t. doctor

Good lord does he have aids now? Look at his gaunt face.

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>Eat her out
wait wat

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>he didn't fight in Vietnam
based and redpilled

Who’s up for some fun?

Attached: 3BA4C4AB-FF90-4956-A770-C87985B6AEE5.jpg (4096x4096, 2.22M) Sue out

somebody should make a long list of historically acknowledged false flags / conspiracies, and then after a certain point, just end the list with "but after that, they mysteriously never happened again, humans stopped conspiring or using tricks to confuse their enemies. everything has been amazing since"

Soros and Ginsberg

Its a french name. No surprise this guy is an ass.

Only feelings were hurt in this picture.

anons, if ever you feel insufficiently effay, just look at the socks in this picture, and know you're likely doing better.


I was fixed on the velcro shoes

Those kikes need to croak.

it's his wallet you fucking degenerate


Thats exactly how Ive imagined new york

>babbys first shit post

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He would be too scared to hit most men who werent as pathetic as he

Never change

Why would you? Never in my life has my dentist listened to my heartbeat. Inb4 just in case ...

Well just in case he should have something to check my ears, eyes, maybe scale to weigh me, blood presssure ...

Was the victim a Nazi?

It was over a parking spot, so probably no pics or video.

I guess a dentist could specialize in oral surgery. I've been put out to get my wisdom teeth removed, that needs a bit of monitoring.

His evil Hollywood agenda aside, the divorce courts are a motherfucker and I feel for him in this instance.

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>finally catches up with Alec Baldwin
Doesn't that fucking maniac pull this kind of shit monthly and just pay it off though?

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