How much longer must we entertain this

How much longer must we entertain this...............

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I feel your pain. Soon user, soon. Hold fast and buck up. We have science and Papa Trump on our side :)

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Until de Lord comes

Communism fixes this

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Fuck you

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>"The Purge" but for faggots, pedophiles, feminists and trans people
I want this more than anything

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It ends up killing degeneracy by default because no one can eat. So everyone dies.

we're not entertaining them
they're entertaining us

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I bet he's a lesbian as well

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Every single male to female trans person I know in real life is a 'lesbian'. A man dressing up as a woman and who gets hard on for women. How funny.

>implying this is bad

the strongest would survive.

>gender stereotypes are bad
>to be a woman all I need is a dress and makeup

hot chica!

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Are they uglier than average and can't pass for shit? Those tend to be the "lesbians" who don't even have actual gender dysphoria, and are just man hating faggots.

>How much longer must we entertain this...............

>knowing trannys rl

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Yeah. We call them transmolesians.

Until you’ve reached peak DEMORALIZATION

>Like omg, you're so pretty& Brave

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Do they actually get sex that way? I hope not.

that's not Che Guevara you mong

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pretty sure that has already happened mate

So, OP, my question is:

Why do you seek out this kind of content? It's almost as if you enjoy it.

Yes, they are very ugly. And fat. And the ugliest fattest one is openly communist and doesn't want to work. He thinks people should be able to do anything they want and not have to work because the wealthy have enough money to redistribute to everyone to give everyone a workless life.

The Maori dont know what assholes are, they literally think women have double pussies

That's just Eddie Izard

Yes that is correct. I have a job and I have to go outside and interact with people. What a shock.

next 100 years fagit get ready for the blue wave

>and probably won't until I start
LOL, yeah, but you will TOTALLY pass after the HRT, just keep up the good work, brah

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Do they get sex?

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haha queer

I seriously think humanity is going to perish from this mind virus of modern leftism. It's worse than communism. Communism was merely economic. This takes the evil of communism and applies it to literally every facet of existence you can imagine. If you can dream up a victimization, people will believe you and call for 'justice'. Doesn't matter what it is, or how absurd it seems. And once you've dreamt up a new way to be a victim, retards will go scrambling to fill the vacuum you've created, claiming to be whatever it is that you made up.

I was just thinking today that you could write a convincing paper claiming that the winners of sporting events only succeed off of the backs of the losers. And that the losers put just as much work into the competition as the winners, yet are denied the glory of victory. And that the concept of 'winning' merely perpetuates warlike behavior in humans. It's just simulated conquest that needs to be outlawed. The losers of a sporting match are the real moral heroes. The unsung oppressed class. All it'd take is name dropping a few academics, a few buzz words, and some flowery language, and people would fucking believe every word of it, and scramble to be the poor unfortunate heroes who never won a sports game. They'd build their entire identities around it.

Do you gets the sex?

start putting iodine back into the food
supply and watch the tranny problem
go away. thyroid gland produces the
means for testosterone production.

take away iodine and trannies pop
up. they're not trannies, they're
hormone imbalanced and being
taken advantage of.

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I take testosterone. Needle myself once a week. Moved up from less than an 80 year old geezer to where I should be. Don’t do drugs: opiates destroy your testosterone production. But after getting clean, I froze my sperm and started taking t shots.

I think that has recently been done. People writing bullshit feminist papers with feminist buzzwords and cult concepts within. And the papers get accepted with peer review.

Kind of amazing right? Its almost like we had an accurate term for that a decade or two ago... British Comedy, but that was an act

Injecting it into yourself might cause different problems. You want a healthy amount, not shit tons.

This transgender crap is nothing but a trend. It will eventually die down. They have a high suicide rate & those artifical hormones can't be good for their bodies, so the tranny problem fixes itself.

Burn the coal, Pay the toll.

>It's a trend
No it is not. It's around to stay until we purge it.

