ITT: female politicians you’d fuck

ITT: female politicians you’d fuck

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necrophilia is degenerate, you silly nigger.

I would just for the power trip. I mean I’d most likely remain flaccid throughout the entire ordeal, but, just knowing that beneath me is one of the most powerful people in the country in her most vulnerable... plus i know you fags would want me to press down on her neck but I wouldn’t. Because for that tiny moment I wield the power. I got to have that. Not you.

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She's a kinky one.

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wtf i didn't post that pic

Mayor of Reno, NV

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She's a Hungarian right-wing MP (Dóra Dúró). She's ugly af btw. She also sounds uneducated despite a college degree. But she has 3 kids. That's the only plus I can mention.

Btw, her husband is a total beta fag, but larps as nationalist.

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>Looks like a has-been porn star

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all betafags larp as whatever ideology is in power where they are, thats why they are betafags

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Anyone have that webm of Matteo Renzi trying to speak English at a conference? There's a woman next to him who looks like she should be in a Renaissance painting.

Most of them are trannies.

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No ones posted Mummy?

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Pelosi and Feinstein, together... get some of that GMILF action!

the eternal mutt at it again

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> Secretary of Equality between the women and the men
WTF France, what kinda cuckery is this?

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P.S I would still totally fuck her tho, you can tell she's one of those filthy french girls that like unprotected anal

winner thusfar

Is that the Babadook? Why are French women hideous?

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You got me with this one you bastard.

She may be a commie but she has one of the finest faces I've seen

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How the fuck are Palin's tits perkier than Fey's? Does Fay's plastic surgeon from Kenya?
No offense Kenya niggers y'all are cool

chrystia thicc af

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I want her to force her feet in my mouth


Does she know how meme'd she is?

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>female politicians you’d fuck

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came here just for this. expected it first post. wtf.

>there will never be a qt trap politician idol

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Tranny Trump = Divine

My boy Janusz Korwin-Mikke slays the bitches

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We had the worlds first transgender politician.


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glub glub

That cute mouthy spic

Once the darling of Jow Forums

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she was hot back then

Minister of Labour Greece

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this is a cute kike and i remember her being super nationalistic and i think even anti-nigger

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absolute madman

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she is too pure for this thread

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user I.....

>wanting to fuck your mum
Sick cunt alright.

when she was younger yeah sure

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I'd fuck her my failed presidential campaign, if you know what I mean.

protip: all of them are like that


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I can smell her stink from here

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Quit lying to yourselves. You wish you could suck on those, just admit it.

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Stop promoting yourself Ruth

Who is this tooth paste?

t-that’s lewd user

Who? Those globes are heavenly

I thought I was the only one.

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Right in the pussy.

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The Croatian president

Plain is mommy-tier

my wife of course

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Good ole Kevin07

Well, Donald Trump obviously - because he is a big girl.

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This hue hue mommy!

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What did she mean by that ?

Man shall not lie with Demon

wtf is this, that shit is so rude
like, maybe there's some context that I'm not getting but
can't the kid wait till after you're finished public speaking to suck your tit?
Couldn't you have done that before the event you obviously had to have known was going to happen and could have prepared so as not to have your fucking milk jug titty hangin out with an infant swingin from it while you trying to do something presumably important?
like wtf have you no shame?

>that slight fupa

Someone's been stress eating!

Anyone got any RAID for this repulsive roach? Yuck!


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Virtue signalling

Yah I agree, I just wanted to show her tit. It's already obnoxious enough to do that shit in public. The worst is when you see women doing it at mall concessions or some shit cause you know there is a restroom (that most likely has a changing station or something of the like) within 2 minutes of walking distance.

I don't think so.

I'd have her whisper "We need more Refugees"
and "Death to white male ethnic Germans" in my ear.

That gets makes me horny.

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When you stop being an incel faggot and have your own kids you'll feel differently. 90% of changing stations are disgustingly dirty and not fit for even niggers. There's nothing more natural than a tit in a baby's mouth and it's not like you can see anything anyway except the baby's head. Do you get offended when you go swimming?

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No it isn't you fake news cunt. That's ice t's wife

Alessandra Mussolini

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With a baseball bat.

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She's a Kike.

Man I'd burn orphanage just to smell Girgia Meloni from Italian right wing party. She is my dream mistress.

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She's too perfect for this world.

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Maria Elena Boschi. Left wing whore.