It's going to happen again, isn't it?

It's going to happen again, isn't it?

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yes it is...the ride tide is awakening
the left has learned nothing from 2016

Yes it is. Prepare to watch mobs of morons riot and loot as they burn cities down protesting the Nazi GOP who common sense voters chose over them yet again.

It's pretty hilafious how Jow Forums has completely misinterpreted the 2016 election.
At the presidential level, democrats got more votes.
At the senate level, Democrats picked up seats.
At the house level, democrats picked up seats.
What saved Trump was the fact that the United States is a Republic and that both him and his opponent were both (key word: both) extremely unpopular. Well, now there's just Trump.
Go ahead and say this is the same as last election, but the political climate is different. Pic related is the PA senate race polls for 2016 compared with 2018. Were republicans underrepresented? Yes. By a few points. But the under representation would have to literally 5x larger for the same effect to occur this time. Only an idiot would look at the data available and suggest this is the same as last time.

Going into election day, Trump had a roughly 1 in 4 chance to win the presidency based on data. Now, republicans have an even lesser 1 in 7 chance of keeping the house. This would be a bigger upset than 2016 if the GOP pulled this off. We will see. I know republicans are up in early voting so it'a possible. Hoping for the best.

forgot pic related.

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Comey isn't going to open an investigation a week before midterms. So, no.

I already did.
Here's my ballot.

But I'm being realistic.

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whats hilarious is the fact that democrats think america will function properly when its minority white :)

Hey I'm related to one of the people on the ballot.

I remember seeing this ballot when I collected it. It was thrown in the trash.

We will triumph again.

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Comparing prior election to one vs. a popular incumbent. You're a retard.

So what are you even trying to say?
Are you admitting Casey will win?
Then you're admitting I'm right and PA will go blue this time. Ok then.

And picking up seats doesn't matter, GOP was at at a very high level due to the 2010 curb stomping. Holding the legislature is always an accomplishment.

No I'm not, that's just one senate race. Beating incumbent Senators is hard.

give me a rundown my good burger friends, what is midterm ? like a poll to see who has more support or an actual election where seats can be won and leadership can change?

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Rick Scott is the incumbent in FL and he's slated to lose...

Read through this and see almost every midterm the incumbent party loses seats


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I doubt it. They lied shamelessly the last time, but it was more a phycological tactic to delegitimize Trump and make him appear fringe.

I'm not sure it would make sense to lie in the same way this time, since it isn't focussed so much on a single personality.

But then again, I won't bet my life on it either. They may have some angle they are working. We know with 100% certainty now that they won't be fair and professional if it won't suit their interests.

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No he's not incumbent anything at the moment, are you literally retarded?

America has two chambers in the legislature, the house and the senate.

>The Senate
Every State, regardless of population size gets two senators. There are 50 states and therefore 100 senators. Senators serve for a term of 6 years. One third of the senators are up for election every two years. This year there are far more democrats on defense than republicans so odds are republicans will hold the senate, but by how much remains to be seen.

>The House
The house has 435 seats. Every state gets at least one and then depending on population size, some states get more. For example, California, the most populous state, gets 53 house seats. Montana only gets one because virtually nobody lives there. EVERY house seat goes up for re-election every two years

>The Presidency
The president is elected every four years. That means every other two years when the president isn't up for re-election all the house seats and a third of the senate seats are still up for re-election. This is called a mid-term election. So basically it's exactly the same as a presidential election, just without the president part.

Rick Scott was the governor of Florida, never a senator - he's not the incumbent.

your only example is a PA senate race that was never in contention? do you realize how stupid you are? does your rule of polls "would have to be (literally) 5x more off in their sampling" apply to the races where the candidates are neck and neck? no? so it only applies to one PA senate race that was never in contention? amazing observation kike. we'll find out very soon.

Last time they used a popular vote to determine a Presidential election.
That said, their credibility should be shot for not knowing the electoral college decides the Presidency, not the popular vote

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The example can be applied to most seats out there.
There is significantly more enthusiasm and polling advantage for dems than in 2016.
They were projected to win in 2016.
They are projected to win much more easily in 2018.

midterms = voting on all 435 house seats, 33 or 34 of the 100 senate seats, 36 state governorships, tons of local stuff like mayors, school boards, prosecutors, etc.
usually only a dozen or so real battles at federal level.

Beating incumbent anybody is hard. Barring recession, incumbents win, except the midterms following a presidential, where the party controlling the White House usually loses control of the House if not Congress.

Right now betting sites and pollsters and anyone else that understands political data science shows the GOP maintaining control of the Senate and the Dems gaining a slight majority in the House due to the confluence of the following
>a high number of toss-ups due to congressional retirements; i.e., no incumbent running
>rising healthcare costs is actually the #1 voter concern; the ruling party is usually punished over economic concerns; that being said, the GOP is looking good in any district where the #1 voter concern is immigration or public order

also to add on to this, Arizona and Georgia, traditionally RUBY RED states, are trending blue

>yes it is...the ride tide is awakening
>the left has learned nothing from 2016

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This idiot is wrong. Midterm election simply means the Congressional elections following the most recent Presidential election; i.e., in the middle of the President's four-year term, or midterm. Though there may be other electoral contests at the state or local level for dogcatcher or alderman during that time period, none of them have anything to do with the midterms.

roger that, cheers gents.


early voting DOES look good though so we will see

Going to come down to independents like me and I voted all Republican where applicable. God Bless America!

Only if you go and vote for it to happen.

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run Drumpfy!

it's the Mueller team!

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i love you please come back next week

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2/3rds of Independents are center/right-leaning the only reason Independents have been important in past elections is because dems/reps are generally really close together on the spectrum so they flip depending on the current platform/candidate. The the dems moving left actually moves them away from the majority or Independents and is going to kill them in the long run.

Wow, just like they predicted Hillary would win.

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people are trying to shit on you but you're 100% right.
everyone says that it was a blowout in 2016, it was electorally but it was incredibly close in the key swing states. PA trump only won by like 1%.
do not get complacent and vote. dems were complacent and that's why trump won, among other reasons.
if republicans keep the house, it will be wonderful... if republicans lose the house... it will really fucking suck the next 2 years.

Senate has 6 year terms
President has 4 year terms
House of Reps has 2 year terms

There is an election every year where some senators and some reps time is up in the middle of every presidents 4 years. (middle of their term)
Usually the incumbent president's party loses seats during the mid-term elections and it is harder for him to achieve his goals for his last two years.
Democrats usually show up strong for presidential elections, but no so much for the mid-term house/senate.
Republicans usually show up stronger for mid-terms.
Democrats are desperate to gain control of something to try and slow down the Trump train.
Media is shilling 24/7 to try to stop Trump.
Nov. 6th should be an interesting night.
Real opportunity if the democrats lose for tons of liberals to an hero themselves.

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This, the ignorant optimism I see is worrying, we CANNOT get all ignorant like the left became back in 2016

All I can tell you is, Every vote does count and you better get out and vote red, even in races I believe are safe republican wins like Texas and Arizona, we need to get out and vote.

You think Arizona is safe Red?

Yes. 80% of Arizonans have already voted and McSally has an insurmountable lead.