It's already happening in schools where everybody gets a trophy, win or lose. When I used to play basketball, the timekeeper wouldn't add points if we were scoring too much, because the other kids might feel bad.


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I cant believe for years I actually believed being a tranny or a faggot was a "real" thing and people were actually born that way.

What a fucking lie, no one is born this way period, its the fucking sick faggot society we live in which makes people like this.

Its sick and inhuman is what it is.

>getting your medical data from infowars
Did you know that your body compensates an increase of testosterone with an increase in estrogen? Do you know why people who take steroids grow breasts and get small willies? No. Of course not. Because you're a fucking moron and don't deserve to inhabit a body you don't even understand.

>probably won't pass until hrt
you definitely wont pass even after it

It is being encouraged now in young kids. They are going to be the guinea pigs of the hormone blocker treatment.

Name one way in which these retards impact your life outside of seeing them and laughing at them on your computer screen.

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You gonna answer the question or just continue to post reaction images?

They impact my children while they are at school.

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the desire to be a woman comes from adoration of women coupled with feeling of inadequacy to deserve one as a man

they're simply a type of cuck

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after i hookup with one i feel a bit gay for a day or two

Besides raping actual lesbians? no, they don't.

this could happen to anyone

you wouldn't ask that question about black crime, like oh you've never been mugged and shot so it doesn't impact you

maybe not today but if the problem keeps getting worse it could happen to anyone. a friend, a relative, your wife's son, anybody

This is on the dot.

Not long if Trump is allowed to stay and GOP holds senate, not long.

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He'd like some CC? I'd be happy to oblige, .45, blow that stuble right off his face, with his face.

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Does anybody have that Calvin and Hobbes strip where Calvin is writing an essay and explains to Hobbes that as long as he puts a bunch of flowery advanced sounding words into sentences, he can make anything sound credible?

I've never even seen or met a tranny once in my 30 years of existence, at least not to my knowledge.

Again, this is an issue that's magnified by you guys on this board. You give them attention constantly and whine about things that barely have any impact, if any on your lives.

I honestly don't give a single fuck about trannies, if they want to cut off their dick, or create some weird skin penis thing from their leg skin, whatever, I just don't give a fuck. The only issues I have is that there are parents that encourage it, or look for signs in their children to make them believe that they're not the gender they were born as or w/e. That's fucked up, but if a person reaches adulthood / teenage years and they decide to go through with whatever the transition process, I literally just don't give a fuck. These people are an incredibly small portion of the population, like not even a 10th of a percent.

Yuck. You do this shit while young ffs.

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Maybe for some, but not for all.

I have seen many, and I have a few who I can call aquaintences. Your experiences are not what everyone else experiences.

I have no issues with trannies if they do their own thing and keep to themselves, but unfortunately there is a very vocal and reasonably powerful/influential group of people called LGBT activists who want to push their bullshit onto everyone else. It happens and it is happening.

Can someone explain the theory of transgenderism to me? Why has gender black face become socially acceptable?

isn't it a form of offensive stereotype where these trannies basically degrade womenhood to being just about "pink, makeup, dresses, and looking pretty"

what makes someone a man or woman anyways? how are they supposed to know that they are "women trapped in a man's body" when they have only ever experienced their life as how they are?

I feel like a whole lot of it is just over thinking their personality?

One thing I have noticed is that a lot of them seem to be "lesbians trapped in a male body". that's the biggest red flag for me since it always felt like they were failed men who because they couldn't get their dream girl in life, they decided to become her. some real serial killer type shit.

it's like they think switching over will make life easier because there would be less pressure and expectations of being "manly/masculine"

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i honestly want a scientific answer to why men actually do this shit with thinking they want to be women. what changes in their brains that make them do this to themselves?

The short answer is Jews. Look at Weimer Berlin for all your answers on how and why.

>mfw people can't cycle their roids or even TRT properly

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From my understanding its a taboo fetish.

