R/AsianMasculinity hate thread

I saw this posted somewhere on Jow Forums a few days ago, and checked it out. Jesus. How can a place on the internet be sadder than Jow Forums?

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The Asian man is the highest quality specimen, superior above all other forms of human life.

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See what I mean? Why have these faggots come here? They know that no women is attracted to Asian guys, so do they just have a lot of free time?

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A surprising amount of black girls like Asian guys.
But I went to check that Reddit and got sidetracked be asiansgonewild

>A surprising amount of black girls like Asian guys.
Don't remind me.

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Really? I mean, I'm fine with that. I don't much care for miscegenation between non whites, but it's pretty funny to think of a loud nigress and a skinny Asian beta.

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Top kek chang!

Like this?

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r/asianmasculinty is the exact equivalent of /pol

Difference is that asians can actually complain because they do have the cards stacked against them. Whites are highest in the pedestral. So there's really no fucking excuse to whine like a faggot.

Attached: white male asian female beta asian male.webm (320x180, 2.98M)

Attached: asian women want white dick.webm (320x180, 2.55M)

How is it possible that an adult males penis is too small to be seen from this position?

back to plebbit nigger faggot

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I needed that laugh holy shit this is sad

>highest quality

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where do types like this exist?

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You would like to see more dick, wouldn't you gayboy?

to be fair, considering their laws against genitalia, it's probably taped.

Kek. The meme about asian incels browsing Jow Forums was true, huh?
Are we really the most diverse board after all?

Its onions central. I infiltrated it in 2013. Ended up claiming my azn brother had come out and his boyfriend was an old white man. Got banned.

Infiltrate it for salt, if u can handle the scale of their delusion and pathetic bs. It is an actual echo chamber, pol stillmhas opposing groups and heavy banter.

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Imagine fighting all the natural lack of testoterone to gain the Greek Adonis body and still have down-syndrome eyes.. so sorry dude.

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Some truth here

Seeing a white guy with an asian chick causes eye rolling "wow what a loser" feelings

Seeing an asian guy with a white waifu cause high fiving "wow nicely done slant eye" feelings

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Imagine obsessing over genetics this much like a seed hunting cumdumpster with a desperate fuckhole

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This thread will be very entertaining

>We Asians had the past
Wait, what?
>and Whites hold the future
Once again, what?

please stop posting this uggo

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What if I'm an asian that has blown loads inside a bunch of white girls?

You mad jew?

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That one is fat and disgusting and Korean too...

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Just wait till I pour some gas on this fire and jump in while it's burning just for some heat

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Asian guys generally don't like black girls lol

Because he's Asian user, no bully.

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Fuck off nigger. We’re full.

Yes. For an attractive Korean, see Yoona. This type of behavior is very bad for white males.

You don't ask people to not bully you faggot

You tell them to stop, then if they don't

You fucking make them regret

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The only thing more pathetic than those asian redshit loser incels

Is the guy LARPing as one of them: you

I think it's inverted

Whites held the past and asians hold the future

Ffs we are talking on a weaboo imageboard because whites have nowhere left to run online

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this kills the r/asianmasculinity

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Checked and heiled.
Yeah, that was my point. I could actually somewhat understand the point about Asians having the past if she referred to the ancient times (China had been stronger than the west for a long time), but the future is definitely not white, at least if we don't do something about it.

its hilarious, why would you rage at it?

though it does reflect terribly on asians, and makes me feel bad for the sane ones.

Chink here. It's certainly true that a lot of the Americanized Asian girls will go after white guys, but I think you'd be pretty surprised at just how many white girls have yellow fever. I was friends with a handful of people in the biggest Asian frat at my uni, and long story short the demographic of girls at their parties was heavily skewed towards white, followed by pajeetettes (many of them from the pharmacy or premed program) and then finally Koreans/Chinese.

It's funny because even though we lose a lot of Asians, the fact that there were so many more white girls around more than made up for it.

are you retarded? more white women go for asian men than black men

Far from it for the USA given the land size.

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There's like at least a million Asian girls with that fake face tho

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We're full, he said.

She cute af

It is over.

Who is that?