"Caravan off migrants filing class action lawsuit against Trump."

Press S to spit on America.

Attached: 0cfd2821b470bab6b5bf3ca87a3c7061--judge-milian-tv-judges.jpg (236x247, 10K)


Attached: d8s4a48s48.png (1541x832, 863K)

That’s s very jew thing to do

Either canada really is the worst country on this board or jews really like posing as canada

Moderators don't care about blatant antisemitism???!

Fuck off hat.

Press R to rake

Attached: raking-leaves-I-MAC_2404-450x300.jpg (450x300, 66K)

>Moderators don't care about blatant antisemitism???!

Moderators care about FREE SPEECH, shut your jew hole.

Anti Satanism you mean?

Attached: Jew is Satan.jpg (626x512, 94K)

They are a bunch of shitskin immigrants, they have infested Toronto like a Virus.