Nazi have existed for 3200 years

You have been lied to and humanity has forgotten

Nazis have existed for 3200 years.

They began with biblical oaths.

Naassenes (essenns)

Nazi is not just a word in english. It is a word in Yiddish ( a curse word and a pun) and a word in Hebrew as well.

Jesus Christ was a Nazi

Attached: swazirelax.jpg (600x625, 103K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Show flag, I bet you're a dumb as fuck murican

>Jesus Christ was a Nazi
The absolute state of Christians lmao.

Fuck off kike.

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Show flag, edgy underage white male virgin

Adolf Hitler was the second coming of Christ and jews killed him AGAIN

Based and redpilled thread,

Attached: 1540605522918.jpg (618x741, 75K)

The absolute STATE of Christians

Attached: rZOaHhx.png (192x154, 56K)

To be Christian is to be Nazi

the essennes and nassenes are the true basis of christianity.

The enemy is not a jew or a zionist (though they are complicit, brainwashed slaves of tru evil) but Pharisee. The first Pope was a pharisee as well. Masons kept this secret alive for many years, but eventually the zog was allowed in the Masons and they became corrupt as well. Both of these organizations need to be righted, and cleansed in order to right the path of humanity to the stars.

There has been far more than one coming of Christ. Christ is just a title, as is to be 'ov Nazarene/Ov Nazirite' there have been thousands if not hundreds of thousands of the christened

We're gonna make a space-jesus empire. I want space crusade.

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