Reminder nordboys
Sorry, but even browns and blacks have a better chance than you..
Reminder nordboys
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Well a lot more women are dark than light skinned. I'm not sure what this proves, since we don't know the methodology.
>white men with darker features
sounds like white skin and dark hair/eyebrows/beard though.
imagine thinking nordics aren't loved
and like so
all the nordboys are sleeping now btw. it's 04:45 in the morning.
Jeez where do you live, user?.....oh wait
Theyre obviously talking about Mediterranean males, sure anglos with brown hair and a tan can make it
Yeah but meds are manlets so Nords still win.
Women would must rather be with a ugly 6'5" pale man then any 10/10 dark white man under 6'2" and thats a FACT
I think it is the case genetically that men in a population usually have darker hair and skin than women, which makes total sense. People think blonde/red hair and light skin are nice features on a women, but weird on a man. Even among black folks there's a clear preference for lighter skin on women, but light-skinned black guys look sorta' gay.
obviously reality is in line with your interpretation, user
I'm talking in the world. The blond guy there is a sattistical rarity. Even in the US muttly.