Hispanic immigration is not a problem

eventually they will become white like the italians did

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Guy who sold me my car yesterday was some kind of Gonzalez type but with no accent. Compared to recent imports and niggers he was white af, it’s true.

Many of them are straight up white. 100% Euro. But they will never identify as white because Democrats push the invented term latino too much.

Oh mein gott...

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t. actual mutts

how much is many, like 5%?

It is over.

Italians were always white.

The only white Mexicans are still in Mexico they are the ruling class descended from the Spanish. The immigrants to America are all Mestizos and Indio shitskins they are part mongoloid.

The young Italians that I see are assimilated into black and Latino culture and mixing with them much higher than other whites where I live in jew york

>Jow Forums wants to deport this

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