Why the pattern?

Pretty much every white genocide ad portrays a black dude with a white chick, but why not the other way around?
Somewhow this angers me more than if it was a white dude with a black chick

Attached: 1_ZcC4R_pHi0vhjcX--42D5A.jpg (1200x600, 158K)

>that girl is only 13 years old

Shits fucked bro. More we discuss it the better

Attached: 1521796593555-pol.png (600x527, 280K)

I see the other way around more often on us tv

>Somewhow this angers me more than if it was a white dude with a black chick
that's because your problem is insecurity about yourself as a male

it is nothing to do with genetics

how do you know?

1) Satan hates white men more than white women so wants to demoralize white men because we are made in the image of God.

2) Women are more easily led and deceived so they are targetted with propaganda the most.

Attached: God is good.png (984x555, 31K)

There is no white genocide. White women just love black men. Corporations know this and use black male white female pairings to appeal to white female fantasies

Women, like children, are way more influenced by social norms and advertising.

>white genocide ad
>white genocide

Attached: htph.gif (300x375, 148K)