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>know I don't pass, still would like some cc
Maybe shave the five o'clock shadow? I mean I'm not an expert but that seems like one of the first places to start. These people don't even put effort into their mental illness.

That's why you take HGH my man
Quality stuff usually runs you 1000 bucks tho

In the western world there is 0 iodine deficiency I guarantee you....shit has happened int he West for well over 100 years.

You dont see Cretinism or Goiters running around.

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dat smokey eye tho

>How much longer

until it starts, says right on the picture

You don't have to entertain it, regardless. Tell them they're males. Simply ask them, "will you be able to produce a child if I shoot my semen inside your axe wound?" That will shut them up.

A reminder that gender fluidity wasn invented by a pedophile apologist and hack psychologist John Money, who was tasked with overseeing the case of one David Reimer, who got his penis ciritcally damaged during a circumcision.

> Money persuaded the baby's parents that sex reassignment surgery would be in Reimer's best interest. At the age of 22 months, Reimer underwent an orchidectomy, in which his testicles were surgically removed. He was reassigned to be raised as female and given the name Brenda. Money further recommended hormone treatment to which the parents agreed. Money then recommended a surgical procedure to create an artificial vagina, which the parents refused. Money published a number of papers reporting the reassignment as successful.

>For several years, Money reported on Reimer's progress as the "John/Joan case", describing apparently successful female gender development and using this case to support the feasibility of sex reassignment and surgical reconstruction even in non-intersex cases. Notes by a former student at Money's laboratory state that, during the yearly follow-up visits, Reimer's parents routinely lied to staff about the success of the procedure. Reimer's twin brother, Brian, later developed schizophrenia.

>On July 1, 2002,[17] Brian was found dead from an overdose of antidepressants. On May 4, 2004, after suffering years of severe depression, financial instability, and marital troubles,[18] David committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a sawed-off shotgun at the age of 38. Reimer's parents have stated that Money's methodology was responsible for the deaths of both of their sons.[19]

That’s because they’re not trans. Their kink is becoming a woman.

Brother, what have you done to yourself?

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One Death squad with Diplomatic Immunity per Major City/Blue state in the USA will sort this shit out nice and quick

We share a society.

dude idk about you but they're all over university campuses and major cities

Can someone please explain why Jow Forums is full of trap-cissy/faggot/dick rate et-fucking cetera threads? Are most guys turning gay now or what?

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kill that disgusting freak

directionless surplus males fall into behaviour sinks and try to become someone ..anyone other than themselves.

Shaming bullies who stuffed these fucking freaks in lockers was a bad idea. World needs that check and balance to stay within the norms.

whats their endgame though. they'll never "pass" even with hrt and """""""""confirmation"""""""""""

they'll never be what they want.

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eh poor thing

i would suggest them to avoid that lipstick, they have to make their lips look fuller, not thinner and tbhon with a face like that lips shouldn't be made very prominent, i would use a much paler color or avoid at all except maybe some contouring around lips with a corrector to make them look fuller. the brows and the eyes and even the blush are overdone too... some foundation, a bit of mascara would be better imo

also hrt isn't a magic drug, it won't do that much in this case...

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nigger what, where are you from?
even in my shithole there are tons of them, I'm sure your conservative social circle has a few of them

Okay so you want to be a woman? You've started the hormones but know you still don't look anything like a woman. Is it really that hard to just keep dressing like a dude until you don't completely look like a guy in drag?

I'm a MtF tranny. Only into guys

i don't think i ever seen one irl in russia exept myself ofc but i am boymoding so people probably just think i am either a fag or girly looking guy... seen some in thailand tho

well younger trannies seem to prefer it but the older ones probably sometimes crack harder
also in some countries if they want to get drugs legit way they may be forced to wear a dress for a while before getting hrt, a tranny better should have little respect to authorities...

The not so obvious ones need to identify themselves somehow. Apocalypse soon. All will be revealed.

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I thought Russia didn't tolerate this kind of degeneracy