Any other BASED and WHITEPILLED Democrats here voting blue down the ticket?

Any other BASED and WHITEPILLED Democrats here voting blue down the ticket?

I just voted for Beto and blue down the ticket.

Feels great!

Attached: 5893d8e489550.image.jpg (1200x1200, 53K)

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Totally. We can't let Trump get the nuclear codes. Vote straight queer!

Hillary is the real president!

yes unironically

Fucking Americans. Even liberals are Americanized, too.

I just voted Ted Cruz and so did my whole fucking state your alone faggot.


Yup, accelerationism is the only way to free ourselves from Zionist control. You hasbara kikes will understand soon enough..

>Ted Cruz

A year ago you dumb Republican idiots were saying he's the anti-Christ.

Grow some balls you asshole.

Violent spics are going to chop your family up.

>Watches Faux News aka Trumps propaganda channel 24/7

Yeah ok, whitey.

Voted independent in 2016
Voting independent these mid terms too. I can't bring myself to actually vote for R's but will continue to vote indie and give them the upper hand until the Dems stop being lunatics who's prime concern is forcing an Marxist regime of 'progression' , importing thousands of undoumented unskilled workers, and generally failing to prioritize issues and values that are actually liberal.

Haha, this always triggers you fags.

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Go back to T_D you dumbass.

How much does Trump pay these guys to show up at his rallies?


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T_D doesn't want me because of my hatred of jews and shitskins and how I promote genocide of anything that isn't white. Why don't you fuck off instead, niggerlover.

Attached: Rabbi Meiselman.jpg (438x619, 79K)

> down the ticket
> skateboard
> we so cool


>hatred of jews
You're gonna get a heart attack or an anal polyps the way you're going with hate.

So than why should we elect Rafael "The Spic" Cruz as our senator?

Attached: rafael cruz.jpg (1480x833, 76K)

imagine being YOU, a filthy no-good mutt/nigger/jew-lover, telling one of our brothers here to "go back" to a place that literally loves the same filthy people as you.

Hating jews for what they do and have done without reprocussions in all our lifetime is completely normal. Not hating jews for those acts shows the lack of intellect and the degenerated ability to project your own agency. Instead you are a mental slave and will act only in accordance to your slave master.

Here is to me hoping for a massive civil war + invasion of your filthy country. The only good yanks are the ones who are jew-wise and that minority is so small that its borderline irrelevant.
You are pic related, you just dont know it, something that makes it even more funny.

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Yeah, he was also born in Canada...

What are you talking about? Cruz did great in the Texas presidential primary

Why would Texans vote for "liar" Ted Cruz when he was born in Canada, lived there for 4 years-and remained a Canadian citizen until recently

Attached: NPC Trump.png (463x476, 43K)

lol voting as if it were reality and counted to anything, schmucks.

Vote zodiac or gtfo


Who do you support?

Attached: Steve King Betrayed.png (813x968, 539K)

Jews literally cannot stop sucking cock.

It's raining, dont lie faggot, you didnt vote jack shit.

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needs horns and the stars should be inverted

But Republicans already have inverted stars and that might confuse people to the DEMONRAT's political affiliation.

Attached: ckecc0ldx2zx.jpg (611x960, 73K)

Turn the rat upside down then like it was possesed and crawling on the ceiling.

make the stars keep facing up


Attached: 9Dpq.gif (400x400, 1.97M)

Keep canvassing, baby! One vote is not enough.

You blew something and forgot to vote, troll.