Sexy girls who are redpilled are the best

holihurricane on chaturbate.

She's going off on Obama right now. Is she /ourgirl/?

How do we make her boobs work for our message?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at 2.10.32 AM.png (781x485, 534K)

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reminder to use a certain posting option to reply to this post
fuck off, whores are by no means 'redpilled'
It's a marketing technique


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looks jewish

No thanks

Ah yes a camwhore is truly based and redpilled. Hail kek fellow anons!

That's a tranny, isn't it?


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OP is a Jew the lurks for webcam girls

kek, even girls donning a maga hat are attentions seeking whores if they are on a cam site.

Attached: abu-barron-al-amriki.jpg (894x894, 179K)