I miss my ex

I miss my ex

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while she has sex

You miss her pussy and her blow jobs, stop playing the pussy here


Eat box, get pox

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Na. I’ve been with 6 other women since her, they arent scratching the itch. I think it’s her I miss.

I actually gave her HPV. Fun fact: dont sleep with spics, they all fucking have it. Fucking Latina ruining me and my Serbian princess before I even met her

Things happen get over it fren

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I don’t

because you don't have one

She just told me she doesn't miss you. I smacked her ass for you, brah


Ok Muhammad

What about her do you miss?

She doesn't miss you.

you don't miss her to the extent that you felt the need to make a post explicitly stating it. you'll find someone special again, I promise

It’s over. You miss the sex friendo. She’s not worth your time if she never loved you

She doesn’t miss you. Stop calling her. She’s busy.

i miss her too

I'm dicking your little whore right now. She just called me daddy and we're gonna get married and have a lot of kids.

>t. black man

I miss the good times, hanging with other people, watching comfy movies, doing puzzles and cooking together
I do not miss having to try and satisfy the anxious mess she turned into towards the end of our run
Damn anons it's so difficult to find a quality chick who doesn't have a bf already

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what if I miss my GF and didn't have sex with her?

That's because you are inferior to her needs. She needs a real man. Not some onions boy beta cuck. Trust me pal, she hasn't thought about you in a long time. The only thing she's thinking about right now is the best way to please me.

She sends you kisses. I just fucked her.

It's pretty insidious how many blacked-watching black-pilled antifa discord faggots are here at the moment

Just don't think about her or attempt to contact her, women like a chase and if you were good enough to get her, you can get someone else at least as good or better. Look for girls at meetups that match your interests. I met mine volunteering for the Trump campaign.

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This is a feminist/Jewish trick. Woman do not love the same way that men do, a man is free to have any woman he chooses as long as she isn’t married under God. You just have to make the woman feel safe and secure and acquire the means necessary for her “capture”. Remember Helen of Troy? A man is entitled to go to war in God’s name and use any means necessary. Whichever woman a man wants is the one he should pursue.


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Take the Bundypill, user. His girlfriend dumped him for being a loser with no prospects, so he started dressing like a Chad, going to law school, basically becoming exactly the kind of man she'd wanted him to be. Then he started talking to her again, she fell for him hard, even traveling to see him and get back together, at which point he stopped taking her calls, keeping busy nailing hot college floozies, Mormon girls, hitchhiking hippies, and that one middle schooler.

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I miss the other boards on Jow Forums....


I usually just do work and gym. Not many places to meet decent new people. I dont have any problem approaching them I just have a lack of options

I wish my ex would leave me alone

What is that user?

Lol you’re the one that assumes our comments are about race mixing you jewed out faggot.

I wish I had an ex

I cried for months and became an alcoholic over my ex. And I can say this, you will get over it if you want to.

It's nothing more than a biochemical addiction anyhow.

that sucks why don't you look into starting a political discussion to take your mind off of em?

I would offer you mine, but she already has a bf, yet doesn't leve me alone

>can't read psyop troll posts referencing blacks and black porn

Leaf education

So you gotta go do more stuff. Political meetups. Gaming meetups. Bars. Shooting ranges. Whatever.

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I was married over 15 years and don't miss my ex at all. I don't hate her or anything. I just don't miss her being around. She got pretty naggy toward the end, and I was already sick of fucking her by then.

I've not hugged a girl and I'm 24,AMA

Same OP, but why the fuck did you post this on Jow Forums?

Could be worse, you could be married.

Do you have a moustache?

I wish you luck and a cute gf who loves you for real

Rn yes, generally no

I dated this autistic neet shutin 20 year old r9k polack qt for awhile. She was cute and meme looking. Basically ever pol neets dream. Like those quirky YouTube meme girls that Jow Forums gets obsessed with and calls "our girl". She had some issues. And she didn't want to date. We held hands and kissed. Cuddled and slept in the same bed. That was the extent. Then I had to move on since she wouldn't date. Hurts Bros. I miss her quirky butt.

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Arranged marriage is my only hope

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You have a hope, you have a chance and you will do good

Me too

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Women that won't fuck are a waste of your time and resources.

Every girl I date lies in one way or another. Recently it's just been one stand after the other, and I'm sick of it. Sex feels so lonely now. I want to care for someone. I want someone who cares about me.

me too

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I know it's just the whole meme about "what if you could find a pure pol girl who looked like a angel who was also a neet shut in that you can save and own".

I hit myself with that one. And in ways it's actually true. She is and was an extremely rare girl. Won't find one like her again. But it want worth the difficulty and wouldn't work for me. Dating a girl now who serves me on her knees and I'm extremely happy about it. But I miss that autist still. Way she goes.

>Shooting ranges.
I've seen an unaccompanied female at a shooting range one time in my life

>both the exes I miss are working dead end jobs and are fucking ugly drug addicts
>I finally have a pretty good job and a solid 7 roman catholic gf who I will probably marry
I miss them only for the fact that I was unable to save them from themselves. Sometimes it makes me really sad to think about it.

Damn pajeet, a nigga really crying in the club rn

>crying for a used up pussy

Ok I was a bit depressed but who the fuck cries for a girl? That shit is only reserved for when your brother, father or mother dies.

I actually have nothing but hatred for my ex, wish I could bash her skull in before asking her why she cheated

Me too fren

Get a hooker from GB road you faggot, lots of cute muslim girls who give it up for cheap