>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Jow Forums. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
What a shame that I don't have the Tayanon on Jow Forums copypasta.
Jack Scott
they will, brother, along with other degenerates. traps, fags, kikes, dikes and other assorted lower life forms! and I have to go to market, so I hope some Krauts turn up and keep the thread going
am sure you are grabbing your mouse like if its a bulge dumb hypocrite
Evan Barnes
have you seen the new lauren sluthers movie? she is soooo brave, like a right wing tomb raider, strong waman are going to save us, jesus fuck - what a great relief
yeah, not only bulgarians, for a while the slut was the whore of moria, in thousand years they will sings songs about the blond canadian whore of moria, and how she fucked all the niggers and monkeys over and over and over again just to make them to tired to move to europe, she is a brave girl - such a brave girl - a true hero
Carson Price
So anyway, what's the story this time? She LARPs with criminal fuckup Bulgarians or what lol
Wyatt White
upvote if you like sauerkraut
Xavier Cook
Ja Heil, mein Kamerad Sumpfdeutscher!
Xavier Martinez
idk desu, just saw the teaser on jewtube, looks like she did a tour through europes nigger hot spots, infiltrated some (((NGOs))) and ran with some rwds. actually thats not even bad, if only she wasnt an attention seeking leaf whore, subtile screeching memememememe all the time
Josiah Roberts
burgoiuse criminal by being a untermensch
Austin Moore
Guten morgen, Duitse vriend!
Why am I a hypocrite? I don't even have anything against Tayanon, it's just funny to annoy or meme her a little. Are you a whiteknight or something? Also, drop that memeflag, faggot.
And? You should've yelled at her with a loud "Buuuhhh!" or "Unmuuut!".
Jose Thompson
How's the situation in the Lowlands? Are your guys doing anything against that UN migration pact?
Colton Russell
>UN migration pact OOOH SCARY
Alexander Barnes
Sadly, no.
Adam Scott
Well, at least some countries seem to be opting out. Have you heard about all the Dutch farmers that come to Germany?
Landon Moore
>at least some countries seem to be opting out >opting out Do you even understand the topic lol
Benjamin Long
I'm thinking about learning German,not that I want to live in Germany but for fun/hobby. I don't understand why do so many people hate the language it's cool as fuck.
There's also tons of Germans around here now,I kinda like the way they talk.
Blake Barnes
>Have you heard about all the Dutch farmers that come to Germany? No, I have not. What's the cause?
Learning a language for hobby is fun, I agree. I'm interested in learning Latin and/or Russian but I can't seem to find a consistent way to learn it, sadly. I speak German which is my native language and I learned Dutch fluently in just a year after I moved here. I was was always very good in English too. But as I'm straying from the point. I highly recommend everyone learning another language as they can even prove themselves useful and it's fun.
Samuel Sullivan
There is quite an influx for a couple years of Dutch farmers who are leaving the Netherlands (especially coastal areas) and takeover farms in Germany that don't find any successors.
Dominic Gonzalez
Here is the Björn Höcke Rede from yesterday in Bottrop. I attended there at it was pretty nice.
look at this they already prepare for her complete stepdown by spreading profit news like this shes done for
Cameron Sullivan
Checkd very nice.
Joseph Flores
Learning new languages are great. I only speak 3(portuguese, Spanish and English) but I really feel like start picking up German. I think a lot of people feel intimidated by the language and it well be a lot of work to learn but I find it really cool. Good on you for learning russian,I wish you good luck.
And you do it here in my country. What is important, land is maintained and cultivated. I don!t mind german farmers here, the wörk and somehow they have right to do it (Sudeten). I'm saying that even though this opinion is considered almost a treason in Czech republic.
>"who solved the migration crisis? id wad gondula murgul :DDDD" >the debate about the alignment of the EVP continues >"orban has to support the party's values" alexander stubb demands >he wants to become eu commission president, he defends merkel
maybe, but the most frustrating thing is that they say >try again when doing 5 captchas correctly in a row
Carter Adams
Hey loser Germans, winner German here to tell you to go nuke yourself if you don't include me the next fun time. NVM I'll do it for you, also stop being such a loser.
Hunter Brown
Fuck off chink eyes.
Reset your ip from time to time if you post a lot. That helps with the captchas.
You should update that meme with german Wojak in the middle, unable to get away from bantz. And may the Lord have mercy upon our souls, if that homofaggot appears. It's disgusting.
>And then revealed himself as a faggot, shameful day it was!
Wow, indeed.
Dylan Cook
>your people have a problem >deny the existence of your people >problem doesnt exist anymore >hurray, now gibs me a comfy pension
she has to hang!
Luis Clark
Definitely. But trial for high treason first, so everyone in Germany (and whole world) sees, how she fucked up and what a powermonger she was. Officialy, with all that pressure of public trial. Shame her, so her name will be tarnished for the years to come.
Cameron Reed
Well you gotta hate some of your neighbours, right? And hating solvaks is kinda iffy when they just left your state to be their own little slavhive
Jaxson Lee
there, but at this time the whole shebang becomes too overcrowded and unwieldy. so I probably won't do anything like that in the future
Nah, I don't hate my neighbours ^_^ I just see as a mistake, that we expelled german people from Sudeten. They had ties to land, were skilled craftsmen and Bauern, also lot of people with technical education (engineers etc.). Not mentioning they'd create huge opposition against commies. But it's only banter of minority voice, this opinion is highly unpopular in my country.
But you depicted harsh reality of Kraut/pol/, it's not even meme at this point :DDD
James Thompson
if this keeps up, it will end up looking like Matejko's Grünwald :DDD I should add you, Luzicki Srb, Tay and a myriad of others. probably should do it in oil on canvas :DDDD
kek based Eestibro Fuck i love shitting up these threads so much, germanic race must suffer for destruction of Baltic Prussians! youtube.com/watch?v=fwtwpRltHSg
Your army has been cut off, you have no where to go, its a battle is imediat! ITS GONNA BE LIKE BATLE OF SAULE! GET YOUR ANUS READY! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Saule