So can we all agree that he was right?
So can we all agree that he was right?
Evan Edwards
Ryder Myers
More or less.
Camden Bennett
based ted was correct
Alexander Myers
whether we like it or not, yes
his methods were pretty horrific and unnecessary though
Austin Rogers
He sure got closer to the truth than most people, that's for sure
Kevin Morales
read his manifesto last week for the first time. were libshits really fucked in the head back then as they are now? and why the fuck did the WU not get nearly the reputation publicly as ted did?
Wyatt Anderson
Parker Green
How? He is still a household name and costs the government millions of dollars
Gabriel Morales
The unabomber
Elijah Ward
he sure did piss off alot of ivy league, wall street, and silicon valley jews, required viewing.