>Jow Forums still thinks it's impossible for middle easterners to be white
>be this chick
>be almost fully middle eastern
>look whiter than most italians, greeks, anglos, spaniards, "white" americans, and 95% of Jow Forums

Jow Forumsacks eternally BTFO

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Looks like a semite to me.

reminder that this is 0.0001% of all sandniggers
make recessive genes dominant genes and mulattos cease to exist

It really does

oh fucking hell why the nose every were this not even a joke anymore

Explain, because according to pol, pale skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes means white

When they say white they mean European. The only people who think these "passing" "white" "people" are white is themselves and other subhumans.

it's all in the skull

some people are gung ho to find out they are 2% non-white, so they can distance themselves from the eeeevvvill whitey

So if she was from Northern Germany or Sweden or something, she would be magically white according to you? Makes white sound more like an honorary title rather than anything actually regarding phenotypes.